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      <h1 class="ui inverted header">
      <h2>Easily send Webmentions from your website</h2>
      <a class="ui huge primary button" href="/login">Get Started <i class="right arrow icon"></i></a>

  <div class="ui vertical stripe segment">
    <div class="ui text container">
      <h3 class="ui header">We send webmentions for you</h3>
      <p>Instead of messing with the details of sending webmentions yourself, we have a simple API that will handle endpoint discovery, gracefully handle failures and retries, and will let you know whether a webmention was successfully sent. All you have to do is tell us the page you want to send the webmention to and we'll take it from there.</p>
      <a class="ui large button" href="/api">Read More</a>
      <h4 class="ui horizontal header divider">
        Case Studies
      <h3 class="ui header">Did We Tell You About Our Bananas?</h3>
      <p>Yes I know you probably disregarded the earlier boasts as non-sequitor filler content, but its really true. It took years of gene splicing and combinatory DNA research, but our bananas can really dance.</p>
      <a class="ui large button">I'm Still Quite Interested</a>

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          <img src="/assets/dashboard-screenshot.jpg" class="ui large bordered rounded image">
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          <h3 class="ui header">Webmentions at a glance</h3>
          <p>Sign in to quickly send webmentions from the Dashboard, and see the status of your previously sent webmentions.</p>
          <p>The status of each webmention can be viewed individually, so you can tell whether it worked or how it failed.</p>

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        <div class="eight wide column">
          <h3 class="ui header">Send Webmentions with a Simple API</h3>
          <p>Let Telegraph send webmentions for you. With a simple API, Telegraph will handle sending webmentions to other websites. Let us handle webmention endpoint discovery and handling failures.</p>
          <h3 class="ui header">Get updates on webmention delivery</h3>
          <p>With a simple web hook, Telegraph will notify your site when a webmention was successfully sent or if an error occurred.</p>
          <h3 class="ui header">Send webmentions automatically</h3>
          <p>You can even let Telegraph subscribe to your feed, and it will send webmentions whenever you publish a new post.</p>
        <div class="seven wide right floated column">
          <pre class="code"><code>
POST /webmention HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json

  "source": "http://source.example.com/post/100",
  "target": "http://target.example.net/",
  "callback": "http://yoursite.example.org/webmention-status"
  "token": "xxxx"
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          <a class="ui huge button" href="/api">API Docs</a>

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          <h3>"Nice thing"</h3>
          <p>A quote by a nice person</p>
        <div class="column">
          <h3>"This makes everything so much easier."</h3>
            <img src="/assets/ben.jpg" class="ui avatar image"> <b>Ben</b> Chief Ben Officer

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