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try to do better at returning nearby stuff

Aaron Parecki 9 years ago
1 changed files with 29 additions and 41 deletions
  1. +29

+ 29
- 41
lib/helpers.php View File

@ -235,24 +235,24 @@ function entry_date($entry, $user) {
function default_drink_options() {
return [
function default_food_options() {
return [
'Mac and Cheese'
['title'=>'Mac and Cheese','subtitle'=>'','type'=>'eat']
@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ function query_user_nearby_options($type, $user_id, $latitude, $longitude) {
GROUP BY content, round(gc_distance(latitude, longitude, :latitude, :longitude) / '.$bin_size.') /* group by 1km buckets */
ORDER BY round(gc_distance(latitude, longitude, :latitude, :longitude) / '.$bin_size.'), COUNT(1) DESC /* order by distance and frequency */
) AS tmp
WHERE num > 2 /* only include things that have been used more than 2 times in this bucket */
WHERE num >= 1 /* only include things that have been used more than 2 times in this bucket */
AND dist < 1000
GROUP BY content /* group by name again */
ORDER BY SUM(num) DESC /* order by overall frequency */
@ -394,48 +395,35 @@ function get_entry_options($user_id, $latitude=null, $longitude=null) {
$longitude = $last_longitude;
$num_options = 6;
if($latitude) {
$drinks = query_user_nearby_options('drink', $user_id, $latitude, $longitude);
// If there's no nearby data (like if the user isn't including location) then return the most frequently used ones instead
if(count($drinks) == 0) {
$drinks = query_user_frequent_options('drink', $user_id);
if(count($drinks) < $num_options) {
$frequent_drinks = query_user_frequent_options('drink', $user_id);
$drinks = array_merge($drinks, $frequent_drinks);
// If there's less than 4 options available, fill the list with the default options
$num_options = 6;
if(count($drinks) < 6) {
$default = default_drink_options();
while(count($drinks) < 6) {
$next = array_shift($default);
if(!in_array(['title'=>$next,'type'=>'drink'], $drinks)) {
$drinks[] = [
'title' => $next,
'subtitle' => query_last_eaten($user_id, 'drink', $next),
'type' => 'drink'
if(count($drinks) < $num_options) {
$default_drinks = default_drink_options();
$drinks = array_merge($drinks, $default_drinks);
$drinks = array_slice($drinks, 0, $num_options);
if($latitude) {
$food = query_user_nearby_options('eat', $user_id, $latitude, $longitude);
if(count($food) == 0) {
$food = query_user_frequent_options('eat', $user_id);
$frequent_food = query_user_frequent_options('eat', $user_id);
$food = array_merge($food, $frequent_food);
if(count($food) < $num_options) {
$default = default_food_options();
while(count($food) < $num_options) {
$next = array_shift($default);
if(!in_array(['title'=>$next,'type'=>'eat'], $food)) {
$food[] = [
'title' => $next,
'subtitle' => query_last_eaten($user_id, 'eat', $next),
'type' => 'eat'
$default_food = default_food_options();
$food = array_merge($food, $default_food);
$food = array_slice($food, 0, $num_options);
$options = [
