You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
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* @license Highcharts JS v2.3.3 (2012-11-02)
* (c) 20012-2014
* Author: Gert Vaartjes
* License:
package com.highcharts.export.converter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.highcharts.export.pool.PoolException;
import com.highcharts.export.pool.BlockingQueuePool;
import com.highcharts.export.server.Server;
import com.highcharts.export.util.MimeType;
public class SVGConverter {
private BlockingQueuePool serverPool;
protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("converter");
private static final String SVG_DOCTYPE = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">";
public String convert(String input, MimeType mime,
String constructor, String callback, String globalOptions, Float width, Float scale, String filename) throws SVGConverterException, PoolException, NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException {
return this.convert(input, globalOptions, null, null, mime, constructor, callback, width, scale, filename);
public String convert(String input, String globalOptions, String dataOptions, String customCode, MimeType mime,
String constructor, String callback, Float width, Float scale, String filename) throws SVGConverterException, PoolException, NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
Gson gson = new Gson();
if (filename != null) {
params.put("outfile", filename);
} else {
params.put("infile", input);
if (constructor != null && !constructor.isEmpty()) {
params.put("constr", constructor);
if (callback != null && !callback.isEmpty()) {
params.put("callback", callback);
if (globalOptions != null && !globalOptions.isEmpty()) {
params.put("globaloptions", globalOptions);
if (dataOptions != null && !dataOptions.isEmpty()) {
params.put("dataoptions", dataOptions);
if (customCode != null && !customCode.isEmpty()) {
params.put("customcode", customCode);
if (width != null) {
params.put("width", String.valueOf(width));
if (scale != null) {
params.put("scale", String.valueOf(scale));
// parameters to JSON
String json = gson.toJson(params);
// send to phantomJs
String output = "";
output = requestServer(json);
// check first for errors
if (output.length() > 5 && output.substring(0,5).equalsIgnoreCase("error")) {
throw new SVGConverterException("recveived error from phantomjs:" + output);
return output;
* Redirect the SVG string directly
public String redirectSVG(String svg, String filename) throws SVGConverterException {
// add XML Doctype for svg
String output = SVG_DOCTYPE + svg;
if (filename != null) {
// Create file and return filename instead.
//String filename = createUniqueFileName(".svg");
File file = new File(filename);
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, output);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
throw new SVGConverterException("Error while converting, " + ioex.getMessage());
return filename;
return output;
public String requestServer(String params) throws SVGConverterException, TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException, PoolException {
Server server = null;
try {
server = (Server) serverPool.borrowObject();
String response = server.request(params);
return response;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {
throw new TimeoutException(ste.getMessage());
} catch (TimeoutException te) {
throw new TimeoutException(te.getMessage());
} catch (PoolException nse) {
logger.error("POOL EXHAUSTED!!");
throw new PoolException(nse.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SVGConverterException("Error converting SVG: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
serverPool.returnObject(server, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception while returning server to pool: " + e.getMessage());