XRay uses the Twitter, Github and Facebook APIs to fetch posts, and those API require authentication. In order to keep XRay stateless, it is required that you pass in the credentials to the parse call.
XRay uses the Twitter and Github APIs to fetch posts, and those API require authentication. In order to keep XRay stateless, it is required that you pass in the credentials to the parse call.
You should only send the credentials when the URL you are trying to parse is a Twitter URL, a GitHub URL or a Facebook URL, so you'll want to check for whether the hostname is `twitter.com`, `github.com`, etc. before you include credentials in this call.
You should only send the credentials when the URL you are trying to parse is a Twitter URL or a GitHub URL, so you'll want to check for whether the hostname is `twitter.com`, `github.com`, etc. before you include credentials in this call.
#### Twitter Authentication
@ -304,16 +304,6 @@ XRay uses the GitHub API to fetch GitHub URLs, which provides higher rate limits
* `github_access_token` - A GitHub access token
#### Facebook Authentication
XRay uses the Facebook API to fetch Facebook URLs. You can create a Facebook App on Facebooks developer website.
* facebook_app_id - Your application's App ID
* facebook_app_secret - Your application's App Secret
At this moment, XRay is able to get it's own access token from those credentials.
### Error Response
@ -431,7 +421,7 @@ Other properties are returned in the response at the same level as the `data` pr
$this->assertEquals('This is the text content of an ActivityStreams note',$data['data']['refs']['http://activitystreams.example/note.json']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This is the text content of an ActivityStreams note',$data['data']['refs']['http://activitystreams.example/note.json']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('@darius Huh, I just have never encountered anyone using the phrase generically like that.But you might consider writing IndieWeb.org-style bots (Atom+WebSub, and optionally WebMention if you want them to be interactive), and then using https://fed.brid.gy/ as an alternative to implementing ActivityPub yourself...',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This is the text content of an ActivityStreams note',$data['data']['refs']['http://activitystreams.example/note.json']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This is the text content of an ActivityStreams note',$data['data']['refs']['http://activitystreams.example/note.json']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('@darius Huh, I just have never encountered anyone using the phrase generically like that.But you might consider writing IndieWeb.org-style bots (Atom+WebSub, and optionally WebMention if you want them to be interactive), and then using https://fed.brid.gy/ as an alternative to implementing ActivityPub yourself...',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertContains('<p>Well it\'s just that php-comments does more than XRay does currently. But that\'s no good reason.</p>',$data['data']['content']['html']);
$this->assertStringContainsString('<p>Well it\'s just that php-comments does more than XRay does currently. But that\'s no good reason.</p>',$data['data']['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals('I am a member of the W3C Social Web Working Group (<a href="https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg">https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg</a>), and have been organizing IndieWebCamp (<a href="https://indieweb.org/">https://indieweb.org/</a>) conferences in this space for the last 7 years. We\'ve been making a lot of progress:<p>* <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/">https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/</a> - cross-site commenting</p><p>* <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/">https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/</a> - API for apps to create posts on various servers</p><p>* <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/">https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/</a> - realtime subscriptions to feeds</p><p>* More: <a href="https://indieweb.org/specs">https://indieweb.org/specs</a></p><p>We focus on making sure there are a plurality of implementations and approaches rather than trying to build a single software solution to solve everything.</p><p>Try commenting on my copy of this post on my website by sending me a webmention! <a href="https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/08/9/indieweb">https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/08/9/indieweb</a></p>',$data['data']['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals('I am a member of the W3C Social Web Working Group (<a href="https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg">https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg</a>), and have been organizing IndieWebCamp (<a href="https://indieweb.org/">https://indieweb.org/</a>) conferences in this space for the last 7 years. We\'ve been making a lot of progress:<p>* <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/">https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/</a> - cross-site commenting</p><p>* <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/">https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/</a> - API for apps to create posts on various servers</p><p>* <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/">https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/</a> - realtime subscriptions to feeds</p><p>* More: <a href="https://indieweb.org/specs">https://indieweb.org/specs</a></p><p>We focus on making sure there are a plurality of implementations and approaches rather than trying to build a single software solution to solve everything.</p><p>Try commenting on my copy of this post on my website by sending me a webmention! <a href="https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/08/9/indieweb">https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/08/9/indieweb</a></p>',$data['data']['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals('Day 18. Maple and Spruce #100daysofmusic #100daysproject #the100dayproject https://aaronparecki.com/2017/01/07/14/day18',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals(['type'=>'card','name'=>'KmikeyM™️','nickname'=>'kmikeym','url'=>'https://www.instagram.com/kmikeym/','photo'=>'https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/ea5b988b616dbcc778b3013bf2426d70/5CCAC7FC/t51.2885-19/s320x320/20634957_814691788710973_2275383796935163904_a.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net','note'=>"The world’s first publicly traded person.\n•\nAcct in collaboration with @norbertoinc\n•\nBecome a shareholder today!\n•"],$data['data']['refs']['https://www.instagram.com/kmikeym/']);
$this->assertEquals('Pink text on a white background that says "Photo with alt text"',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/a7e61adf3d84f07863ffdb99f0fdcc86/5CD9B7F3/t51.2885-15/e35/47692478_2276538359047529_8318084305806697090_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('A large pink "1" in a circle with a small green "2" behind it',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/90bf019b7396d7bc2b1ee02170902a2e/5CCC9B87/t51.2885-15/e35/47692921_321791688431421_3314633848293773579_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('A large green "2" in a circle with a small pink "1" behind it',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/a6c93d8fcd5ad0e3b60f2ac0695eb34e/5CC3898E/t51.2885-15/e35/49663055_349750985612151_2949260446582336214_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('Image may contain: one or more people and hat',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/7f8954f33de897c0c57656b798637f4c/5CC3DF9F/t51.2885-15/e35/45605085_1989380037822519_4707213851165118070_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('Day 18. Maple and Spruce #100daysofmusic #100daysproject #the100dayproject https://aaronparecki.com/2017/01/07/14/day18',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals(['type'=>'card','name'=>'KmikeyM™️','nickname'=>'kmikeym','url'=>'https://www.instagram.com/kmikeym/','photo'=>'https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/ea5b988b616dbcc778b3013bf2426d70/5CCAC7FC/t51.2885-19/s320x320/20634957_814691788710973_2275383796935163904_a.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net','note'=>"The world’s first publicly traded person.\n•\nAcct in collaboration with @norbertoinc\n•\nBecome a shareholder today!\n•"],$data['data']['refs']['https://www.instagram.com/kmikeym/']);
$this->assertEquals('Pink text on a white background that says "Photo with alt text"',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/a7e61adf3d84f07863ffdb99f0fdcc86/5CD9B7F3/t51.2885-15/e35/47692478_2276538359047529_8318084305806697090_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('A large pink "1" in a circle with a small green "2" behind it',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/90bf019b7396d7bc2b1ee02170902a2e/5CCC9B87/t51.2885-15/e35/47692921_321791688431421_3314633848293773579_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('A large green "2" in a circle with a small pink "1" behind it',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/a6c93d8fcd5ad0e3b60f2ac0695eb34e/5CC3898E/t51.2885-15/e35/49663055_349750985612151_2949260446582336214_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('Image may contain: one or more people and hat',$data['data']['meta']['https://instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/7f8954f33de897c0c57656b798637f4c/5CC3DF9F/t51.2885-15/e35/45605085_1989380037822519_4707213851165118070_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net']['alt']);
$this->assertEquals('This content has some HTML escaped entities such as & ampersand, " quote, escaped <code> HTML tags, an ümlaut, an @at sign.',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This content has some HTML escaped entities such as & ampersand, " quote, escaped <code> HTML tags, an ümlaut, an @at sign.',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This content has some <i>HTML escaped</i> entities such as & ampersand, " quote, escaped <code> HTML tags, an ümlaut, an @at sign.',$data['data']['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals('This content has some HTML escaped entities such as & ampersand, " quote, escaped <code> HTML tags, an ümlaut, an @at sign.',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This content has some HTML escaped entities such as & ampersand, " quote, escaped <code> HTML tags, an ümlaut, an @at sign.',$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('This content has some <i>HTML escaped</i> entities such as & ampersand, " quote, escaped <code> HTML tags, an ümlaut, an @at sign.',$data['data']['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals('🌆 Made it to the first #NPSF #earlygang of the year, did in-betweeners abs, and 6:30 workout with a brutal burnout that was really its own workout. But wow pretty sunrise. Plus 50+ deg F? I’ll take it. #100PDPD'."\n\n".'#justshowup #darknesstodawn #wakeupthesun #fromwhereirun #NovemberProject #sunrise #latergram #nofilter',$data->data->content->text);
$this->assertEquals('This is a photo post with an img tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed.',$data->data->content->text);
$this->assertEquals('This is a photo post with an <code>img</code> tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed. <img src="http://target.example.com/photo.jpg" alt="a photo" />',$data->data->content->html);
$this->assertEquals('This content has two break tags to indicate a paragraph break.<br /><br />This is how tantek\'s autolinker works.',$data->data->content->html);
$this->assertEquals("This content has two break tags to indicate a paragraph break.\n\nThis is how tantek's autolinker works.",$data->data->content->text);
$this->assertEquals('🌆 Made it to the first #NPSF #earlygang of the year, did in-betweeners abs, and 6:30 workout with a brutal burnout that was really its own workout. But wow pretty sunrise. Plus 50+ deg F? I’ll take it. #100PDPD'."\n\n".'#justshowup #darknesstodawn #wakeupthesun #fromwhereirun #NovemberProject #sunrise #latergram #nofilter',$data->data->content->text);
$this->assertEquals('This is a photo post with an img tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed.',$data->data->content->text);
$this->assertEquals('This is a photo post with an <code>img</code> tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed. <img src="http://target.example.com/photo.jpg" alt="a photo" />',$data->data->content->html);
$this->assertEquals('This content has two break tags to indicate a paragraph break.<br /><br />This is how tantek\'s autolinker works.',$data->data->content->html);
$this->assertEquals("This content has two break tags to indicate a paragraph break.\n\nThis is how tantek's autolinker works.",$data->data->content->text);
$this->assertEquals('Hey @OregonGovBrown @tedwheeler day 16 of #BHM is for @stream_pdx. An amazing podcast trailer run by @tyeshasnow helping to democratize story telling in #PDX. Folks can get training in the production of podcasts. @siliconflorist #SupportBlackBusiness',$tweet['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals("Hey <a href=\"https://twitter.com/OregonGovBrown\">@OregonGovBrown</a> <a href=\"https://twitter.com/tedwheeler\">@tedwheeler</a> day 16 of #BHM is for <a href=\"https://twitter.com/stream_pdx\">@stream_pdx</a>. An amazing podcast trailer run by <a href=\"https://twitter.com/tyeshasnow\">@tyeshasnow</a> helping to democratize story telling in #PDX. Folks can get training in the production of podcasts. <a href=\"https://twitter.com/siliconflorist\">@siliconflorist</a> #SupportBlackBusiness",$tweet['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals("#indieweb community. Really would like to see a Micropub client for Gratitude logging and also a Mastodon poster similar to the twitter one.\nFeel like I could (maybe) rewrite previous open code to do some of this :)",$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('#indieweb community. Really would like to see a Micropub client for Gratitude logging and also a Mastodon poster similar to the twitter one.<br>
$this->assertEquals("#MicrosoftFlow ninja-tip.\nI'm getting better at custom-connector and auth. Thanks @skillriver \nThis is OAuth2 with MSA/Live (not AzureAD) which I need to do MVP timesheets.\nStill dislike Swagger so I don't know why I bother with this. I'm just that lazy doing this manually",$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals("hi @aaronpk Ends was a great job I was just talking to her about the house I think she is just talking to you about that stuff like that you don't have any idea of how to make to your job so you don't want me going back on your own to make it happen",$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals('Hey @OregonGovBrown @tedwheeler day 16 of #BHM is for @stream_pdx. An amazing podcast trailer run by @tyeshasnow helping to democratize story telling in #PDX. Folks can get training in the production of podcasts. @siliconflorist #SupportBlackBusiness',$tweet['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals("Hey <a href=\"https://twitter.com/OregonGovBrown\">@OregonGovBrown</a> <a href=\"https://twitter.com/tedwheeler\">@tedwheeler</a> day 16 of #BHM is for <a href=\"https://twitter.com/stream_pdx\">@stream_pdx</a>. An amazing podcast trailer run by <a href=\"https://twitter.com/tyeshasnow\">@tyeshasnow</a> helping to democratize story telling in #PDX. Folks can get training in the production of podcasts. <a href=\"https://twitter.com/siliconflorist\">@siliconflorist</a> #SupportBlackBusiness",$tweet['content']['html']);
$this->assertEquals("#indieweb community. Really would like to see a Micropub client for Gratitude logging and also a Mastodon poster similar to the twitter one.\nFeel like I could (maybe) rewrite previous open code to do some of this :)",$data['data']['content']['text']);
'#indieweb community. Really would like to see a Micropub client for Gratitude logging and also a Mastodon poster similar to the twitter one.<br>
$this->assertEquals("#MicrosoftFlow ninja-tip.\nI'm getting better at custom-connector and auth. Thanks @skillriver \nThis is OAuth2 with MSA/Live (not AzureAD) which I need to do MVP timesheets.\nStill dislike Swagger so I don't know why I bother with this. I'm just that lazy doing this manually",$data['data']['content']['text']);
$this->assertEquals("hi @aaronpk Ends was a great job I was just talking to her about the house I think she is just talking to you about that stuff like that you don't have any idea of how to make to your job so you don't want me going back on your own to make it happen",$data['data']['content']['text']);