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8 years ago
  1. #### phantomjs properties ####
  2. # the host and port phantomjs listens to
  3. host =
  4. port = 7777
  5. # location of the phantomjs executable, could be for example /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
  6. exec = /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
  7. # specify here an alternative location (the whole path!) for the script that starts an Phantomjs server. F.eks /home/bert/scripts/my-highcharts-convert.js
  8. # Leave empty if you're using the script bundled with the export-server.
  9. script =
  10. #### connect properties used to connect with phantomjs running as HTTP-server ####
  11. # all values in milliseconds
  12. # specifies the timeout when reading from phantomjs when a connection is established
  13. readTimeout = 6000
  14. # timeout to be used when opening a communications link to the phantomjs server
  15. connectTimeout = 500
  16. # the whole request to the phantomjs server is scheduled, max timeout can last to this value. This is because in java you can't rely on the above two timeouts.
  17. maxTimeout = 6500
  18. #### Pool properties ####
  19. # number of phantomjs servers you can run in the pool.
  20. poolSize = 10
  21. # The pool is implemented as a BlockingQueue. When asking for a phantom server connection and nothing is available, it waits for the number of milliseconds defined by maxWait
  22. maxWait = 1000
  23. # Keep files in the temp folder for a certain retentionTime, defined in miliseconds
  24. retentionTime = 60000