- # Telegraph
- Telegraph is an API for sending [Webmentions](http://webmention.net).
- ## API
- See https://telegraph.p3k.io/api
- ## Developing
- * Fork and clone this repo.
- * Install MySQL if it's not already installed.
- * Copy `config.template.php` to `config.test.php` and fill in the appropriate
- values for your local environment.
- * Install the dependences, create a local database, and run the tests:
- ```sh
- $ composer install
- $ mysql [ARGS] -e 'CREATE DATABASE telegraph;'
- $ mysql [ARGS] < schema.sql
- $ phpunit
- # Hack hack hack!
- ```
- ## Credits
- Telegraph photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nostri-imago/3407786186
- Telegraph icon: https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=telegraph&i=22058