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  1. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. Server: Apache
  3. Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 03:29:14 GMT
  4. Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8
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  6. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  7. <feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">
  8. <title>Tantek Çelik</title>
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  11. <link rel="hub" href=""/>
  12. <id></id>
  13. <author>
  14. <name>Tantek</name>
  15. <uri></uri>
  16. </author>
  17. <updated>2017-11-08T23:53:00-08:00</updated>
  18. <entry>
  19. <updated>2017-11-08T23:53:00-08:00</updated>
  20. <published>2017-11-08T23:53:00-08:00</published>
  21. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="going to Mt. Tam Trail Run 2017-11-11 07:00 at Stinson Beach! signed up for the half (my first trail half marathon!)" type="text/html"/>
  22. <id></id>
  23. <title type="xhtml">
  24. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">going to Mt. Tam Trail Run 2017-11-11 07:00 at Stinson Beach!
  25. signed up for the half (my first trail half marathon!)</div>
  26. </title>
  27. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  28. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">going to Mt. Tam Trail Run 2017-11-11 07:00 at Stinson Beach!<br class="auto-break"/>signed up for the half (my first trail half marathon!)</div>
  29. </content>
  30. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  31. </entry>
  32. <entry>
  33. <updated>2017-11-08T23:29:00-08:00</updated>
  34. <published>2017-11-08T23:29:00-08:00</published>
  35. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="went to MORE Pancakes! this morning @RunJanji pop-up on California st after #NPSF. Picked up a new running shirt." type="text/html"/>
  36. <id></id>
  37. <title type="xhtml">
  38. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">went to MORE Pancakes! this morning @RunJanji pop-up on California st after #NPSF. Picked up a new running shirt.</div>
  39. </title>
  40. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  41. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">went to MORE Pancakes! this morning <a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@RunJanji</a> pop-up on California st after #<span class="p-category auto-tag">NPSF</span>. Picked up a new running shirt.</div>
  42. </content>
  43. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  44. </entry>
  45. <entry>
  46. <updated>2017-11-08T13:19:00-08:00</updated>
  47. <published>2017-11-08T13:19:00-08:00</published>
  48. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="at #w3cTPAC all week: MT @CSSWG; I made a new draft W Intro’d &amp; facilitated @W3C Plenary day #BarCamp ThF #WPWG #WICG" type="text/html"/>
  49. <id></id>
  50. <title type="xhtml">
  51. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">at #w3cTPAC all week:
  52. MT @CSSWG; I made a new draft
  53. W Intro’d &amp; facilitated @W3C Plenary day #BarCamp
  54. ThF #WPWG #WICG</div>
  55. </title>
  56. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  57. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">at #<span class="p-category auto-tag">w3cTPAC</span> all week:<br class="auto-break"/>MT <a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@CSSWG</a>; I made a new draft<br class="auto-break"/>W Intro’d &amp; facilitated <a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@W3C</a> Plenary day #<span class="p-category auto-tag">BarCamp</span><br class="auto-break"/>ThF #<span class="p-category auto-tag">WPWG</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">WICG</span></div>
  58. </content>
  59. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  60. </entry>
  61. <entry>
  62. <updated>2017-10-31T20:16:00-07:00</updated>
  63. <published>2017-10-31T20:16:00-07:00</published>
  64. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="going to run Bay to Breakers 2018-05-20 + Bonus 3k = 15k! join me in Corral A: $40 today only!" type="text/html"/>
  65. <id></id>
  66. <title type="xhtml">
  67. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">going to run Bay to Breakers 2018-05-20 + Bonus 3k = 15k!
  68. join me in Corral A:
  69. $40 today only!</div>
  70. </title>
  71. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  72. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">going to run Bay to Breakers 2018-05-20 + Bonus 3k = 15k!<br class="auto-break"/>join me in Corral A: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>$40 today only!</div>
  73. </content>
  74. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  75. </entry>
  76. <entry>
  77. <updated>2017-10-30T21:20:00-07:00</updated>
  78. <published>2017-10-30T21:20:00-07:00</published>
  79. <link href="" rel="alternate" title=".@beep &amp; @adactio I.e. #AMP is #openwashing not #openweb, similar to #schema before it. It has appearances or aspects of being open (e.g. with defensive statements like &quot;non-google committers&quot;), but in practice is proprietarily controlled/governed (free community labor for corporate leaders), and designed (perhaps unintentionally) to bias an otherwise seemingly open ecosystem towards a single company or small anti-competitive oligopoly in practice. Nevermind the #doublespeak of caching vs hosting, or placement within &quot;search results&quot; implying part of a page vs the more practically meaningful &quot;SERP&quot; (search engine results *page*) placement, regardless of styling as a horizontal carousel or vertical list. I still think an actually open alternative could be beneficial. Previously, previously, previously: * * * * * * More:" type="text/html"/>
  80. <id></id>
  81. <title type="xhtml">
  82. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">.@beep
  83. &amp; @adactio
  84. I.e. #AMP is #openwashing not #openweb, similar to #schema before it.
  85. It has appearances or aspects of being open (e.g. with defensive statements like "non-google committers"), but in practice is proprietarily controlled/governed (free community labor for corporate leaders), and designed (perhaps unintentionally) to bias an otherwise seemingly open ecosystem towards a single company or small anti-competitive oligopoly in practice.
  86. Nevermind the #doublespeak of caching vs hosting, or placement within "search results" implying part of a page vs the more practically meaningful "SERP" (search engine results *page*) placement, regardless of styling as a horizontal carousel or vertical list.
  87. I still think an actually open alternative could be beneficial.
  88. Previously, previously, previously:
  89. *
  90. *
  91. *
  92. *
  93. *
  94. *
  95. More:</div>
  96. </title>
  97. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  98. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">.<a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@beep</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>&amp; <a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@adactio</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>I.e. #<span class="p-category auto-tag">AMP</span> is #<span class="p-category auto-tag">openwashing</span> not #<span class="p-category auto-tag">openweb</span>, similar to #<span class="p-category auto-tag">schema</span> before it.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>It has appearances or aspects of being open (e.g. with defensive statements like "non-google committers"), but in practice is proprietarily controlled/governed (free community labor for corporate leaders), and designed (perhaps unintentionally) to bias an otherwise seemingly open ecosystem towards a single company or small anti-competitive oligopoly in practice.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Nevermind the #<span class="p-category auto-tag">doublespeak</span> of caching vs hosting, or placement within "search results" implying part of a page vs the more practically meaningful "SERP" (search engine results *page*) placement, regardless of styling as a horizontal carousel or vertical list.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I still think an actually open alternative could be beneficial.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously, previously, previously:<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>More: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
  99. </content>
  100. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  101. </entry>
  102. <entry>
  103. <updated>2017-10-30T16:57:00-07:00</updated>
  104. <published>2017-10-30T16:57:00-07:00</published>
  105. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="If you’re a frontend web dev designer or fullstack-*, you must follow #AEASF for pure awesome:;vertical=default" type="text/html"/>
  106. <id></id>
  107. <title type="xhtml">
  108. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">If you’re a frontend web dev designer or fullstack-*, you must follow #AEASF for pure awesome:;vertical=default</div>
  109. </title>
  110. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  111. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">If you’re a frontend web dev designer or fullstack-*, you must follow #<span class="p-category auto-tag">AEASF</span> for pure awesome: <a class="auto-link" href=";vertical=default">;vertical=default</a></div>
  112. </content>
  113. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  114. </entry>
  115. <entry>
  116. <updated>2017-10-30T08:30:00-07:00</updated>
  117. <published>2017-10-30T08:30:00-07:00</published>
  118. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="Four years ago: my first @Nov_Project_SF. #NPversary This past year: ran my first marathon &amp; led #NP_Yoga #NovemberProject is an amazing community. Grateful to be a part of it, across so many cities, and especially grateful for all the support which helped me breakthrough limitations I had previously accepted, and achieve goals I had thought were impossible or had never even considered. Let’s see what I can do in year 5. Previously: * * *" type="text/html"/>
  119. <id></id>
  120. <title type="xhtml">
  121. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">Four years ago: my first @Nov_Project_SF. #NPversary
  122. This past year: ran my first marathon &amp; led #NP_Yoga
  123. #NovemberProject is an amazing community.
  124. Grateful to be a part of it, across so many cities, and especially grateful for all the support which helped me breakthrough limitations I had previously accepted, and achieve goals I had thought were impossible or had never even considered.
  125. Let’s see what I can do in year 5.
  126. Previously:
  127. *
  128. *
  129. *</div>
  130. </title>
  131. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  132. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">Four years ago: my first <a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@Nov_Project_SF</a>. #<span class="p-category auto-tag">NPversary</span><br class="auto-break"/>This past year: ran my first marathon &amp; led #<span class="p-category auto-tag">NP_Yoga</span> <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>#<span class="p-category auto-tag">NovemberProject</span> is an amazing community.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Grateful to be a part of it, across so many cities, and especially grateful for all the support which helped me breakthrough limitations I had previously accepted, and achieve goals I had thought were impossible or had never even considered.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Let’s see what I can do in year 5.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously:<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
  133. </content>
  134. <object-type xmlns="">note</object-type>
  135. </entry>
  136. <entry>
  137. <updated>2017-10-29T16:26:00-07:00</updated>
  138. <published>2017-10-29T16:26:00-07:00</published>
  139. <link href="" rel="alternate" title="Homebrew Website Club SF" type="text/html"/>
  140. <id></id>
  141. <title type="xhtml">
  142. <div xmlns="" class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14">Event</div>
  143. </title>
  144. <content type="xhtml" xml:base="" xml:space="preserve">
  145. <div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">
  146. <div class="entry-content">
  147. <p>
  148. When: <time class="dt-start dtstart">2017-11-01 17:30</time>…<time class="dt-end dtend">19:30</time>
  149. <span style="display:block">
  150. Where: <a class="u-location h-card location" href="">Mozilla San Francisco</a>
  151. </span>
  152. Host: <a class="u-organizer h-card" href="">Tantek Çelik</a>
  153. </p>
  154. <div class="p-summary description">
  155. <p>
  156. 17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing<br/>
  157. 18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night
  158. </p>
  159. <p><img class="u-featured" style="max-width:100%;width:100%;height:300px;object-fit:cover;object-position:50% 40%" src="" alt="Photo of previous Homebrew Website Club participants"/></p>
  160. <p>
  161. Demos of personal website breakthroughs. Create or update your personal web site!
  162. </p>
  163. <p>
  164. Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!
  165. </p>
  166. <p>Topics for this week:</p>
  167. <ul>
  168. <li><a href="">IndieWebCamp Berlin</a> coming up this weekend!</li>
  169. <li><a href="">Why post (or not)</a></li>
  170. <li><a href="">WebSub</a> (IndieWeb building block) is a <a href="">W3C Proposed Recommendation</a></li>
  171. <li><a href="">W3C TPAC is next week</a> in Burlingame (near SF)</li>
  172. <li><a href="">2018-01-01-commitments</a></li>
  173. </ul>
  174. <p>
  175. Any questions? Ask in
  176. <a href="">#indieweb Slack or IRC</a>
  177. </p>
  178. <p>
  179. More information:
  180. <a class="u-url" href="">IndieWeb Wiki Event Page</a>
  181. </p>
  182. <p>
  183. RSVP: <a class="u-syndication" href="">on the Facebook event</a> or post an <a href="">indie RSVP</a> on your own site!
  184. </p>
  185. </div>
  186. </div>
  187. </div>
  188. </content>
  189. <object-type xmlns="">event</object-type>
  190. </entry>
  191. </feed>