376 lines
13 KiB

use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
function buildRedirectURI() {
return Config::$base_url . 'auth/callback';
$app->get('/auth/start', function() use($app) {
$req = $app->request();
$params = $req->params();
// the "me" parameter is user input, and may be in a couple of different forms:
// aaronparecki.com http://aaronparecki.com http://aaronparecki.com/
if(!array_key_exists('me', $params) || !($me = IndieAuth\Client::normalizeMeURL($params['me']))) {
$html = render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Sign In',
'error' => 'Invalid "me" Parameter',
'errorDescription' => 'The URL you entered, "<strong>' . $params['me'] . '</strong>" is not valid.'
if(k($params, 'redirect')) {
$_SESSION['redirect_after_login'] = $params['redirect'];
if(k($params, 'reply')) {
$_SESSION['reply'] = $params['reply'];
$authorizationEndpoint = IndieAuth\Client::discoverAuthorizationEndpoint($me);
$tokenEndpoint = IndieAuth\Client::discoverTokenEndpoint($me);
$micropubEndpoint = IndieAuth\Client::discoverMicropubEndpoint($me);
$defaultScope = 'create update';
if($tokenEndpoint && $micropubEndpoint && $authorizationEndpoint) {
// Generate a "state" parameter for the request
$state = IndieAuth\Client::generateStateParameter();
$_SESSION['auth_state'] = $state;
$authorizationURL = IndieAuth\Client::buildAuthorizationURL($authorizationEndpoint, $me, buildRedirectURI(), Config::$base_url, $state, $defaultScope);
} else {
$authorizationURL = false;
// If the user has already signed in before and has a micropub access token,
// and the endpoints are all the same, skip the debugging screens and redirect
// immediately to the auth endpoint.
// This will still generate a new access token when they finish logging in.
$user = ORM::for_table('users')->where('url', $me)->find_one();
if($user && $user->micropub_access_token
&& $user->micropub_endpoint == $micropubEndpoint
&& $user->token_endpoint == $tokenEndpoint
&& $user->authorization_endpoint == $authorizationEndpoint
&& !array_key_exists('restart', $params)) {
// TODO: fix this by caching the endpoints maybe in the session instead of writing them to the DB here.
// Then remove the line below that blanks out the access token
$user->micropub_endpoint = $micropubEndpoint;
$user->authorization_endpoint = $authorizationEndpoint;
$user->token_endpoint = $tokenEndpoint;
// Request whatever scope was previously granted
$authorizationURL = parse_url($authorizationURL);
$authorizationURL['scope'] = $user->micropub_scope;
$authorizationURL = http_build_url($authorizationURL);
$app->redirect($authorizationURL, 302);
} else {
$user = ORM::for_table('users')->create();
$user->url = $me;
$user->date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$user->micropub_endpoint = $micropubEndpoint;
$user->authorization_endpoint = $authorizationEndpoint;
$user->token_endpoint = $tokenEndpoint;
$user->micropub_access_token = ''; // blank out the access token if they attempt to sign in again
if(k($params, 'dontask') && $params['dontask']) {
// Request whatever scope was previously granted
$authorizationURL = parse_url($authorizationURL);
$authorizationURL['scope'] = $user->micropub_scope ?: $defaultScope;
$authorizationURL = http_build_url($authorizationURL);
$_SESSION['dontask'] = 1;
$app->redirect($authorizationURL, 302);
$html = render('auth_start', array(
'title' => 'Sign In',
'me' => $me,
'authorizing' => $me,
'meParts' => parse_url($me),
'tokenEndpoint' => $tokenEndpoint,
'micropubEndpoint' => $micropubEndpoint,
'authorizationEndpoint' => $authorizationEndpoint,
'authorizationURL' => $authorizationURL
$app->get('/auth/redirect', function() use($app) {
$req = $app->request();
$params = $req->params();
$params['scope'] = '';
$authorizationURL = parse_url($params['authorization_url']);
parse_str($authorizationURL['query'], $query);
$query['scope'] = $params['scope'];
$authorizationURL['query'] = http_build_query($query);
$authorizationURL = http_build_url($authorizationURL);
$app->get('/auth/callback', function() use($app) {
$req = $app->request();
$params = $req->params();
// Double check there is a "me" parameter
// Should only fail for really hacked up requests
if(!array_key_exists('me', $params) || !($me = IndieAuth\Client::normalizeMeURL($params['me']))) {
if(array_key_exists('me', $params))
$error = 'The ID you entered, <strong>' . $params['me'] . '</strong> is not valid.';
$error = 'There was no "me" parameter in the callback.';
$html = render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Auth Callback',
'error' => 'Invalid "me" Parameter',
'errorDescription' => $error
// If there is no state in the session, start the login again
if(!array_key_exists('auth_state', $_SESSION)) {
if(!array_key_exists('code', $params) || trim($params['code']) == '') {
$html = render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Auth Callback',
'error' => 'Missing authorization code',
'errorDescription' => 'No authorization code was provided in the request.'
// Verify the state came back and matches what we set in the session
// Should only fail for malicious attempts, ok to show a not as nice error message
if(!array_key_exists('state', $params)) {
$html = render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Auth Callback',
'error' => 'Missing state parameter',
'errorDescription' => 'No state parameter was provided in the request. This shouldn\'t happen. It is possible this is a malicious authorization attempt.'
if($params['state'] != $_SESSION['auth_state']) {
$html = render('auth_error', array(
'title' => 'Auth Callback',
'error' => 'Invalid state',
'errorDescription' => 'The state parameter provided did not match the state provided at the start of authorization. This is most likely caused by a malicious authorization attempt.'
// Now the basic sanity checks have passed. Time to start providing more helpful messages when there is an error.
// An authorization code is in the query string, and we want to exchange that for an access token at the token endpoint.
// Discover the endpoints
$micropubEndpoint = IndieAuth\Client::discoverMicropubEndpoint($me);
$tokenEndpoint = IndieAuth\Client::discoverTokenEndpoint($me);
if($tokenEndpoint) {
$token = IndieAuth\Client::getAccessToken($tokenEndpoint, $params['code'], $params['me'], buildRedirectURI(), Config::$base_url, k($params,'state'), true);
} else {
$token = array('auth'=>false, 'response'=>false);
$redirectToDashboardImmediately = false;
// If a valid access token was returned, store the token info in the session and they are signed in
if(k($token['auth'], array('me','access_token','scope'))) {
$_SESSION['auth'] = $token['auth'];
$_SESSION['me'] = $params['me'];
$user = ORM::for_table('users')->where('url', $me)->find_one();
if($user) {
// Already logged in, update the last login date
$user->last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// If they have logged in before and we already have an access token, then redirect to the dashboard now
$redirectToDashboardImmediately = true;
} else {
// New user! Store the user in the database
$user = ORM::for_table('users')->create();
$user->url = $me;
$user->date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$user->micropub_endpoint = $micropubEndpoint;
$user->micropub_access_token = $token['auth']['access_token'];
$user->micropub_scope = $token['auth']['scope'];
$user->micropub_response = $token['response'];
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->id();
// Make a request to the micropub endpoint to discover the syndication targets and media endpoint if any.
// Errors are silently ignored here. The user will be able to retry from the new post interface and get feedback.
get_micropub_config($user, ['q'=>'config']);
if($redirectToDashboardImmediately || k($_SESSION, 'dontask')) {
if(k($_SESSION, 'redirect_after_login')) {
$dest = $_SESSION['redirect_after_login'];
$app->redirect($dest, 302);
} else {
$query = [];
if(k($_SESSION, 'reply')) {
$query['reply'] = $_SESSION['reply'];
$app->redirect('/new?' . http_build_query($query), 302);
} else {
$html = render('auth_callback', array(
'title' => 'Sign In',
'me' => $me,
'authorizing' => $me,
'meParts' => parse_url($me),
'tokenEndpoint' => $tokenEndpoint,
'auth' => $token['auth'],
'response' => $token['response'],
'curl_error' => (array_key_exists('error', $token) ? $token['error'] : false),
'destination' => (k($_SESSION, 'redirect_after_login') ?: '/new')
$app->get('/signout', function() use($app) {
$app->redirect('/', 302);
$app->post('/auth/reset', function() use($app) {
if($user=require_login($app, false)) {
$user->authorization_endpoint = '';
$user->token_endpoint = '';
$user->micropub_endpoint = '';
$user->authorization_endpoint = '';
$user->micropub_media_endpoint = '';
$user->micropub_scope = '';
$user->micropub_access_token = '';
$app->redirect('/', 302);
$app->post('/auth/twitter', function() use($app) {
if($user=require_login($app, false)) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
// User just auth'd with twitter, store the access token
$user->twitter_access_token = $params['twitter_token'];
$user->twitter_token_secret = $params['twitter_secret'];
$app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
'result' => 'ok'
} else {
$app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
'result' => 'error'
function getTwitterLoginURL(&$twitter) {
$request_token = $twitter->oauth('oauth/request_token', [
'oauth_callback' => Config::$base_url . 'auth/twitter/callback'
$_SESSION['twitter_auth'] = $request_token;
return $twitter->url('oauth/authorize', ['oauth_token' => $request_token['oauth_token']]);
$app->get('/auth/twitter', function() use($app) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
if($user=require_login($app, false)) {
// If there is an existing Twitter token, check if it is valid
// Otherwise, generate a Twitter login link
$twitter_login_url = false;
if(array_key_exists('login', $params)) {
$twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret);
$twitter_login_url = getTwitterLoginURL($twitter);
} else {
$twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret,
$user->twitter_access_token, $user->twitter_token_secret);
if($user->twitter_access_token) {
if($twitter->get('account/verify_credentials')) {
$app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
'result' => 'ok'
} else {
// If the existing twitter token is not valid, generate a login link
$twitter_login_url = getTwitterLoginURL($twitter);
} else {
$twitter_login_url = getTwitterLoginURL($twitter);
$app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
'url' => $twitter_login_url
} else {
$app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
'result' => 'error'
$app->get('/auth/twitter/callback', function() use($app) {
if($user=require_login($app)) {
$params = $app->request()->params();
$twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret,
$_SESSION['twitter_auth']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['twitter_auth']['oauth_token_secret']);
$credentials = $twitter->oauth('oauth/access_token', ['oauth_verifier' => $params['oauth_verifier']]);
$user->twitter_access_token = $credentials['oauth_token'];
$user->twitter_token_secret = $credentials['oauth_token_secret'];
$user->twitter_username = $credentials['screen_name'];