- <?php
- class UtilsTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
- public function testRandomString() {
- $str1 = p3k\random_string(20);
- $this->assertEquals(20, strlen($str1));
- $str2 = p3k\random_string(20);
- $this->assertEquals(20, strlen($str2));
- $this->assertNotEquals($str1, $str2);
- }
- public function testEndsWith() {
- $this->assertFalse(p3k\str_ends_with('abcdefg', ''));
- $this->assertFalse(p3k\str_ends_with('', 'abcdefg'));
- $this->assertTrue(p3k\str_ends_with('abcdefg', 'efg'));
- $this->assertTrue(p3k\str_ends_with('abcdefg', 'abcdefg'));
- $this->assertTrue(p3k\str_ends_with('abcdefg', 'g'));
- $this->assertFalse(p3k\str_ends_with('abcdefg', 'abc'));
- }
- /*
- * These are failing in php nightly with the error:
- * session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent
- * despite not trying to change the session name, just read it.
- public function testSessionSetupNoCreate() {
- // no session already, so this should not create one
- p3k\session_setup();
- $this->assertFalse(isset($_SESSION));
- }
- public function testSessionSetupCreateFromCookie() {
- // there is a session cookie, so this should initialize the session
- $_COOKIE[session_name()] = '12345';
- p3k\session_setup();
- $this->assertTrue(isset($_SESSION));
- }
- */
- public function testSessionAccess() {
- $_SESSION = [];
- $this->assertNull(p3k\session('foo'));
- $_SESSION = [];
- $this->assertEquals('default', p3k\session('foo', 'default'));
- $_SESSION = ['foo'=>'bar'];
- $this->assertEquals('bar', p3k\session('foo'));
- }
- public function testFlash() {
- $_SESSION = [];
- $this->assertNull(p3k\flash('foo'));
- $_SESSION = ['foo'=>'bar'];
- $this->assertEquals('bar', p3k\flash('foo'));
- $this->assertNull(p3k\flash('foo'));
- }
- public function testE() {
- $html = p3k\e('<b>test</b>');
- $this->assertEquals('<b>test</b>', $html);
- }
- public function testK() {
- $this->assertEquals('b', p3k\k(['a'=>'b'], 'a'));
- $this->assertEquals('default', p3k\k(['a'=>'b'], 'z', 'default'));
- $obj = new StdClass;
- $obj->a = 'b';
- $this->assertEquals('b', p3k\k($obj, 'a'));
- $this->assertEquals('default', p3k\k($obj, 'z', 'default'));
- $keys = ['a','b','c'];
- $values = ['a'=>true, 'b'=>true, 'c'=>true];
- $this->assertTrue(p3k\k($values, $keys));
- $keys = ['a','b','c'];
- $values = ['a'=>true, 'c'=>true];
- $this->assertFalse(p3k\k($values, $keys));
- }
- public function testHTTPHeaderCase() {
- $name = p3k\http_header_case('header-name');
- $this->assertEquals('Header-Name', $name);
- $name = p3k\http_header_case('HEADER-NAME');
- $this->assertEquals('Header-Name', $name);
- $name = p3k\http_header_case('hEaDeR-nAmE');
- $this->assertEquals('Header-Name', $name);
- $name = p3k\http_header_case('host');
- $this->assertEquals('Host', $name);
- $name = p3k\http_header_case('x-header-name');
- $this->assertEquals('X-Header-Name', $name);
- }
- public function testHTMLToDomDocument() {
- $doc = p3k\html_to_dom_document('<html><head><title>Title</title></head><body>Hello World</body></html>');
- $this->assertEquals('DOMDocument', get_class($doc));
- $this->assertEmpty(libxml_get_errors());
- $doc = p3k\html_to_dom_document("\0this is not HTML");
- $this->assertEquals('DOMDocument', get_class($doc));
- $this->assertEmpty(libxml_get_errors());
- }
- public function testXMLToDomDocument() {
- $doc = p3k\xml_to_dom_document('<html><head><title>Title</title></head><body>Hello World</body></html>');
- $this->assertEquals('DOMDocument', get_class($doc));
- $this->assertEmpty(libxml_get_errors());
- $doc = p3k\xml_to_dom_document('<html><title>Title</title></head><body>Hello World</html>');
- $this->assertEquals('DOMDocument', get_class($doc));
- $this->assertEmpty(libxml_get_errors());
- $doc = p3k\xml_to_dom_document("\0this is not XML");
- $this->assertEquals('DOMDocument', get_class($doc));
- $this->assertEmpty(libxml_get_errors());
- }
- public function testBase60() {
- $this->assertEquals('BBBB', p3k\b10to60(p3k\b60to10('BBBB')));
- $this->assertEquals('ABCD_efg', p3k\b10to60(p3k\b60to10('ABCD_efg')));
- $this->assertEquals('Z111000', p3k\b10to60(p3k\b60to10('ZIl1O0O')));
- $this->assertEquals('0', p3k\b10to60(p3k\b60to10(',<.')));
- }
- public function testCreatesRedis() {
- p3k\redis();
- $this->assertEquals('Predis\Client', get_class(p3k\redis()));
- }
- public function testBuildQuery() {
- $params = ['foo'=>['bar','baz']];
- $body = p3k\http_build_query($params);
- $this->assertEquals('foo%5B%5D=bar&foo%5B%5D=baz', $body);
- $params = ['a','b','c'];
- $body = p3k\http_build_query($params);
- $this->assertEquals('0=a&1=b&2=c', $body);
- $params = ['a'=>'A','b'=>'B'];
- $body = p3k\http_build_query($params);
- $this->assertEquals('a=A&b=B', $body);
- }
- }