Browse Source

first draft of upgrading to new indieauth client

Aaron Parecki 3 years ago
2 changed files with 46 additions and 62 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +45

+ 1
- 1
composer.json View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"j4mie/idiorm": "1.4.*",
"mf2/mf2": "0.3.*",
"indieweb/date-formatter": "0.1.*",
"indieauth/client": "0.2.*",
"indieauth/client": "~1.1",
"mpratt/relativetime": ">=1.0",
"firebase/php-jwt": "^4.0",
"p3k/multipart": "*",

+ 45
- 61
controllers/auth.php View File

@ -21,42 +21,6 @@ function build_url($parsed_url) {
return "$scheme$user$pass$host$port$path$query$fragment";
// Input: Any URL or string like ""
// Output: Normlized URL (default to http if no scheme, force "/" path)
// or return false if not a valid URL (has query string params, etc)
function normalizeMeURL($url) {
$me = parse_url($url);
if(array_key_exists('path', $me) && $me['path'] == '')
return false;
// parse_url returns just "path" for naked domains
if(count($me) == 1 && array_key_exists('path', $me)) {
$me['host'] = $me['path'];
if(!array_key_exists('scheme', $me))
$me['scheme'] = 'http';
if(!array_key_exists('path', $me))
$me['path'] = '/';
// Invalid scheme
if(!in_array($me['scheme'], array('http','https')))
return false;
// Invalid path
// if($me['path'] != '/')
// return false;
// query and fragment not allowed
if(array_key_exists('query', $me) || array_key_exists('fragment', $me))
return false;
return build_url($me);
function hostname($url) {
return parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
@ -89,7 +53,7 @@ $app->get('/auth/start', function() use($app) {
// the "me" parameter is user input, and may be in a couple of different forms:
// Normlize the value now (move this into a function in IndieAuth\Client later)
if(!array_key_exists('me', $params) || !($me = normalizeMeURL($params['me']))) {
if(!array_key_exists('me', $params) || !($me = IndieAuth\Client::normalizeMeURL($params['me']))) {
render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Sign In',
'error' => 'Invalid "me" Parameter',
@ -113,12 +77,23 @@ $app->get('/auth/start', function() use($app) {
if($tokenEndpoint && $micropubEndpoint && $authorizationEndpoint) {
$scope = 'create';
$authorizationURL = IndieAuth\Client::buildAuthorizationURL($authorizationEndpoint, $me, buildRedirectURI(), clientID(), $state, $scope);
$authorizationURL = IndieAuth\Client::buildAuthorizationURL($authorizationEndpoint, [
'me' => $me,
'redirect_uri' => buildRedirectURI(),
'client_id' => clientID(),
'state' => $state,
'scope' => $scope
$_SESSION['authorization_endpoint'] = $authorizationEndpoint;
$_SESSION['micropub_endpoint'] = $micropubEndpoint;
$_SESSION['token_endpoint'] = $tokenEndpoint;
} else {
$authorizationURL = IndieAuth\Client::buildAuthorizationURL('', $me, buildRedirectURI(), clientID(), $state);
$authorizationURL = IndieAuth\Client::buildAuthorizationURL('', [
'me' => $me,
'redirect_uri' => buildRedirectURI(),
'client_id' => clientID(),
'state' => $state
// If the user has already signed in before and has a micropub access token, skip
@ -217,7 +192,7 @@ $app->get('/auth/callback', function() use($app) {
$me = $_SESSION['attempted_me'];
// Now the basic sanity checks have passed. Time to start providing more helpful messages when there is an error.
// Now the basic checks have passed. Time to start providing more helpful messages when there is an error.
// An authorization code is in the query string, and we want to exchange that for an access token at the token endpoint.
$authorizationEndpoint = isset($_SESSION['authorization_endpoint']) ? $_SESSION['authorization_endpoint'] : false;
@ -232,22 +207,30 @@ $app->get('/auth/callback', function() use($app) {
if($tokenEndpoint) {
// Exchange auth code for an access token
$token = IndieAuth\Client::getAccessToken($tokenEndpoint, $params['code'], $me, buildRedirectURI(), clientID(), true);
$token = IndieAuth\Client::exchangeAuthorizationCode($tokenEndpoint, [
'code' => $params['code'],
'redirect_uri' => buildRedirectURI(),
'client_id' => clientID()
// If a valid access token was returned, store the token info in the session and they are signed in
if(k($token['auth'], array('me','access_token','scope'))) {
// Double check that the domain of the returned "me" matches the expected
if(parse_url($token['auth']['me'], PHP_URL_HOST) != parse_url($me, PHP_URL_HOST)) {
render('auth_error', [
'title' => 'Error Signing In',
'error' => 'Invalid user',
'errorDescription' => 'The user URL that was returned in the access token did not match the domain of the user signing in.'
if(k($token['response'], array('me','access_token','scope'))) {
// Verify the authorization endpoint matches
if($token['response']['me'] != $me) {
$newAuthorizationEndpoint = IndieAuth\Client::discoverAuthorizationEndpoint($data['response']['me']);
if($newAuthorizationEndpoint != $authorizationEndpoint) {
render('auth_error', [
'title' => 'Error Signing In',
'error' => 'Invalid authorization endpoint',
'errorDescription' => 'The authorization endpoint for the returned profile URL did not match the authorization endpoint used to begin the login.'
$_SESSION['auth'] = $token['auth'];
$_SESSION['me'] = $token['auth']['me'];
$_SESSION['auth'] = $token['response'];
$_SESSION['me'] = $me = $token['response']['me'];
} else {
@ -257,22 +240,23 @@ $app->get('/auth/callback', function() use($app) {
$skipDebugScreen = true;
if(!$authorizationEndpoint) {
$authorizationEndpoint = '';
$authorizationEndpoint = '';
$token['auth'] = IndieAuth\Client::verifyIndieAuthCode($authorizationEndpoint, $params['code'], $me, buildRedirectURI(), clientID());
$token = IndieAuth\Client::exchangeAuthorizationCode($authorizationEndpoint, [
'code' => $params['code'],
'redirect_uri' => buildRedirectURI(),
'client_id' => clientID()
if(k($token['auth'], 'me')) {
$token['response'] = ''; // hack becuase the verify call doesn't actually return the real response
$token['auth']['scope'] = '';
$token['auth']['access_token'] = '';
$_SESSION['auth'] = $token['auth'];
$_SESSION['me'] = $params['me'];
if(k($token['response'], 'me')) {
$_SESSION['auth'] = $token['response'];
$_SESSION['me'] = $me = $token['response']['me'];
// Verify the login actually succeeded
if(!k($token['auth'], 'me')) {
if(!k($token['response'], 'me')) {
render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Sign-In Failed',
'error' => 'Unable to verify the sign-in attempt',
