'type' => 'unknown',
'url' => $url,
// attempt to parse the page as HTML
$doc = new DOMDocument();
if(!$doc) {
return [
'error' => 'invalid_content',
'error_description' => 'The document could not be parsed as HTML'
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
// Check for meta http equiv and replace the status code if present
foreach($xpath->query('//meta[translate(@http-equiv,\'STATUS\',\'status\')=\'status\']') as $el) {
$equivStatus = ''.$el->getAttribute('content');
if($equivStatus && is_string($equivStatus)) {
if(preg_match('/^(\d+)/', $equivStatus, $match)) {
$result['code'] = (int)$match[1];
// If a target parameter was provided, make sure a link to it exists on the page
if(isset($opts['target'])) {
$target = $opts['target'];
$found = [];
if($target) {
self::xPathFindNodeWithAttribute($xpath, 'a', 'href', function($u) use($target, &$found){
if($u == $target) {
$found[$u] = null;
self::xPathFindNodeWithAttribute($xpath, 'img', 'src', function($u) use($target, &$found){
if($u == $target) {
$found[$u] = null;
self::xPathFindNodeWithAttribute($xpath, 'video', 'src', function($u) use($target, &$found){
if($u == $target) {
$found[$u] = null;
self::xPathFindNodeWithAttribute($xpath, 'audio', 'src', function($u) use($target, &$found){
if($u == $target) {
$found[$u] = null;
if(!$found) {
return [
'error' => 'no_link_found',
'error_description' => 'The source document does not have a link to the target URL',
'code' => isset($result['code']) ? $result['code'] : 200,
'url' => $url
// If the URL has a fragment ID, find the DOM starting at that node and parse it instead
$fragment = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
if($fragment) {
$fragElement = self::xPathGetElementById($xpath, $fragment);
if($fragElement) {
$html = $doc->saveHTML($fragElement);
$foundFragment = true;
} else {
$foundFragment = false;
$mf2 = \mf2\Parse($html, $url);
// Check for a rel=alternate link to a Microformats JSON representation, and use that instead
if(isset($mf2['rel-urls'])) {
$alternates = [
'mf2' => [],
'as2' => [],
foreach($mf2['rel-urls'] as $relurl => $reltype) {
if(in_array('alternate', $reltype['rels']) && $reltype['type'] == 'application/mf2+json') {
$alternates['mf2'][] = $relurl;
if(in_array('alternate', $reltype['rels']) && $reltype['type'] == 'application/activity+json') {
$alternates['as2'][] = $relurl;
if(count($alternates['mf2'])) {
// Fetch and parse the MF2 JSON link
$relurl = $alternates['mf2'][0];
$jsonpage = $http->get($relurl, [
'Accept' => 'application/mf2+json,application/json'
// Skip and fall back to parsing the HTML if anything about this request fails
if(!$jsonpage['error'] && $jsonpage['body']) {
$jsondata = json_decode($jsonpage['body'],true);
if($jsondata) {
$data = Formats\Mf2::parse($jsondata, $url, $http, $opts);
if($data && is_array($data) && isset($data['data']['type'])) {
$data['url'] = $relurl;
$data['source-format'] = 'mf2+json';
return $data;
if(count($alternates['as2'])) {
$relurl = $alternates['as2'][0];
// Fetch and parse the ActivityStreams JSON link
$jsonpage = $http->get($relurl, [
'Accept' => 'application/activity+json,application/json'
// Skip and fall back to parsing the HTML if anything about this request fails
if(!$jsonpage['error'] && $jsonpage['body']) {
$jsondata = json_decode($jsonpage['body'],true);
if($jsondata) {
$data = Formats\ActivityStreams::parse($jsondata, $url, $http, $opts);
if($data && is_array($data) && isset($data['data']['type'])) {
$data['url'] = $relurl;
$data['source-format'] = 'activity+json';
return $data;
// Now start pulling in the data from the page. Start by looking for microformats2
if($mf2 && count($mf2['items']) > 0) {
$data = Formats\Mf2::parse($mf2, $url, $http, $opts);
if($data) {
$result = array_merge($result, $data);
if($fragment) {
$result['info'] = [
'found_fragment' => $foundFragment
$result['original'] = $html;
$result['url'] = $url; // this will be the effective URL after following redirects
$result['source-format'] = 'mf2+html';
return $result;
private static function toHtmlEntities($input) {
return mb_convert_encoding($input, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($input));
private static function xPathFindNodeWithAttribute($xpath, $node, $attr, $callback) {
foreach($xpath->query('//'.$node.'[@'.$attr.']') as $el) {
$v = $el->getAttribute($attr);
private static function xPathGetElementById($xpath, $id) {
$element = null;
foreach($xpath->query("//*[@id='$id']") as $el) {
$element = $el;
return $element;