@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class SanitizeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this -> assertEquals ( 'This is a photo post with an <code>img</code> tag inside the content.' , $data -> data -> content -> html );
public function testPhotoInContentWithNoText () {
public function testPhotoInContentWithNameAndN oText () {
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/cleverdevil' ;
$response = $this -> parse ([ 'url' => $url ]);
@ -285,6 +285,67 @@ class SanitizeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this -> assertEquals ( 'http://sanitize.example/photo.jpg' , $data -> data -> photo [ 0 ]);
public function testPhotoInContentWithNoText () {
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/photo-in-content-with-alt-no-text' ;
$response = $this -> parse ([ 'url' => $url ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $body , true );
$this -> assertEquals ( '<p><img src="http://sanitize.example/photo.jpg" alt="test" /></p>' , $data [ 'data' ][ 'content' ][ 'html' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( '' , $data [ 'data' ][ 'content' ][ 'text' ]);
public function testPhotoInContentWithPNoAlt () {
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/photo-in-content-with-p-no-alt' ;
$response = $this -> parse ([ 'url' => $url ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $body , true );
$this -> assertEquals ( '<p><img src="http://sanitize.example/photo.jpg" alt="photo.jpg" /></p>' , $data [ 'data' ][ 'content' ][ 'html' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( '' , $data [ 'data' ][ 'content' ][ 'text' ]);
public function testPhotoInContentNoPWithURLPhoto () {
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/photo-in-content-no-p-with-url-photo' ;
$response = $this -> parse ([ 'url' => $url ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $body , true );
$this -> assertEquals ( '<img src="http://sanitize.example/photo.jpg" alt="test" />' , $data [ 'data' ][ 'content' ][ 'html' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( '' , $data [ 'data' ][ 'content' ][ 'text' ]);
public function testPhotoInContentNoPWithAlt () {
// This h-entry has no u-url so has an implied u-photo. we don't actually care what happens with it because
// this should never happen in the wild
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/photo-in-content-no-p-with-alt' ;
$response = $this -> parse ([ 'url' => $url ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $body , true );
// TODO: add support for embedded video and audio tags in html content
public function testContentIsOnlyVideo () {
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/content-is-only-video' ;
$response = $this -> parse ([ 'url' => $url ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $body , true );
print_r ( $data );
public function testPhotosWithAlt () {
// https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/16
@ -295,17 +356,15 @@ class SanitizeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( '🌆 Made it to the first #NPSF #earlygang of the year, did in-betweeners abs, and 6:30 workout with a brutal burnout that was really its own workout. But wow pretty sunrise. Plus 50+ deg F? I’ll take it. #100PDPD' . " \n \n " . '#justshowup #darknesstodawn #wakeupthesun #fromwhereirun #NovemberProject #sunrise #latergram #nofilter' , $data -> data -> content -> text );
$this -> assertObjectNotHasAttribute ( 'name' , $data -> data );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'https://igx.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_g7yruXflacsGr7PyVmECefyTBMB_R99zmPQxW7pftzA.jpg' , $data -> data -> photo [ 0 ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 'https://igx.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_zM3UgU9JHNhom907Ac_1WCEcUhGOJZaNWGlRmev86YA.jpg' , $data -> data -> photo [ 1 ]);
// Commented out until #55 is resolved
// Ignoring this issue for now. This should not happen in the wild.
// https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/issues/55
// Skipping the implied photo check because in the wild, h-entrys should not exist withou a u-url, which stops implied parsing.
public function testEntryWithImgNoImpliedPhoto () {
// See https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/6#issuecomment-357286985
// and https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/issues/52#issuecomment-357269683
@ -319,11 +378,9 @@ class SanitizeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this -> assertObjectNotHasAttribute ( 'photo' , $data -> data );
$this -> assertObjectNotHasAttribute ( 'name' , $data -> data );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'http://target.example.com/photo.jpg' , $data -> data -> photo [ 0 ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 'This is a photo post with an img tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed.' , $data -> data -> content -> text );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'This is a photo post with an <code>img</code> tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed. <img src="http://target.example.com/photo.jpg" alt="a photo">' , $data -> data -> content -> html );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'This is a photo post with an <code>img</code> tag inside the content, which does not have a u-photo class so should not be removed. <img src="http://target.example.com/photo.jpg" alt="a photo" / >' , $data -> data -> content -> html );
public function testWhitespaceWithBreakTags () {
$url = 'http://sanitize.example/entry-with-br-tags' ;