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  1. # Compass
  2. Compass is a GPS tracking server that stores data in [flat files](
  3. ![mapview](screenshot-mapview.jpg)
  4. ## Requirements
  5. * PHP 5.5 or above
  6. * MySQL (for storing user accounts and lists of databases, not for storing the actual location data)
  7. ### PHP extensions
  8. You'll need to make sure the following PHP extensions are installed. Typically these are installed using the package manager of your operating system.
  9. * curl
  10. * mbstring
  11. * zip
  12. * unzip
  13. ### Optional
  14. * Redis (for the job queue, can use MySQL instead)
  15. ## Setup
  16. Compass is built using the [Lumen framework]( If you have any trouble getting started, you can refer to the [Lumen documentation]( for tips that may have been skipped or assumed in these instructions.
  17. In the `compass` directory, copy `.env.example` to `.env` and fill in the details. Install the dependencies with composer.
  18. ```
  19. $ composer install
  20. ```
  21. Once you've created the database and configured the settings in `.env`, run the migrations to set up all the tables.
  22. ```
  23. $ php artisan migrate
  24. ```
  25. ### Web Server
  26. Your web server will need to support URL re-routing to the index.php file of compass. This will vary based on your web server.
  27. - If you're using Apache, this will involve URL re-writing likely using .htaccess
  28. - If you're using Nginx, this will involve incorporating the following code into your server block, you should also add any applicable fastcgi settings inside the location block below:
  29. ```
  30. try_files $uri /index.php?$args;
  31. location /index.php {
  32. fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
  33. }
  34. ```
  35. ### Job Queue
  36. For the job queue you will either need to have one of the supported options by Lumen. The two most likely options are an SQL database or Redis.
  37. You can find other supported options [here](
  38. If you're using the database queue driver (`QUEUE_DRIVER=database` defined in `.env`), you'll need to create the migration for that table:
  39. ```
  40. $ php artisan queue:table
  41. $ php artisan migrate
  42. ```
  43. If you're using Redis, make sure you've installed the Redis server and set `QUEUE_DRIVER=redis`.
  44. Make sure the storage folder you've defined in `STORAGE_DIR` is writable by the web server (or by the PHP process if you're using php-fpm).
  45. To process jobs on the queue, run
  46. ```
  47. $ php artisan queue:listen
  48. ```
  49. For more details on how to configure this to run in the background, see
  50. ## API
  51. After you create a tracking database, you can visit the database's settings page to get a read or write token. These tokens are used with the API to update or retrieve data.
  52. ### Writing
  53. To write to a database, make a POST request in JSON format with the following keys:
  54. `POST /api/input`
  55. * locations - a list of GeoJSON objects
  56. * token - the write token for the database (as a query string parameter or in the post body)
  57. The GeoJSON objects must have at least one property, "timestamp", which is can be any value that can be interpreted as a date. The object can have any additional properties you wish.
  58. The open source iOS [Overland]( will send data in this format by default.
  59. ```
  60. POST /api/input?token=XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1
  61. Content-type: application/json
  62. {
  63. "locations": [
  64. {
  65. "type": "Feature",
  66. "geometry": {
  67. "type": "Point",
  68. "coordinates": [-122.621, 45.535]
  69. },
  70. "properties": {
  71. "timestamp": "2017-01-01T10:00:00-0700",
  72. "horizontal_accuracy": 65
  73. }
  74. }
  75. ]
  76. }
  77. ```
  78. ### Reading
  79. To read a database, make a GET request as follows:
  80. #### Get all data for a calendar day
  81. `GET /api/query`
  82. * token - (required) the read token for the database
  83. * tz - (optional, default UTC) timezone string (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) which will be used to determine the absolute start/end times for the day
  84. * format - (optional, default "full") either "full" or "linestring"
  85. * full - return one JSON record for each result in the database
  86. * linestring - combine all the returned results into a GeoJSON linestring
  87. * date - specify a date to return all data on that day (YYYY-mm-dd format)
  88. #### Get the last location before a given timestamp
  89. `GET /api/last`
  90. * token - (required) the read token for the database
  91. * tz - (optional, default UTC) timezone string (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) which will be used to determine the absolute start/end times for the day
  92. * before - (optional, default to now) specify a full timestamp to return a single record before this date (the point returned will be no more than 24 hours before the given date)
  93. * geocode - (optional) if "true", then the location found will be reverse geocoded using [Atlas]( to find the city and timezone at the location
  94. #### Find the last location matching a clock time
  95. `GET /api/find-from-localtime`
  96. This API method can help you answer the question "Where was I when my watch read 9:30am on July 15th?".
  97. Timestamps in Exif data do not include the timezone offset, and there is no standard mechanism for including the timezone offset in Exif. Some Canon cameras put the offset in a field, but not all of them do. You can use this method to find your location given an Exif date.
  98. * token - (required) the read token for the database
  99. * input - specify a clock time in the format `YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS`
  100. This will query the database and find the closest matching location for when your clock read that time.
  101. ## Docker for local development (experimental)
  102. This repository comes with a bunch of shell scripts to get a local version of Compass running for development purposes.
  103. `./docker/` starts an apache webserver, a mysql database and a redis image
  104. `./docker/` builds the containers without starting them
  105. `./docker/` shuts down the containers
  106. You will still have to manually install Compass within these containers. When creating the `.env` file, the values are as follows:
  107. ```
  108. BASE_URL=http://localhost/
  109. DB_CONNECTION=mysql
  110. DB_HOST=compass_db_1
  111. DB_PORT=3306
  112. DB_DATABASE=compass
  113. DB_USERNAME=user
  114. DB_PASSWORD=user
  115. QUEUE_DRIVER=redis
  116. CACHE_DRIVER=redis
  117. REDIS_HOST=compass_redis_1
  118. ```
  119. The command line commands are a bit tricky, too:
  120. `docker exec -ti "compass_webserver_1" sh -c "cd compass && composer install"`
  121. runs the composer install, the `artisan` commands need to be run this way as well. For example the `key:generate` command:
  122. `docker exec -ti "compass_webserver_1" sh -c "cd compass && php artisan key:generate"`
  123. and the `migrate` command:
  124. `docker exec -ti "compass_webserver_1" sh -c "cd compass && php artisan migrate"`
  125. ## Credits
  126. Compass icon by Ryan Spiering from the Noun Project.
  127. Screenshot of the map view by Sebastiaan Andeweg.
  128. ## License
  129. Copyright 2015 by Aaron Parecki
  130. Compass is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](
  131. Compass is built using the Lumen framework, which is licensed under the [MIT license](