- <?php
- namespace p3k\XRay;
- class Fetcher {
- private $http;
- public function __construct($http) {
- $this->http = $http;
- }
- public function fetch($url, $opts=[]) {
- if($opts == false) $opts = [];
- if(isset($opts['timeout']))
- $this->http->set_timeout($opts['timeout']);
- if(isset($opts['max_redirects']))
- $this->http->set_max_redirects($opts['max_redirects']);
- // Attempt some basic URL validation
- $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
- if(!in_array($scheme, ['http','https'])) {
- return [
- 'error_code' => 400,
- 'error' => 'invalid_url',
- 'error_description' => 'Only http and https URLs are supported'
- ];
- }
- $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
- if(!$host) {
- return [
- 'error_code' => 400,
- 'error' => 'invalid_url',
- 'error_description' => 'The URL provided was not valid'
- ];
- }
- $url = normalize_url($url);
- $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
- // Check if this is a Twitter URL and use the API
- if(Formats\Twitter::matches_host($url)) {
- return $this->_fetch_tweet($url, $opts);
- }
- // Check if this is a Facebook URL and use the API
- if(Formats\Facebook::matches_host($url)) {
- return $this->_fetch_facebook($url, $opts);
- }
- // Transform the HTML GitHub URL into an GitHub API request and fetch the API response
- if(Formats\GitHub::matches_host($url)) {
- return $this->_fetch_github($url, $opts);
- }
- // Check if this is a Hackernews URL and use the API
- if(Formats\Hackernews::matches($url)) {
- return Formats\Hackernews::fetch($this->http, $url, $opts);
- }
- // All other URLs are fetched normally
- // Special-case appspot.com URLs to not follow redirects.
- // https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/php/urlfetch/
- if(!should_follow_redirects($url)) {
- $this->http->set_max_redirects(0);
- $this->http->set_transport(new \p3k\HTTP\Stream());
- } else {
- $this->http->set_transport(new \p3k\HTTP\Curl());
- }
- $headers = [];
- if(isset($opts['token']))
- $headers[] = 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $opts['token'];
- $result = $this->http->get($url, $headers);
- if($result['error']) {
- return [
- 'error' => $result['error'],
- 'error_description' => $result['error_description'],
- 'url' => $result['url'],
- 'code' => $result['code'],
- ];
- }
- if(trim($result['body']) == '') {
- if($result['code'] == 410) {
- // 410 Gone responses are valid and should not return an error
- return $this->respond($response, 200, [
- 'data' => [
- 'type' => 'unknown'
- ],
- 'url' => $result['url'],
- 'code' => $result['code']
- ]);
- }
- return [
- 'error' => 'no_content',
- 'error_description' => 'We did not get a response body when fetching the URL',
- 'url' => $result['url'],
- 'code' => $result['code']
- ];
- }
- // Check for HTTP 401/403
- if($result['code'] == 401) {
- return [
- 'error' => 'unauthorized',
- 'error_description' => 'The URL returned "HTTP 401 Unauthorized"',
- 'url' => $result['url'],
- 'code' => $result['code']
- ];
- }
- if($result['code'] == 403) {
- return [
- 'error' => 'forbidden',
- 'error_description' => 'The URL returned "HTTP 403 Forbidden"',
- 'url' => $result['url'],
- 'code' => $result['code']
- ];
- }
- // If the original URL had a fragment, include it in the final URL
- if(($fragment=parse_url($url, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT)) && !parse_url($result['url'], PHP_URL_FRAGMENT)) {
- $result['url'] .= '#'.$fragment;
- }
- return [
- 'url' => $result['url'],
- 'body' => $result['body'],
- 'code' => $result['code'],
- ];
- }
- private function _fetch_tweet($url, $opts) {
- $fields = ['twitter_api_key','twitter_api_secret','twitter_access_token','twitter_access_token_secret'];
- $creds = [];
- foreach($fields as $f) {
- if(isset($opts[$f]))
- $creds[$f] = $opts[$f];
- }
- if(count($creds) < 4) {
- return [
- 'error_code' => 400,
- 'error' => 'missing_parameters',
- 'error_description' => 'All 4 Twitter credentials must be included in the request'
- ];
- }
- return Formats\Twitter::fetch($url, $creds);
- }
- private function _fetch_facebook($url, $opts) {
- $fields = ['facebook_app_id','facebook_app_secret'];
- $creds = [];
- foreach($fields as $f) {
- if(isset($opts[$f]))
- $creds[$f] = $opts[$f];
- }
- if(count($creds) < 2) {
- return [
- 'error_code' => 400,
- 'error' => 'missing_parameters',
- 'error_description' => 'Both Facebook credentials must be included in the request'
- ];
- }
- // TODO: Question, should I do this like Twitter or like Github?
- return Formats\Facebook::fetch($url, $creds);
- }
- private function _fetch_github($url, $opts) {
- $fields = ['github_access_token'];
- $creds = [];
- foreach($fields as $f) {
- if(isset($opts[$f]))
- $creds[$f] = $opts[$f];
- }
- return Formats\GitHub::fetch($this->http, $url, $creds);
- }
- }