
The note interface is for creating simple text posts and optionally adding images.

Adding Photos

If your Micropub server supports a Media Endpoint, then at the time you select a photo, Quill uploads the file to your Media Endpoint and shows a preview in the interface. The image URL will be sent as a string in the request.

If your Micropub server does not support a Media Endpoint, then when you add an image, it is not uploaded until you click "post", and then is sent to your Micropub endpoint as a file.

Post Properties

The following properties will be sent in the Micropub request. This request will be sent as either a form-encoded or a multipart-encoded request, depending on whether there are photos and whether you have a Media Endpoint.

If you have a Media Endpoint, then you'll always get a form-encoded request with the URL of any photos. If you do not have a Media Endpoint, and if there is a photo, you'll get a multipart request so that photos are uploaded directly to your Micropub endpoint.

The access token is sent in the Authorization HTTP header:

Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXX

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