You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

760 lines
26 KiB

  1. {
  2. "_readme": [
  3. "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
  4. "Read more about it at",
  5. "This file is @generated automatically"
  6. ],
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  8. "packages": [
  9. {
  10. "name": "abraham/twitteroauth",
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  12. "source": {
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  31. },
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  34. "psr-4": {
  35. "Abraham\\TwitterOAuth\\": "src"
  36. }
  37. },
  38. "notification-url": "",
  39. "license": [
  40. "MIT"
  41. ],
  42. "authors": [
  43. {
  44. "name": "Abraham Williams",
  45. "email": "",
  46. "homepage": "",
  47. "role": "Developer"
  48. }
  49. ],
  50. "description": "The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.",
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  54. "Twitter oAuth",
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  61. "time": "2016-12-12T17:42:13+00:00"
  62. },
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  85. }
  86. },
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  88. "license": [
  89. "BSD-4-Clause"
  90. ],
  91. "authors": [
  92. {
  93. "name": "Andrej Badin",
  94. "email": "",
  95. "homepage": ""
  96. }
  97. ],
  98. "description": "An easy-to-use PHP Class for accessing Instagram's API.",
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  102. "instagram"
  103. ],
  104. "time": "2016-07-17T23:42:10+00:00"
  105. },
  106. {
  107. "name": "barnabywalters/mf-cleaner",
  108. "version": "v0.1.4",
  109. "source": {
  110. "type": "git",
  111. "url": "",
  112. "reference": "ef6a16628db6e8aee2b4f8bb8093d18c24b74cd4"
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  121. "php": ">=5.3",
  122. "phpunit/phpunit": "*"
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  124. "suggest": {
  125. "mf2/mf2": "To parse microformats2 structures from (X)HTML"
  126. },
  127. "type": "library",
  128. "autoload": {
  129. "files": [
  130. "src/BarnabyWalters/Mf2/Functions.php"
  131. ]
  132. },
  133. "notification-url": "",
  134. "license": [
  135. "MIT"
  136. ],
  137. "authors": [
  138. {
  139. "name": "Barnaby Walters",
  140. "email": ""
  141. }
  142. ],
  143. "description": "Cleans up microformats2 array structures",
  144. "time": "2014-10-06T23:11:15+00:00"
  145. },
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  171. },
  172. "notification-url": "",
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  176. "authors": [
  177. {
  178. "name": "Edward Z. Yang",
  179. "email": "",
  180. "homepage": ""
  181. }
  182. ],
  183. "description": "Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP",
  184. "homepage": "",
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  187. ],
  188. "time": "2016-07-16T12:58:58+00:00"
  189. },
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  217. ],
  218. "authors": [
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  220. "name": "Neuman Vong",
  221. "email": "",
  222. "role": "Developer"
  223. },
  224. {
  225. "name": "Anant Narayanan",
  226. "email": "",
  227. "role": "Developer"
  228. }
  229. ],
  230. "description": "A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec.",
  231. "homepage": "",
  232. "time": "2015-06-22T23:26:39+00:00"
  233. },
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  259. },
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  264. "authors": [
  265. {
  266. "name": "Gajus Kuizinas",
  267. "email": ""
  268. }
  269. ],
  270. "description": "HTML indentation library for development and testing.",
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  277. "time": "2014-10-08T10:03:04+00:00"
  278. },
  279. {
  280. "name": "indieauth/client",
  281. "version": "0.2.0",
  282. "source": {
  283. "type": "git",
  284. "url": "",
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  296. "mf2/mf2": "~0.3",
  297. "php": ">5.3.0"
  298. },
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  303. }
  304. },
  305. "notification-url": "",
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  307. "Apache 2.0"
  308. ],
  309. "authors": [
  310. {
  311. "name": "Aaron Parecki",
  312. "homepage": ""
  313. }
  314. ],
  315. "description": "IndieAuth Client Library",
  316. "time": "2017-02-09T23:42:05+00:00"
  317. },
  318. {
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  339. "type": "library",
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  341. "psr-0": {
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  344. },
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  349. "authors": [
  350. {
  351. "name": "Aaron Parecki",
  352. "homepage": ""
  353. }
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  355. "description": "Render dates and date ranges in a human-readable format, including proper microformats-2 markup",
  356. "homepage": "",
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  363. "time": "2016-04-05T15:13:00+00:00"
  364. },
  365. {
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  387. },
  388. "notification-url": "",
  389. "license": [
  390. "Apache-2.0"
  391. ],
  392. "authors": [
  393. {
  394. "name": "Aaron Parecki",
  395. "homepage": ""
  396. },
  397. {
  398. "name": "Tantek Çelik",
  399. "homepage": ""
  400. }
  401. ],
  402. "description": "Parse rel values from HTTP headers",
  403. "homepage": "",
  404. "keywords": [
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  406. "indieweb",
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  408. ],
  409. "time": "2017-01-11T17:14:49+00:00"
  410. },
  411. {
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  414. "source": {
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  430. "classmap": [
  431. "idiorm.php"
  432. ]
  433. },
  434. "notification-url": "",
  435. "license": [
  436. "BSD-2-Clause",
  437. "BSD-3-Clause",
  438. "BSD-4-Clause"
  439. ],
  440. "authors": [
  441. {
  442. "name": "Simon Holywell",
  443. "email": "",
  444. "homepage": "",
  445. "role": "Maintainer"
  446. },
  447. {
  448. "name": "Jamie Matthews",
  449. "email": "",
  450. "homepage": "",
  451. "role": "Developer"
  452. },
  453. {
  454. "name": "Durham Hale",
  455. "email": "",
  456. "homepage": "",
  457. "role": "Maintainer"
  458. }
  459. ],
  460. "description": "A lightweight nearly-zero-configuration object-relational mapper and fluent query builder for PHP5",
  461. "homepage": "",
  462. "keywords": [
  463. "idiorm",
  464. "orm",
  465. "query builder"
  466. ],
  467. "time": "2013-12-12T10:25:27+00:00"
  468. },
  469. {
  470. "name": "mf2/mf2",
  471. "version": "v0.3.0",
  472. "source": {
  473. "type": "git",
  474. "url": "",
  475. "reference": "4fb2eb5365cbc0fd2e0c26ca748777d6c2539763"
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  485. },
  486. "require-dev": {
  487. "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
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  489. "suggest": {
  490. "barnabywalters/mf-cleaner": "To more easily handle the canonical data php-mf2 gives you"
  491. },
  492. "bin": [
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  494. "bin/parse-mf2"
  495. ],
  496. "type": "library",
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  498. "files": [
  499. "Mf2/Parser.php"
  500. ]
  501. },
  502. "notification-url": "",
  503. "license": [
  504. "CC0"
  505. ],
  506. "authors": [
  507. {
  508. "name": "Barnaby Walters",
  509. "homepage": ""
  510. }
  511. ],
  512. "description": "A pure, generic microformats2 parser — makes HTML as easy to consume as a JSON API",
  513. "keywords": [
  514. "html",
  515. "microformats",
  516. "microformats 2",
  517. "parser",
  518. "semantic"
  519. ],
  520. "time": "2016-03-14T12:13:34+00:00"
  521. },
  522. {
  523. "name": "mpratt/relativetime",
  524. "version": "1.5.4",
  525. "source": {
  526. "type": "git",
  527. "url": "",
  528. "reference": "3dc1efd96c8edbd0fe9e5cdb423ca31428b9dbb7"
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  538. },
  539. "type": "library",
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  542. "RelativeTime": "Lib/"
  543. }
  544. },
  545. "notification-url": "",
  546. "license": [
  547. "MIT"
  548. ],
  549. "authors": [
  550. {
  551. "name": "Michael Pratt",
  552. "email": "",
  553. "homepage": "",
  554. "role": "Author/Developer"
  555. }
  556. ],
  557. "description": "A library that calculates the time difference between two dates and returns the result in words (Example: 5 minutes ago or 5 Minutes left). The library supports other languages aswell like Spanish and German.",
  558. "homepage": "",
  559. "keywords": [
  560. "ago",
  561. "date",
  562. "future",
  563. "interval",
  564. "relative",
  565. "time",
  566. "time-ago"
  567. ],
  568. "time": "2015-12-24T12:43:04+00:00"
  569. },
  570. {
  571. "name": "p3k/multipart",
  572. "version": "0.1.1",
  573. "source": {
  574. "type": "git",
  575. "url": "",
  576. "reference": "f5400011b20046cebbdfed686d051fb2aa600a14"
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  586. },
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  591. ]
  592. },
  593. "notification-url": "",
  594. "license": [
  595. "Apache 2.0"
  596. ],
  597. "authors": [
  598. {
  599. "name": "Aaron Parecki",
  600. "homepage": ""
  601. }
  602. ],
  603. "description": "Multipart Encoding Library",
  604. "time": "2015-07-16T19:28:02+00:00"
  605. },
  606. {
  607. "name": "p3k/timezone",
  608. "version": "0.1.0",
  609. "source": {
  610. "type": "git",
  611. "url": "",
  612. "reference": "68d3490d896f98cf0727dc937f0bb6b045050c83"
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  620. "require": {
  621. "php": ">=5.4.0"
  622. },
  623. "type": "library",
  624. "autoload": {
  625. "files": [
  626. "src/p3k/Timezone.php"
  627. ]
  628. },
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  631. "Apache-2.0"
  632. ],
  633. "authors": [
  634. {
  635. "name": "Aaron Parecki",
  636. "homepage": ""
  637. }
  638. ],
  639. "description": "Find the timezone of a given location",
  640. "homepage": "",
  641. "keywords": [
  642. "date",
  643. "p3k",
  644. "timezone"
  645. ],
  646. "time": "2017-01-12T17:30:08+00:00"
  647. },
  648. {
  649. "name": "saltybeagle/savant3",
  650. "version": "dev-master",
  651. "source": {
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  653. "url": "",
  654. "reference": "ebf4385bf44bec8c7a169571ac178f626017c466"
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  656. "dist": {
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  661. },
  662. "type": "library",
  663. "autoload": {
  664. "classmap": [
  665. "Savant3.php",
  666. "Savant3",
  667. "Savant3/resources"
  668. ]
  669. },
  670. "notification-url": "",
  671. "license": [
  672. "LGPL"
  673. ],
  674. "authors": [
  675. {
  676. "name": "Brett Bieber",
  677. "email": ""
  678. }
  679. ],
  680. "description": "Savant3 template engine",
  681. "time": "2014-01-07 17:10:32"
  682. },
  683. {
  684. "name": "slim/slim",
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  686. "source": {
  687. "type": "git",
  688. "url": "",
  689. "reference": "b8181de1112a1e2f565b40158b621c34ded38053"
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  691. "dist": {
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  704. }
  705. },
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  707. "license": [
  708. "MIT"
  709. ],
  710. "authors": [
  711. {
  712. "name": "Josh Lockhart",
  713. "email": "",
  714. "homepage": ""
  715. }
  716. ],
  717. "description": "Slim Framework, a PHP micro framework",
  718. "homepage": "",
  719. "keywords": [
  720. "microframework",
  721. "rest",
  722. "router"
  723. ],
  724. "time": "2012-12-13T02:15:50+00:00"
  725. },
  726. {
  727. "name": "tantek/cassis",
  728. "version": "v0.2.16895",
  729. "source": {
  730. "type": "git",
  731. "url": "",
  732. "reference": "357e30ad12017b4d67cac5f4400e8f371cd2f504"
  733. },
  734. "dist": {
  735. "type": "zip",
  736. "url": "",
  737. "reference": "357e30ad12017b4d67cac5f4400e8f371cd2f504",
  738. "shasum": ""
  739. },
  740. "type": "library",
  741. "autoload": {
  742. "files": [
  743. "cassis.php"
  744. ]
  745. },
  746. "notification-url": "",
  747. "time": "2016-04-04T15:31:04+00:00"
  748. }
  749. ],
  750. "packages-dev": [],
  751. "aliases": [],
  752. "minimum-stability": "stable",
  753. "stability-flags": {
  754. "saltybeagle/savant3": 20
  755. },
  756. "prefer-stable": false,
  757. "prefer-lowest": false,
  758. "platform": [],
  759. "platform-dev": []
  760. }