@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ class APITest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$role -> save ();
private function _assertQueued ( $source , $target , $status_url ) {
preg_match ( '/\/webmention\/(.+)/' , $status_url , $match );
$this -> assertNotNull ( $match );
# Verify it queued the mention in the database
$d = ORM :: for_table ( 'webmentions' ) -> where ([ 'source' => $source , 'target' => $target ]) -> find_one ();
$this -> assertNotNull ( $d );
$this -> assertEquals ( $match [ 1 ], $d -> token );
# Check the status endpoint to make sure it says it's still queued
$response = $this -> status ( $d -> token );
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $response -> getContent ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'queued' , $data -> status );
public function testAuthentication () {
$response = $this -> webmention ([]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 401 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
@ -82,6 +98,20 @@ class APITest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this -> assertEquals ( 400 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $response -> getContent ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'missing_parameters' , $data -> error );
$response = $this -> webmention ([ 'token' => 'a' , 'target_domain' => 'foo' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 400 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $response -> getContent ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'missing_parameters' , $data -> error );
public function testTargetAndTargetDomain () {
$this -> _createExampleAccount ();
$response = $this -> webmention ([ 'token' => 'a' , 'source' => 'foo' , 'target' => 'foo' , 'target_domain' => 'foo' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 400 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $response -> getContent ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'invalid_parameter' , $data -> error );
public function testInvalidURLs () {
@ -122,7 +152,7 @@ class APITest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this -> assertEquals ( false , property_exists ( $data , 'error' ));
public function testQueuesWebmention () {
public function testTarget QueuesWebmention () {
$this -> _createExampleAccount ();
$response = $this -> webmention ([ 'token' => 'a' , 'source' => 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'target' => 'http://target.example.com' ]);
@ -130,21 +160,35 @@ class APITest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$data = json_decode ( $response -> getContent ());
$this -> assertEquals ( false , property_exists ( $data , 'error' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 'queued' , $data -> status );
$this -> assertEquals ( true , property_exists ( $data , 'location' ));
$this -> _assertQueued ( 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'http://target.example.com' , $data -> location );
preg_match ( '/\/webmention\/(.+)/' , $data -> location , $match );
$this -> assertNotNull ( $match );
public function testTargetDomainQueuesOneWebmention () {
$this -> _createExampleAccount ( );
# Verify it queued the mention in the database
$d = ORM :: for_table ( 'webmentions' ) -> where ([ 'source' => 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'target' => 'http://target.example.com' ]) -> find_one ();
$this -> assertNotNull ( $d );
$this -> assertEquals ( $match [ 1 ], $d -> token );
$response = $this -> webmention ([ 'token' => 'a' , 'source' => 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'target_domain' => 'target.example.com' ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode (), $body );
$data = json_decode ( $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( false , property_exists ( $data , 'error' ), $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'queued' , $data -> status , $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( true , property_exists ( $data , 'location' ), $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $data -> location ), $body );
$this -> _assertQueued ( 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'http://target.example.com' , $data -> location [ 0 ]);
# Check the status endpoint to make sure it says it's still queued
$response = $this -> status ( $d -> token );
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$data = json_decode ( $response -> getContent ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 'queued' , $data -> status );
public function testTargetDomainQueuesMultipleWebmentions () {
$this -> _createExampleAccount ();
$response = $this -> webmention ([ 'token' => 'a' , 'source' => 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'target_domain' => 'example.com' ]);
$body = $response -> getContent ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode (), $body );
$data = json_decode ( $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( false , property_exists ( $data , 'error' ), $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'queued' , $data -> status , $body );
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , count ( $data -> location ), $body );
$this -> _assertQueued ( 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'http://target.example.com' , $data -> location [ 0 ]);
$this -> _assertQueued ( 'http://source.example.com/basictest' , 'http://target2.example.com' , $data -> location [ 1 ]);
public function testStatusNotFound () {