'entry', 'url' => $url, 'author' => [ 'type' => 'card', 'name' => null, 'photo' => null, 'url' => null ] ); $profiles = []; // Fetch profile info for this user $username = $photoData['owner']['username']; $profile = self::_getInstagramProfile($username, $http); if($profile) { $entry['author'] = self::_buildHCardFromInstagramProfile($profile); $profiles[] = $profile; } // Content and hashtags if(isset($photoData['caption'])) { if(preg_match_all('/#([a-z0-9_-]+)/i', $photoData['caption'], $matches)) { $entry['category'] = []; foreach($matches[1] as $match) { $entry['category'][] = $match; } } $entry['content'] = [ 'text' => $photoData['caption'] ]; } // Include the photo/video media URLs // (Always return arrays) $entry['photo'] = [$photoData['display_src']]; if(array_key_exists('is_video', $photoData) && $photoData['is_video']) { $entry['video'] = [$photoData['video_url']]; } $refs = []; // Find person tags and fetch user profiles if(array_key_exists('usertags', $photoData) && $photoData['usertags']['nodes']) { if(!isset($entry['category'])) $entry['category'] = []; foreach($photoData['usertags']['nodes'] as $tag) { $profile = self::_getInstagramProfile($tag['user']['username'], $http); if($profile) { $card = self::_buildHCardFromInstagramProfile($profile); $entry['category'][] = $card['url']; $refs[$card['url']] = $card; $profiles[] = $profile; } } } // Published date $published = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $photoData['date']); // Include venue data $locations = []; if($photoData['location']) { $location = self::_getInstagramLocation($photoData['location']['id'], $http); if($location) { $entry['location'] = [$location['url']]; $refs[$location['url']] = $location; $locations[] = $location; // Look up timezone if($location['latitude']) { $tz = \p3k\Timezone::timezone_for_location($location['latitude'], $location['longitude']); if($tz) { $published->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($tz)); } } } } $entry['published'] = $published->format('c'); $response = [ 'data' => $entry ]; if(count($refs)) { $response['refs'] = $refs; } return [$response, [ 'photo' => $photoData, 'profiles' => $profiles, 'locations' => $locations ]]; } private static function _buildHCardFromInstagramProfile($profile) { if(!$profile) return false; $author = [ 'type' => 'card' ]; if($profile['full_name']) $author['name'] = $profile['full_name']; else $author['name'] = $profile['username']; if(isset($profile['external_url']) && $profile['external_url']) $author['url'] = $profile['external_url']; else $author['url'] = 'https://www.instagram.com/' . $username; if(isset($profile['profile_pic_url_hd'])) $author['photo'] = $profile['profile_pic_url_hd']; else $author['photo'] = $profile['profile_pic_url']; return $author; } private static function _getInstagramProfile($username, $http) { $response = $http->get('https://www.instagram.com/'.$username.'/?__a=1'); if(!$response['error']) { $profile = @json_decode($response['body'], true); if($profile && array_key_exists('user', $profile)) { $user = $profile['user']; return $user; } } return null; } private static function _getInstagramLocation($id, $http) { $igURL = 'https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/'.$id.'/'; $response = $http->get($igURL); if($response['body']) { $data = self::_extractVenueDataFromVenuePage($response['body']); if($data) { return [ 'type' => 'card', 'name' => $data['name'], 'url' => $igURL, 'latitude' => $data['lat'], 'longitude' => $data['lng'], ]; } } return null; } private static function _extractPhotoDataFromPhotoPage($html) { $data = self::_extractIGData($html); if($data && is_array($data) && array_key_exists('entry_data', $data)) { if(is_array($data['entry_data']) && array_key_exists('PostPage', $data['entry_data'])) { $post = $data['entry_data']['PostPage']; if(is_array($post) && array_key_exists(0, $post) && array_key_exists('media', $post[0])) { $media = $post[0]['media']; return $media; } } } return null; } private static function _extractVenueDataFromVenuePage($html) { $data = self::_extractIGData($html); if($data && is_array($data) && array_key_exists('entry_data', $data)) { if(is_array($data['entry_data']) && array_key_exists('LocationsPage', $data['entry_data'])) { $data = $data['entry_data']['LocationsPage']; if(is_array($data) && array_key_exists(0, $data) && array_key_exists('location', $data[0])) { $location = $data[0]['location']; # we don't need these and they're huge, so drop them now unset($location['media']); unset($location['top_posts']); return $location; } } } return null; } private static function _extractIGData($html) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($html); if(!$doc) { return null; } $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $data = null; foreach($xpath->query('//script') as $script) { if(preg_match('/window\._sharedData = ({.+});/', $script->textContent, $match)) { $data = json_decode($match[1], true); } } return $data; } }