456 lines
13 KiB

namespace XRay\Formats;
use HTMLPurifier, HTMLPurifier_Config;
class Mf2 {
public static function parse($mf2, $url, $http) {
if(count($mf2['items']) == 0)
return false;
// Check if the list of items is a bunch of h-entrys and return as a feed
// Unless this page's URL matches one of the entries, then treat it as a permalink
$hentrys = 0;
$lastSeenEntry = false;
foreach($mf2['items'] as $item) {
if(in_array('h-entry', $item['type']) || in_array('h-cite', $item['type'])) {
if(array_key_exists('url', $item['properties'])) {
$urls = $item['properties']['url'];
$urls = array_map('\normalize_url', $urls);
if(in_array($url, $urls)) {
return self::parseAsHEntry($mf2, $item, $http, $url);
$lastSeenEntry = $item;
// If there was more than one h-entry on the page, treat the whole page as a feed
if($hentrys > 1) {
return self::parseAsHFeed($mf2, $http);
// If the first item is an h-feed, parse as a feed
$first = $mf2['items'][0];
if(in_array('h-feed', $first['type'])) {
return self::parseAsHFeed($mf2, $http);
// Check each top-level h-card, and if there is one that matches this URL, the page is an h-card
foreach($mf2['items'] as $item) {
if(in_array('h-card', $item['type'])
and array_key_exists('url', $item['properties'])
) {
$urls = $item['properties']['url'];
$urls = array_map('\normalize_url', $urls);
if(in_array($url, $urls)) {
// TODO: check for children h-entrys (like tantek.com), or sibling h-entries (like aaronparecki.com)
// and return the result as a feed instead
return self::parseAsHCard($item, $http, $url);
// If there was only one h-entry, but the URL for it is not the same as this page, then treat as a feed
if($hentrys == 1) {
if($lastSeenEntry) {
$urls = $lastSeenEntry['properties']['url'];
$urls = array_map('\normalize_url', $urls);
if(count($urls) && !in_array($url, $urls)) {
return self::parseAsHFeed($mf2, $http);
// Fallback case, but hopefully we have found something before this point
foreach($mf2['items'] as $item) {
// Otherwise check for an h-entry
if(in_array('h-entry', $item['type']) || in_array('h-cite', $item['type'])) {
return self::parseAsHEntry($mf2, $item, $http);
return false;
private static function parseAsHEntry($mf2, $item, $http) {
$data = [
'type' => 'entry'
$refs = [];
// Single plaintext values
$properties = ['url','published','summary','rsvp'];
foreach($properties as $p) {
if($v = self::getPlaintext($item, $p))
$data[$p] = $v;
// Always arrays
$properties = ['photo','video','syndication'];
foreach($properties as $p) {
if(array_key_exists($p, $item['properties'])) {
$data[$p] = [];
foreach($item['properties'][$p] as $v) {
$data[$p][] = $v;
elseif(is_array($v) and array_key_exists('value', $v))
$data[$p][] = $v['value'];
// Always returned as arrays, and may also create external references
$properties = ['in-reply-to','like-of','repost-of','bookmark-of','category','invitee'];
foreach($properties as $p) {
if(array_key_exists($p, $item['properties'])) {
$data[$p] = [];
foreach($item['properties'][$p] as $v) {
$data[$p][] = $v;
elseif(self::isMicroformat($v) && ($u=self::getPlaintext($v, 'url'))) {
$data[$p][] = $u;
// parse the object and put the result in the "refs" object
$ref = self::parse(['items'=>[$v]], $u, $http);
if($ref) {
$refs[$u] = $ref['data'];
// Determine if the name is distinct from the content
$name = self::getPlaintext($item, 'name');
$content = null;
$textContent = null;
$htmlContent = null;
if(array_key_exists('content', $item['properties'])) {
$content = $item['properties']['content'][0];
if(is_string($content)) {
$textContent = $content;
} elseif(!is_string($content) && is_array($content) && array_key_exists('value', $content)) {
if(array_key_exists('html', $content)) {
$htmlContent = trim(self::sanitizeHTML($content['html']));
$textContent = trim(str_replace("&#xD;","\r",strip_tags($htmlContent)));
$textContent = trim(str_replace("&#xD;","\r",$content['value']));
} else {
$textContent = trim($content['value']);
// Trim ellipses from the name
$name = preg_replace('/ ?(\.\.\.|…)$/', '', $name);
// Remove all whitespace when checking equality
$nameCompare = preg_replace('/\s/','',trim($name));
$contentCompare = preg_replace('/\s/','',trim($textContent));
// Check if the name is a prefix of the content
if($contentCompare && $nameCompare && strpos($contentCompare, $nameCompare) === 0) {
$name = null;
if($name) {
$data['name'] = $name;
// If there is content, always return the plaintext content, and return HTML content if it's different
if($content) {
$data['content'] = [
'text' => $textContent
if($htmlContent && $textContent != $htmlContent) {
$data['content']['html'] = $htmlContent;
if($author = self::findAuthor($mf2, $item, $http))
$data['author'] = $author;
$response = [
'data' => $data
if(count($refs)) {
$response['refs'] = $refs;
return $response;
private static function parseAsHFeed($mf2, $http) {
$data = [
'type' => 'feed',
'author' => [
'type' => 'card',
'name' => null,
'url' => null,
'photo' => null
'todo' => 'Not yet implemented. Please see https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/issues/1'
return [
'data' => $data,
'entries' => []
private static function parseAsHCard($item, $http, $authorURL=false) {
$data = [
'type' => 'card',
'name' => null,
'url' => null,
'photo' => null
$properties = ['url','name','photo'];
foreach($properties as $p) {
if($p == 'url' && $authorURL) {
// If there is a matching author URL, use that one
$found = false;
foreach($item['properties']['url'] as $url) {
$url = \normalize_url($url);
if($url == $authorURL) {
$data['url'] = $url;
$found = true;
if(!$found) $data['url'] = $item['properties']['url'][0];
} else if($v = self::getPlaintext($item, $p)) {
$data[$p] = $v;
$response = [
'data' => $data
return $response;
private static function findAuthor($mf2, $item, $http) {
$author = [
'type' => 'card',
'name' => null,
'url' => null,
'photo' => null
// Author Discovery
// http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship
$authorPage = false;
if(array_key_exists('author', $item['properties'])) {
// Check if any of the values of the author property are an h-card
foreach($item['properties']['author'] as $a) {
if(self::isHCard($a)) {
// 5.1 "if it has an h-card, use it, exit."
return self::parseAsHCard($a, $http)['data'];
} elseif(is_string($a)) {
if(self::isURL($a)) {
// 5.2 "otherwise if author property is an http(s) URL, let the author-page have that URL"
$authorPage = $a;
} else {
// 5.3 "otherwise use the author property as the author name, exit"
// We can only set the name, no h-card or URL was found
$author['name'] = self::getPlaintext($item, 'author');
return $author;
} else {
// This case is only hit when the author property is an mf2 object that is not an h-card
$author['name'] = self::getPlaintext($item, 'author');
return $author;
// 6. "if no author page was found" ... check for rel-author link
if(!$authorPage) {
if(isset($mf2['rels']) && isset($mf2['rels']['author']))
$authorPage = $mf2['rels']['author'][0];
// 7. "if there is an author-page URL" ...
if($authorPage) {
// 7.1 "get the author-page from that URL and parse it for microformats2"
$authorPageContents = self::getURL($authorPage, $http);
if($authorPageContents) {
foreach($authorPageContents['items'] as $i) {
if(self::isHCard($i)) {
// 7.2 "if author-page has 1+ h-card with url == uid == author-page's URL, then use first such h-card, exit."
if(array_key_exists('url', $i['properties'])
and in_array($authorPage, $i['properties']['url'])
and array_key_exists('uid', $i['properties'])
and in_array($authorPage, $i['properties']['uid'])
) {
return self::parseAsHCard($i, $http, $authorPage)['data'];
// 7.3 "else if author-page has 1+ h-card with url property which matches the href of a rel-me link on the author-page"
$relMeLinks = (isset($authorPageContents['rels']) && isset($authorPageContents['rels']['me'])) ? $authorPageContents['rels']['me'] : [];
if(count($relMeLinks) > 0
and array_key_exists('url', $i['properties'])
and count(array_intersect($i['properties']['url'], $relMeLinks)) > 0
) {
return self::parseAsHCard($i, $http, $authorPage)['data'];
// 7.4 "if the h-entry's page has 1+ h-card with url == author-page URL, use first such h-card, exit."
foreach($mf2['items'] as $i) {
if(self::isHCard($i)) {
if(array_key_exists('url', $i['properties'])
and in_array($authorPage, $i['properties']['url'])
) {
return self::parseAsHCard($i, $http)['data'];
if(!$author['name'] && !$author['photo'] && !$author['url'])
return null;
return $author;
private static function sanitizeHTML($html) {
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
$config->set('HTML.AllowedElements', [
$def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
'datetime' => 'Text'
// Override the allowed classes to only support Microformats2 classes
$def->manager->attrTypes->set('Class', new \HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Microformats2());
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
return $purifier->purify($html);
private static function responseDisplayText($name, $summary, $content) {
// Build a fake h-entry to pass to the comments parser
$input = [
'type' => ['h-entry'],
'properties' => [
'name' => [trim($name)],
'summary' => [trim($summary)],
'content' => [trim($content)]
$result = \IndieWeb\comments\parse($input, false, 1024, 4);
return [
'name' => trim($result['name']),
'content' => $result['text']
private static function hasNumericKeys(array $arr) {
foreach($arr as $key=>$val)
if (is_numeric($key))
return true;
return false;
private static function isMicroformat($mf) {
return is_array($mf)
and !self::hasNumericKeys($mf)
and !empty($mf['type'])
and isset($mf['properties']);
private static function isHCard($mf) {
return is_array($mf)
and !empty($mf['type'])
and is_array($mf['type'])
and in_array('h-card', $mf['type']);
private static function isURL($string) {
return preg_match('/^https?:\/\/.+\..+$/', $string);
// Given an array of microformats properties and a key name, return the plaintext value
// at that property
// e.g.
// {"properties":{"published":["foo"]}} results in "foo"
private static function getPlaintext($mf2, $k, $fallback=null) {
if(!empty($mf2['properties'][$k]) and is_array($mf2['properties'][$k])) {
// $mf2['properties'][$v] will always be an array since the input was from the mf2 parser
$value = $mf2['properties'][$k][0];
if(is_string($value)) {
return $value;
} elseif(self::isMicroformat($value) && array_key_exists('value', $value)) {
return $value['value'];
return $fallback;
private static function getURL($url, $http) {
if(!$url) return null;
// TODO: consider adding caching here
$result = $http->get($url);
if($result['error'] || !$result['body']) {
return null;
return \mf2\Parse($result['body'], $url);