<? use \Michelf\MarkdownExtra; $this->layout('layout-loggedin', ['title' => $title, 'accounts' => $accounts, 'user' => $user, 'return_to' => $return_to]); ?> <div class="ui main text container api-docs" style="margin-top: 80px;"> <h1>Superfeedr Integration</h1> <? ob_start(); ?> You can use Telegraph to receive Webmentions when your site is linked to by any website tracked by Superfeedr, even if that site doesn't send Webmentions itself! <h2 class="ui dividing header">Setup</h2> From the top right menu, click the "New Site" link. <img src="/assets/superfeedr/create-new-website.png" class="tutorial-image"> Enter "Mentions" for the name (or anything you want, but that's what I use), and enter your home page URL. Entering your URL here is how Telegraph knows which links in the Superfeedr feed to send webmentions for. <img src="/assets/superfeedr/new-site-form.png" class="tutorial-image"> After you create the site, click on the settings icon next to the name. <img src="/assets/superfeedr/site-created.png" class="tutorial-image"> Near the bottom, there is a Superfeedr Webhook URL. Copy that URL since we'll need it in the next step. <img src="/assets/superfeedr/site-settings.png" class="tutorial-image"> <h2 class="ui dividing header">Superfeedr Configuration</h2> Now we need to sign up with Superfeedr and create a tracking feed. Create an account by visiting the [Superfeedr Tracker page](https://superfeedr.com/tracker). Make sure to choose "Tracker" from the account type dropdown. If you already have a Publisher or Subscriber account, you'll need to make a new Tracker account for this. <img src="/assets/superfeedr/superfeedr-signup.png" class="tutorial-image"> Once you've signed up, you'll land on the Superfeedr dashboard. Click "Search and Track" to create a new tracker. Enter `link:aaronparecki.com` as the query term, obviously replacing the domain with your own, and set the format to "json". Paste your Telegraph URL from the setup process into the Callback/Webhook URL field. Then click "Subscribe"! <img src="/assets/superfeedr/superfeedr-configuration.png" class="tutorial-image"> At this point your tracker feed is live, and Superfeedr will begin sending web hooks to Telegraph whenever a new item is found that links to your website! Unfortunately nothing will happen right away, so you'll have to wait for someone to publish a blog post that links to you. Check back in a little while and you should see some webmentions show up on your Telegraph dashboard! <img src="/assets/superfeedr/telegraph-dashboard-mentions.png" class="tutorial-image"> Here you can see a few of the mentions I've received from my Superfeedr tracker, including one from Stack Overflow which doesn't yet send webmentions on its own! <br> <? $source=ob_get_clean(); echo MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($source); ?> </div>