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  1. # Compass
  2. Compass is a GPS tracking server that stores data in [flat files](
  3. ## Setup
  4. In the `compass` directory, copy `.env.example` to `.env` and fill in the details. Install the dependencies with composer.
  5. ## API
  6. After you create a tracking database, you can visit the database's settings page to get a read or write token. These tokens are used with the API to update or retrieve data.
  7. ### Writing
  8. To write to a database, make a POST request in JSON format with the following keys:
  9. `POST /api/input`
  10. * locations - a list of GeoJSON objects
  11. * token - the write token for the database
  12. The GeoJSON objects must have at least one property, "timestamp", which is can be any value that can be interpreted as a date. The object can have any additional properties you wish.
  13. The open source iOS [GPS Logger]( will send data in this format by default.
  14. ### Reading
  15. To read a database, make a GET request as follows:
  16. `GET /api/query`
  17. * token - (required) the read token for the database
  18. * tz - (optional, default UTC) timezone string (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) which will be used to determine the absolute start/end times for the day
  19. * format - (optional, default "full") either "full" or "linestring"
  20. * full - return one JSON record for each result in the database
  21. * linestring - combine all the returned results into a GeoJSON linestring
  22. * date - specify a date to return all data on that day (YYYY-mm-dd format)
  23. `GET /api/last`
  24. * token - (required) the read token for the database
  25. * tz - (optional, default UTC) timezone string (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) which will be used to determine the absolute start/end times for the day
  26. * before - (optional, default to now) specify a full timestamp to return a single record before this date (the point returned will be no more than 24 hours before the given date)
  27. * geocode - (optional) if "true", then the location found will be reverse geocoded using [Atlas]( to find the city and timezone at the location
  28. ## Credits
  29. Compass icon by Ryan Spiering from the Noun Project.
  30. ## License
  31. Copyright 2015 by Aaron Parecki
  32. Compass is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](
  33. Compass is built using the Lumen framework, which is licensed under the [MIT license](