171 lines
5.6 KiB

function push_error(&$app, $msg) {
echo $msg . "\n";
function push_param($params, $name) {
// Look 'mode' first, fall back to 'hub_mode'
if(k($params, $name))
return k($params, $name);
return k($params, 'hub_'.$name);
// These are just test routes
$app->get('/callback-success', function() use($app) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
echo $params['hub_challenge'];
$app->post('/callback-success', function() use($app) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
$app->get('/callback-fail', function() use($app) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
function verify_push_topic_url($topic, &$app) {
// If we've already seen the topic, assume it's valid and don't check it again
if(!db\feed_from_url($topic)) {
$topic_head = request\get_head($topic);
if($topic_head && !request\response_is($topic_head['status'], 2)) {
push_error($app, "The topic URL returned a " . $topic_head['status'] . " status code");
} elseif(!$topic_head) {
push_error($app, 'We tried to verify the topic URL exists but it didn\'t respond to a HEAD request.');
$app->post('/', function() use($app) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
switch($mode=push_param($params, 'mode')) {
case 'subscribe':
case 'unsubscribe':
// Sanity check the request params
$topic = push_param($params, 'url');
// Support subscribing using either "url" or "topic" parameters
if(!$topic) {
$topic = push_param($params, 'topic');
$callback = push_param($params, 'callback');
if(!$topic) {
push_error($app, 'No topic URL was specified. Send the topic URL in a parameter named "topic"');
if(!$callback) {
push_error($app, 'No callback URL was specified. Send the callback URL in a parameter named "callback"');
if(!is_valid_push_url($topic)) {
push_error($app, 'Topic URL was invalid ('.$topic.')');
if(!is_valid_push_url($callback)) {
push_error($app, 'Callback URL was invalid');
$namespaced = k($params, 'hub_mode') ? 1 : 0; // set namespaced=1 if they used hub_mode in the request
if($mode == 'subscribe') {
verify_push_topic_url($topic, $app);
// Find or create the feed given the topic URL
$feed = db\find_or_create('feeds', ['feed_url'=>$topic], [
'hash' => db\random_hash(),
], true);
// Find or create the subscription for this callback URL and feed
$subscription = db\find_or_create('subscriptions', ['feed_id'=>$feed->id, 'callback_url'=>$callback], [
'hash' => db\random_hash()
], true);
// Always set a new requested date and challenge
$subscription->date_requested = db\now();
$subscription->challenge = db\random_hash();
$subscription->namespaced = $namespaced;
// Queue the worker to validate the subscription
DeferredTask::queue('PushTask', 'verify_subscription', [$subscription->id, 'subscribe']);
} else {
$feed = db\feed_from_url($topic);
if(!$feed) {
push_error($app, 'The topic was not found, so there is no subscription active');
$subscription = db\find('subscriptions', ['feed_id'=>$feed->id, 'callback_url'=>$callback]);
if(!$subscription) {
push_error($app, 'There was no subscription found for this callback URL and topic');
// Queue the worker to validate the subscription
DeferredTask::queue('PushTask', 'verify_subscription', [$subscription->id, 'unsubscribe']);
echo "The subscription request is being validated. Check the status here:\n";
echo Config::$base_url . '/subscription/' . $subscription->hash . "\n";
case 'publish':
// Sanity check the request params
$urls = push_param($params, 'url');
// Allow publishers to use either "url" or "topic" to indicate the URL that changed
if(!$urls) {
$urls = push_param($params, 'topic');
if(!$urls) {
push_error($app, 'No URL was specified. When publishing, send the topic URL in a parameter named "url"');
if(!is_array($urls)) {
$urls = array($urls);
foreach($urls as $url) {
if(!is_valid_push_url($url)) {
push_error($app, 'URL was invalid');
verify_push_topic_url($url, $app);
// Find or create the feed given the topic URL
$feed = db\find_or_create('feeds', ['feed_url'=>$url], [
'hash' => db\random_hash(),
], true);
$num_subscribers = ORM::for_table('subscriptions')->where('feed_id', $feed->id)->where('active', 1)->count();
$feed->push_last_ping_received = db\now();
// Queue the worker to ping all the subscribers about the new content
DeferredTask::queue('PushTask', 'publish', $feed->id);
echo "$url\n";
echo "There are currently $num_subscribers active subscriptions for this feed.\n";
echo "The hub is checking the feed for new content and notifying the subscribers.\nCheck the status here:\n";
echo Config::$base_url . '/feed/' . $feed->hash . "\n\n";