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namespace p3k\HTTP;
class Stream implements Transport {
private $_timeout = 4;
private $_max_redirects = 8;
public function set_max_redirects($max) {
$this->_max_redirects = $max;
public function set_timeout($timeout) {
$this->_timeout = $timeout;
public static function exception_error_handler($severity, $message, $file, $line) {
if (!(error_reporting() & $severity)) {
// This error code is not included in error_reporting
throw new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
public function get($url, $headers=[]) {
$context = $this->_stream_context('GET', $url, false, $headers);
return $this->_fetch($url, $context);
public function post($url, $body, $headers=[]) {
$context = $this->_stream_context('POST', $url, $body, $headers);
return $this->_fetch($url, $context);
public function head($url, $headers=[]) {
$context = $this->_stream_context('HEAD', $url, false, $headers);
return $this->_fetch($url, $context);
private function _fetch($url, $context) {
$error = false;
try {
$body = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
// This sets $http_response_header
// see
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$body = false;
$http_response_header = [];
$description = str_replace('file_get_contents(): ', '', $e->getMessage());
$code = 'unknown';
if(preg_match('/getaddrinfo failed/', $description)) {
$code = 'dns_error';
$description = str_replace('php_network_getaddresses: ', '', $description);
if(preg_match('/timed out|request failed/', $description)) {
$code = 'timeout';
if(preg_match('/certificate/', $description)) {
$code = 'ssl_error';
$error = [
'description' => $description,
'code' => $code
return array(
'code' => self::parse_response_code($http_response_header),
'header' => implode("\r\n", $http_response_header),
'body' => $body,
'error' => $error ? $error['code'] : false,
'error_description' => $error ? $error['description'] : false,
'url' => $url,
private function _stream_context($method, $url, $body=false, $headers=[]) {
$options = [
'method' => $method,
'timeout' => $this->_timeout,
'ignore_errors' => true,
if($body) {
$options['content'] = $body;
if($headers) {
$options['header'] = implode("\r\n", $headers);
// Special-case URLs to not follow redirects.
if(should_follow_redirects($url)) {
$options['follow_location'] = 1;
$options['max_redirects'] = $this->_max_redirects;
} else {
$options['follow_location'] = 0;
return stream_context_create(['http' => $options]);
public static function parse_response_code($headers) {
// When a response is a redirect, we want to find the last occurrence of the HTTP code
$code = false;
foreach($headers as $field) {
if(preg_match('/HTTP\/\d\.\d (\d+)/', $field, $match)) {
$code = $match[1];
return $code;