You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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class LibraryTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testInputIsParsedMf2Array()
$html = '<div class="h-entry"><p class="p-content p-name">Hello World</p><img src="/photo.jpg"></p></div>';
$mf2 = Mf2\parse($html, '');
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->process('', $mf2);
$this->assertEquals('Hello World', $data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('', $data['data']['photo'][0]);
public function testInputIsParsedMf2JSON()
$html = '<div class="h-entry"><p class="p-content p-name">Hello World</p><img src="/photo.jpg"></p></div>';
$mf2 = Mf2\parse($html, '');
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->process('', json_encode($mf2));
$this->assertEquals('Hello World', $data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('', $data['data']['photo'][0]);
public function testInputIsParsedMf2HCard()
$url = '';
$html = '<a class="h-card" href="">Barnaby Walters</a>';
$mf2 = Mf2\parse($html, $url);
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->process($url, $mf2);
$this->assertEquals('card', $data['data']['type']);
$this->assertEquals('Barnaby Walters', $data['data']['name']);
public function testNoHEntryMarkupMF2JSON()
$url = '';
$html = '<p><a href="">Target</a></p>';
$mf2 = Mf2\parse($html, $url);
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->process($url, $mf2);
$this->assertEquals('unknown', $data['data']['type']);
public function testNoHEntryMarkup()
$url = '';
$html = '<p><a href="">Target</a></p>';
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->parse($url, $html);
$this->assertEquals('unknown', $data['data']['type']);
public function testNoHEntryMarkupWithTarget()
$url = '';
$html = '<p><a href="">Target</a></p>';
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->parse($url, $html, ['target' => '']);
$this->assertEquals('unknown', $data['data']['type']);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('error', $data);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('html', $data);
public function testHandlesHCardWithoutURLProperty()
$url = '';
$html = '<p class="h-card">The Mythical URLless Person</p>';
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$data = $xray->parse($url, $html);
$this->assertEquals('card', $data['data']['type']);
// On pages where the h-card is the main data but lacks a URL property, it will be filled with the page URL.
$this->assertEquals($url, $data['data']['url']);
public function testDefaultOptionsAreUsed()
$url = '';
$html = '<p class="h-card">A Person</p>';
$defaultOptionsXRay = new p3k\XRay(['include_original' => true]);
$normalXRay = new p3k\XRay();
// Make sure that the options we’re testing with actually result in different values first.
$defaultOptionsXRay->parse($url, $html),
$normalXRay->parse($url, $html)
// Make sure that the options are applied in the same way as they would have been if passed to parse()
$defaultOptionsXRay->parse($url, $html),
$normalXRay->parse($url, $html, ['include_original' => true])
// Make sure that the options can be overridden (this doesn’t test on a property-by-property basis but should be good enough.)
$defaultOptionsXRay->parse($url, $html, ['include_original' => false]),
$normalXRay->parse($url, $html)
public function testDefaultOptionsAreUsedForFetching()
// LibraryTest::testDefaultOptionsAreUsed can only test that default options are merged and passed
// to the relevant format handler. To test that they’re additionally passed to the fetcher currently
// requires a network request to the twitter API for an auth error.
// A potential future improvement for this would be to make a new mock HTTP client object which
// accepts a callback, which gets passed the request it would send. We can then check that the
// request has the parameters we want without having to actually hit the network.
$url = '';
// Confirm the expected behaviour.
$xray = new p3k\XRay();
$result = $xray->parse($url);
$this->assertEquals('missing_parameters', $result['error']);
$xray = new p3k\XRay([
'twitter_api_key' => 'extremely real API credentials',
'twitter_api_secret' => 'extremely real API credentials',
'twitter_access_token' => 'extremely real API credentials',
'twitter_access_token_secret' => 'extremely real API credentials'
$result = $xray->parse($url);
$this->assertEquals('twitter_error', $result['error']);