layout('layout-loggedin', ['title' => $title, 'accounts' => $accounts, 'user' => $user]); ?>

Webmention Request

vouch): ?> code): ?> realm): ?> callback): ?>
Date created_at)) ?>
Source e($webmention->source) ?>
Target e($webmention->target) ?>
Vouch e($webmention->vouch) ?>
Code e($webmention->code) ?>
Realm e($webmention->realm) ?>
Callback URL e($webmention->callback) ?>


The request is queued for processing. Check for updates again later.

webmention_endpoint): ?> pingback_endpoint): ?> webmention_endpoint == false && $webmention->pingback_endpoint == false): ?> webmention_endpoint): ?>
Webmention Endpoint e($webmention->webmention_endpoint) ?>
Pingback Endpoint e($webmention->pingback_endpoint) ?>
Webmention Endpoint No webmention endpoint was discovered for this target
Status URL webmention_status_url): ?> e($webmention->webmention_status_url) ?> The webmention endpoint did not return a status URL


Date Status HTTP Code
created_at)) ?> status ?> http_code ?>
              if($json) {
                echo json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES+JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
              } else {
                echo $this->e($status->raw_response);