896 lines
24 KiB

* @license Highcharts JS v4.1.8 (2015-08-20)
* (c) 2014 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Jon Arild Nygard / Oystein Moseng
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
/*global HighchartsAdapter */
(function (H) {
var seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
merge = H.merge,
extend = H.extend,
extendClass = H.extendClass,
defaultOptions = H.getOptions(),
plotOptions = defaultOptions.plotOptions,
noop = function () { return; },
each = H.each,
grep = HighchartsAdapter.grep,
pick = H.pick,
Series = H.Series,
Color = H.Color;
// Define default options
plotOptions.treemap = merge(plotOptions.scatter, {
showInLegend: false,
marker: false,
borderColor: '#E0E0E0',
borderWidth: 1,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
defer: false,
verticalAlign: 'middle',
formatter: function () { // #2945
return this.point.name || this.point.id;
inside: true
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '',
pointFormat: '<b>{point.name}</b>: {point.node.val}</b><br/>'
layoutAlgorithm: 'sliceAndDice',
layoutStartingDirection: 'vertical',
alternateStartingDirection: false,
levelIsConstant: true,
states: {
hover: {
borderColor: '#A0A0A0',
brightness: seriesTypes.heatmap ? 0 : 0.1,
shadow: false
drillUpButton: {
position: {
align: 'left',
x: 10,
y: -50
// Stolen from heatmap
var colorSeriesMixin = {
// mapping between SVG attributes and the corresponding options
pointAttrToOptions: {
stroke: 'borderColor',
'stroke-width': 'borderWidth',
fill: 'color',
dashstyle: 'borderDashStyle'
pointArrayMap: ['value'],
axisTypes: seriesTypes.heatmap ? ['xAxis', 'yAxis', 'colorAxis'] : ['xAxis', 'yAxis'],
optionalAxis: 'colorAxis',
getSymbol: noop,
parallelArrays: ['x', 'y', 'value', 'colorValue'],
colorKey: 'colorValue', // Point color option key
translateColors: seriesTypes.heatmap && seriesTypes.heatmap.prototype.translateColors
// The Treemap series type
seriesTypes.treemap = extendClass(seriesTypes.scatter, merge(colorSeriesMixin, {
type: 'treemap',
trackerGroups: ['group', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
pointClass: extendClass(H.Point, {
setState: function (state, move) {
H.Point.prototype.setState.call(this, state, move);
if (state === 'hover') {
if (this.dataLabel) {
this.dataLabel.attr({ zIndex: 1002 });
} else {
if (this.dataLabel) {
this.dataLabel.attr({ zIndex: (this.pointAttr[''].zIndex + 1) });
setVisible: seriesTypes.pie.prototype.pointClass.prototype.setVisible
// @todo Move to translate
handleLayout: function () {
var tree = this.tree,
if (this.points.length) {
// Assign variables
this.rootNode = pick(this.rootNode, "");
tree = this.tree = this.getTree();
this.levelMap = this.getLevels();
seriesArea = this.getSeriesArea(tree.val);
this.calculateChildrenAreas(tree, seriesArea);
* Creates a tree structured object from the series points
getTree: function () {
var tree,
series = this,
parentList = [],
allIds = [],
insertItem = function (key) {
each(parentList[key], function (item) {
// Actions
this.nodeMap = [];
// Map children to index
// @todo Use data instead of points
each(this.points, function (point, index) {
var parent = "";
if (point.parent !== undefined) {
parent = point.parent;
if (parentList[parent] === undefined) {
parentList[parent] = [];
* Quality check:
* - If parent does not exist, then set parent to tree root
* - Add node id to parents children list
for (key in parentList) {
if ((parentList.hasOwnProperty(key)) && (key !== "") && (HighchartsAdapter.inArray(key, allIds) === -1)) {
delete parentList[key];
tree = series.buildNode("", -1, 0, parentList, null);
this.eachParents(this.nodeMap[this.rootNode], function (node) {
node.visible = true;
this.eachChildren(this.nodeMap[this.rootNode], function (node) {
node.visible = true;
return tree;
buildNode: function (id, i, level, list, parent) {
var series = this,
children = [],
point = series.points[i],
// Actions
each((list[id] || []), function (i) {
child = series.buildNode(series.points[i].id, i, (level + 1), list, id);
node = {
id: id,
i: i,
children: children,
level: level,
parent: parent,
visible: false // @todo move this to better location
series.nodeMap[node.id] = node;
if (point) {
point.node = node;
return node;
setTreeValues: function (tree) {
var series = this,
childrenTotal = 0,
sorted = [],
point = series.points[tree.i];
// First give the children some values
each(tree.children, function (child) {
child = series.setTreeValues(child);
series.insertElementSorted(sorted, child, function (el, el2) {
return el.val > el2.val;
if (!child.ignore) {
childrenTotal += child.val;
} else {
// @todo Add predicate to avoid looping already ignored children
series.eachChildren(child, function (node) {
extend(node, {
ignore: true,
isLeaf: false,
visible: false
// Set the values
val = pick(point && point.value, childrenTotal);
extend(tree, {
children: sorted,
childrenTotal: childrenTotal,
// Ignore this node if point is not visible
ignore: !(pick(point && point.visible, true) && (val > 0)),
isLeaf: tree.visible && !childrenTotal,
name: pick(point && point.name, ""),
val: val
return tree;
eachChildren: function (node, callback) {
var series = this,
children = node.children;
if (children.length) {
each(children, function (child) {
series.eachChildren(child, callback);
eachParents: function (node, callback) {
var parent = this.nodeMap[node.parent];
if (parent) {
this.eachParents(parent, callback);
* Recursive function which calculates the area for all children of a node.
* @param {Object} node The node which is parent to the children.
* @param {Object} area The rectangular area of the parent.
calculateChildrenAreas: function (parent, area) {
var series = this,
options = series.options,
levelNumber = (options.levelIsConstant ? parent.level : (parent.level - this.nodeMap[this.rootNode].level)),
level = this.levelMap[levelNumber + 1],
algorithm = pick((series[level && level.layoutAlgorithm] && level.layoutAlgorithm), options.layoutAlgorithm),
alternate = options.alternateStartingDirection,
childrenValues = [],
// Collect all children which should be included
children = grep(parent.children, function (n) {
return !n.ignore;
if (level && level.layoutStartingDirection) {
area.direction = level.layoutStartingDirection === 'vertical' ? 0 : 1;
childrenValues = series[algorithm](area, children);
each(children, function (child, index) {
point = series.points[child.i];
point.level = levelNumber + 1;
child.values = merge(childrenValues[index], {
val: child.childrenTotal,
direction: (alternate ? 1 - area.direction : area.direction)
// If node has children, then call method recursively
if (child.children.length) {
series.calculateChildrenAreas(child, child.values);
setPointValues: function () {
var series = this,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
yAxis = series.yAxis;
series.nodeMap[""].values = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100
each(series.points, function (point) {
var node = point.node,
values = node.values,
// Points which is ignored, have no values.
if (values) {
values.x = values.x / series.axisRatio;
values.width = values.width / series.axisRatio;
x1 = Math.round(xAxis.translate(values.x, 0, 0, 0, 1));
x2 = Math.round(xAxis.translate(values.x + values.width, 0, 0, 0, 1));
y1 = Math.round(yAxis.translate(values.y, 0, 0, 0, 1));
y2 = Math.round(yAxis.translate(values.y + values.height, 0, 0, 0, 1));
// Set point values
point.shapeType = 'rect';
point.shapeArgs = {
x: Math.min(x1, x2),
y: Math.min(y1, y2),
width: Math.abs(x2 - x1),
height: Math.abs(y2 - y1)
point.plotX = point.shapeArgs.x + (point.shapeArgs.width / 2);
point.plotY = point.shapeArgs.y + (point.shapeArgs.height / 2);
} else {
// Reset visibility
delete point.plotX;
delete point.plotY;
getSeriesArea: function (val) {
var x = 0,
y = 0,
h = 100,
r = this.axisRatio = (this.xAxis.len / this.yAxis.len),
w = 100 * r,
d = this.options.layoutStartingDirection === 'vertical' ? 0 : 1,
seriesArea = {
x: x,
y: y,
width: w,
height: h,
direction: d,
val: val
this.nodeMap[""].values = seriesArea;
return seriesArea;
getLevels: function () {
var map = [],
levels = this.options.levels;
if (levels) {
each(levels, function (level) {
if (level.level !== undefined) {
map[level.level] = level;
return map;
setColorRecursive: function (node, color) {
var series = this,
if (node) {
point = series.points[node.i];
level = series.levelMap[node.level];
// Select either point color, level color or inherited color.
color = pick(point && point.options.color, level && level.color, color);
if (point) {
point.color = color;
// Do it all again with the children
if (node.children.length) {
each(node.children, function (child) {
series.setColorRecursive(child, color);
alg_func_group: function (h, w, d, p) {
this.height = h;
this.width = w;
this.plot = p;
this.direction = d;
this.startDirection = d;
this.total = 0;
this.nW = 0;
this.lW = 0;
this.nH = 0;
this.lH = 0;
this.elArr = [];
this.lP = {
total: 0,
lH: 0,
nH: 0,
lW: 0,
nW: 0,
nR: 0,
lR: 0,
aspectRatio: function (w, h) {
return Math.max((w / h), (h / w));
this.addElement = function (el) {
this.lP.total = this.elArr[this.elArr.length - 1];
this.total = this.total + el;
if (this.direction === 0) {
// Calculate last point old aspect ratio
this.lW = this.nW;
this.lP.lH = this.lP.total / this.lW;
this.lP.lR = this.lP.aspectRatio(this.lW, this.lP.lH);
// Calculate last point new aspect ratio
this.nW = this.total / this.height;
this.lP.nH = this.lP.total / this.nW;
this.lP.nR = this.lP.aspectRatio(this.nW, this.lP.nH);
} else {
// Calculate last point old aspect ratio
this.lH = this.nH;
this.lP.lW = this.lP.total / this.lH;
this.lP.lR = this.lP.aspectRatio(this.lP.lW, this.lH);
// Calculate last point new aspect ratio
this.nH = this.total / this.width;
this.lP.nW = this.lP.total / this.nH;
this.lP.nR = this.lP.aspectRatio(this.lP.nW, this.nH);
this.reset = function () {
this.nW = 0;
this.lW = 0;
this.elArr = [];
this.total = 0;
alg_func_calcPoints: function (directionChange, last, group, childrenArea) {
var pX,
gW = group.lW,
gH = group.lH,
plot = group.plot,
i = 0,
end = group.elArr.length - 1;
if (last) {
gW = group.nW;
gH = group.nH;
} else {
keep = group.elArr[group.elArr.length - 1];
each(group.elArr, function (p) {
if (last || (i < end)) {
if (group.direction === 0) {
pX = plot.x;
pY = plot.y;
pW = gW;
pH = p / pW;
} else {
pX = plot.x;
pY = plot.y;
pH = gH;
pW = p / pH;
x: pX,
y: pY,
width: pW,
height: pH
if (group.direction === 0) {
plot.y = plot.y + pH;
} else {
plot.x = plot.x + pW;
i = i + 1;
// Reset variables
if (group.direction === 0) {
group.width = group.width - gW;
} else {
group.height = group.height - gH;
plot.y = plot.parent.y + (plot.parent.height - group.height);
plot.x = plot.parent.x + (plot.parent.width - group.width);
if (directionChange) {
group.direction = 1 - group.direction;
// If not last, then add uncalculated element
if (!last) {
alg_func_lowAspectRatio: function (directionChange, parent, children) {
var childrenArea = [],
series = this,
plot = {
x: parent.x,
y: parent.y,
parent: parent
direction = parent.direction,
i = 0,
end = children.length - 1,
group = new this.alg_func_group(parent.height, parent.width, direction, plot);
// Loop through and calculate all areas
each(children, function (child) {
pTot = (parent.width * parent.height) * (child.val / parent.val);
if (group.lP.nR > group.lP.lR) {
series.alg_func_calcPoints(directionChange, false, group, childrenArea, plot);
// If last child, then calculate all remaining areas
if (i === end) {
series.alg_func_calcPoints(directionChange, true, group, childrenArea, plot);
i = i + 1;
return childrenArea;
alg_func_fill: function (directionChange, parent, children) {
var childrenArea = [],
direction = parent.direction,
x = parent.x,
y = parent.y,
width = parent.width,
height = parent.height,
each(children, function (child) {
pTot = (parent.width * parent.height) * (child.val / parent.val);
pX = x;
pY = y;
if (direction === 0) {
pH = height;
pW = pTot / pH;
width = width - pW;
x = x + pW;
} else {
pW = width;
pH = pTot / pW;
height = height - pH;
y = y + pH;
x: pX,
y: pY,
width: pW,
height: pH
if (directionChange) {
direction = 1 - direction;
return childrenArea;
strip: function (parent, children) {
return this.alg_func_lowAspectRatio(false, parent, children);
squarified: function (parent, children) {
return this.alg_func_lowAspectRatio(true, parent, children);
sliceAndDice: function (parent, children) {
return this.alg_func_fill(true, parent, children);
stripes: function (parent, children) {
return this.alg_func_fill(false, parent, children);
translate: function () {
// Call prototype function
// If a colorAxis is defined
if (this.colorAxis) {
} else if (!this.options.colorByPoint) {
this.setColorRecursive(this.tree, undefined);
* Extend drawDataLabels with logic to handle custom options related to the treemap series:
* - Points which is not a leaf node, has dataLabels disabled by default.
* - Options set on series.levels is merged in.
* - Width of the dataLabel is set to match the width of the point shape.
drawDataLabels: function () {
var series = this,
dataLabelsGroup = series.dataLabelsGroup,
points = series.points,
each(points, function (point) {
level = series.levelMap[point.level];
// Set options to new object to avoid problems with scope
options = {style: {}};
// If not a leaf, then label should be disabled as default
if (!point.node.isLeaf) {
options.enabled = false;
// If options for level exists, include them as well
if (level && level.dataLabels) {
options = merge(options, level.dataLabels);
series._hasPointLabels = true;
// Set dataLabel width to the width of the point shape.
if (point.shapeArgs) {
options.style.width = point.shapeArgs.width;
// Merge custom options with point options
point.dlOptions = merge(options, point.options.dataLabels);
this.dataLabelsGroup = this.group; // Draw dataLabels in same group as points, because of z-index on hover
this.dataLabelsGroup = dataLabelsGroup;
alignDataLabel: seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel,
* Extending ColumnSeries drawPoints
drawPoints: function () {
var series = this,
points = series.points,
seriesOptions = series.options,
each(points, function (point) {
level = series.levelMap[point.level];
attr = {
stroke: seriesOptions.borderColor,
'stroke-width': seriesOptions.borderWidth,
dashstyle: seriesOptions.borderDashStyle,
r: 0, // borderRadius gives wrong size relations and should always be disabled
fill: pick(point.color, series.color)
// Overwrite standard series options with level options
if (level) {
attr.stroke = level.borderColor || attr.stroke;
attr['stroke-width'] = level.borderWidth || attr['stroke-width'];
attr.dashstyle = level.borderDashStyle || attr.dashstyle;
// Merge with point attributes
attr.stroke = point.borderColor || attr.stroke;
attr['stroke-width'] = point.borderWidth || attr['stroke-width'];
attr.dashstyle = point.borderDashStyle || attr.dashstyle;
attr.zIndex = (1000 - (point.level * 2));
// Make a copy to prevent overwriting individual props
point.pointAttr = merge(point.pointAttr);
hover = point.pointAttr.hover;
hover.zIndex = 1001;
hover.fill = Color(attr.fill).brighten(seriesOptions.states.hover.brightness).get();
// If not a leaf, then remove fill
if (!point.node.isLeaf) {
if (pick(seriesOptions.interactByLeaf, !seriesOptions.allowDrillToNode)) {
attr.fill = 'none';
delete hover.fill;
} else {
// TODO: let users set the opacity
attr.fill = Color(attr.fill).setOpacity(0.15).get();
hover.fill = Color(hover.fill).setOpacity(0.75).get();
if (point.node.level <= series.nodeMap[series.rootNode].level) {
attr.fill = 'none';
attr.zIndex = 0;
delete hover.fill;
point.pointAttr[''] = H.extend(point.pointAttr[''], attr);
// @todo Move this to drawDataLabels
if (point.dataLabel) {
point.dataLabel.attr({ zIndex: (point.pointAttr[''].zIndex + 1) });
// Call standard drawPoints
each(points, function (point) {
if (point.graphic) {
// Set click events on points
if (seriesOptions.allowDrillToNode) {
* Inserts an element into an array, sorted by a condition.
* Modifies the referenced array
* @param {*[]} arr The array which the element is inserted into.
* @param {*} el The element to insert.
* @param {function} cond The condition to sort on. First parameter is el, second parameter is array element
insertElementSorted: function (arr, el, cond) {
var i = 0,
inserted = false;
if (arr.length !== 0) {
each(arr, function (arrayElement) {
if (cond(el, arrayElement) && !inserted) {
arr.splice(i, 0, el);
inserted = true;
i = i + 1;
if (!inserted) {
* Add drilling on the suitable points
drillTo: function () {
var series = this,
points = series.points;
each(points, function (point) {
var drillId,
H.removeEvent(point, 'click.drillTo');
if (point.graphic) {
point.graphic.css({ cursor: 'default' });
// Get the drill to id
if (series.options.interactByLeaf) {
drillId = series.drillToByLeaf(point);
} else {
drillId = series.drillToByGroup(point);
// If a drill id is returned, add click event and cursor.
if (drillId) {
drillName = series.nodeMap[series.rootNode].name || series.rootNode;
if (point.graphic) {
point.graphic.css({ cursor: 'pointer' });
H.addEvent(point, 'click.drillTo', function () {
point.setState(''); // Remove hover
* Finds the drill id for a parent node.
* Returns false if point should not have a click event
* @param {Object} point
* @return {string || boolean} Drill to id or false when point should not have a click event
drillToByGroup: function (point) {
var series = this,
drillId = false;
if ((point.node.level - series.nodeMap[series.rootNode].level) === 1 && !point.node.isLeaf) {
drillId = point.id;
return drillId;
* Finds the drill id for a leaf node.
* Returns false if point should not have a click event
* @param {Object} point
* @return {string || boolean} Drill to id or false when point should not have a click event
drillToByLeaf: function (point) {
var series = this,
drillId = false,
if ((point.node.parent !== series.rootNode) && (point.node.isLeaf)) {
nodeParent = point.node;
while (!drillId) {
nodeParent = series.nodeMap[nodeParent.parent];
if (nodeParent.parent === series.rootNode) {
drillId = nodeParent.id;
return drillId;
drillUp: function () {
var drillPoint = null,
if (this.rootNode) {
node = this.nodeMap[this.rootNode];
if (node.parent !== null) {
drillPoint = this.nodeMap[node.parent];
} else {
drillPoint = this.nodeMap[""];
if (drillPoint !== null) {
if (drillPoint.id === "") {
this.drillUpButton = this.drillUpButton.destroy();
} else {
parent = this.nodeMap[drillPoint.parent];
this.showDrillUpButton((parent.name || parent.id));
drillToNode: function (id) {
var node = this.nodeMap[id],
val = node.values;
this.rootNode = id;
this.xAxis.setExtremes(val.x, val.x + val.width, false);
this.yAxis.setExtremes(val.y, val.y + val.height, false);
this.isDirty = true; // Force redraw
showDrillUpButton: function (name) {
var series = this,
backText = (name || '< Back'),
buttonOptions = series.options.drillUpButton,
if (buttonOptions.text) {
backText = buttonOptions.text;
if (!this.drillUpButton) {
attr = buttonOptions.theme;
states = attr && attr.states;
this.drillUpButton = this.chart.renderer.button(
function () {
states && states.hover,
states && states.select
align: buttonOptions.position.align,
zIndex: 9
.align(buttonOptions.position, false, buttonOptions.relativeTo || 'plotBox');
} else {
text: backText
buildKDTree: noop,
drawLegendSymbol: H.LegendSymbolMixin.drawRectangle,
getExtremes: function () {
// Get the extremes from the value data
Series.prototype.getExtremes.call(this, this.colorValueData);
this.valueMin = this.dataMin;
this.valueMax = this.dataMax;
// Get the extremes from the y data
getExtremesFromAll: true,
bindAxes: function () {
var treeAxis = {
endOnTick: false,
gridLineWidth: 0,
lineWidth: 0,
min: 0,
dataMin: 0,
minPadding: 0,
max: 100,
dataMax: 100,
maxPadding: 0,
startOnTick: false,
title: null,
tickPositions: []
H.extend(this.yAxis.options, treeAxis);
H.extend(this.xAxis.options, treeAxis);