<?php use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth; function require_login(&$app, $redirect=true) { $params = $app->request()->params(); if(array_key_exists('token', $params)) { try { $data = JWT::decode($params['token'], Config::$jwtSecret, array('HS256')); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $data->user_id; $_SESSION['me'] = $data->me; } catch(DomainException $e) { if($redirect) { header('X-Error: DomainException'); $app->redirect('/', 301); } else { return false; } } catch(UnexpectedValueException $e) { if($redirect) { header('X-Error: UnexpectedValueException'); $app->redirect('/', 301); } else { return false; } } } if(!array_key_exists('user_id', $_SESSION)) { if($redirect) $app->redirect('/'); return false; } else { return ORM::for_table('users')->find_one($_SESSION['user_id']); } } function generate_login_token() { return JWT::encode(array( 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id'], 'me' => $_SESSION['me'], 'created_at' => time() ), Config::$jwtSecret); } $app->get('/dashboard', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $html = render('dashboard', array( 'title' => 'Dashboard', 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/new', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $entry = false; $in_reply_to = ''; if(array_key_exists('reply', $params)) $in_reply_to = $params['reply']; $test_response = ''; if($user->last_micropub_response) { try { if(@json_decode($user->last_micropub_response)) { $d = json_decode($user->last_micropub_response); $test_response = $d->response; } } catch(Exception $e) { } } $html = render('new-post', array( 'title' => 'New Post', 'in_reply_to' => $in_reply_to, 'micropub_endpoint' => $user->micropub_endpoint, 'media_endpoint' => $user->micropub_media_endpoint, 'micropub_scope' => $user->micropub_scope, 'micropub_access_token' => $user->micropub_access_token, 'response_date' => $user->last_micropub_response_date, 'syndication_targets' => json_decode($user->syndication_targets, true), 'test_response' => $test_response, 'location_enabled' => $user->location_enabled, 'user' => $user, 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/bookmark', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $url = ''; $name = ''; $content = ''; $tags = ''; if(array_key_exists('url', $params)) $url = $params['url']; if(array_key_exists('name', $params)) $name = $params['name']; if(array_key_exists('content', $params)) $content = $params['content']; $html = render('new-bookmark', array( 'title' => 'New Bookmark', 'bookmark_url' => $url, 'bookmark_name' => $name, 'bookmark_content' => $content, 'bookmark_tags' => $tags, 'token' => generate_login_token(), 'syndication_targets' => json_decode($user->syndication_targets, true), 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/favorite', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $url = ''; if(array_key_exists('url', $params)) $url = $params['url']; $html = render('new-favorite', array( 'title' => 'New Favorite', 'url' => $url, 'token' => generate_login_token(), 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/event', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $html = render('event', array( 'title' => 'Event', 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/itinerary', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $html = render('new-itinerary', array( 'title' => 'Itinerary', 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/photo', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $html = render('photo', array( 'title' => 'New Photo', 'note_content' => '', 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/review', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $html = render('review', array( 'title' => 'Review', 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/repost', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $url = ''; if(array_key_exists('url', $params)) $url = $params['url']; $html = render('new-repost', array( 'title' => 'New Repost', 'url' => $url, 'token' => generate_login_token(), 'authorizing' => false )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->post('/prefs', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $user->location_enabled = $params['enabled']; $user->save(); } $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'result' => 'ok' ))); }); $app->get('/add-to-home', function() use($app) { $params = $app->request()->params(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); if(array_key_exists('token', $params) && !session('add-to-home-started')) { unset($_SESSION['add-to-home-started']); // Verify the token and sign the user in try { $data = JWT::decode($params['token'], Config::$jwtSecret, array('HS256')); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $data->user_id; $_SESSION['me'] = $data->me; $app->redirect('/new', 301); } catch(DomainException $e) { header('X-Error: DomainException'); $app->redirect('/', 301); } catch(UnexpectedValueException $e) { header('X-Error: UnexpectedValueException'); $app->redirect('/', 301); } } else { if($user=require_login($app)) { if(array_key_exists('start', $params)) { $_SESSION['add-to-home-started'] = true; $token = JWT::encode(array( 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id'], 'me' => $_SESSION['me'], 'created_at' => time() ), Config::$jwtSecret); $app->redirect('/add-to-home?token='.$token, 301); } else { unset($_SESSION['add-to-home-started']); $html = render('add-to-home', array('title' => 'Quill')); $app->response()->body($html); } } } }); $app->get('/email', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $test_response = ''; if($user->last_micropub_response) { try { if(@json_decode($user->last_micropub_response)) { $d = json_decode($user->last_micropub_response); $test_response = $d->response; } } catch(Exception $e) { } } if(!$user->email_username) { $host = parse_url($user->url, PHP_URL_HOST); $user->email_username = $host . '.' . rand(100000,999999); $user->save(); } $html = render('email', array( 'title' => 'Post-by-Email', 'micropub_endpoint' => $user->micropub_endpoint, 'test_response' => $test_response, 'user' => $user )); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->get('/settings', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $html = render('settings', [ 'title' => 'Settings', 'user' => $user, 'authorizing' => false ]); $app->response()->body($html); } }); $app->post('/settings/html-content', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $user->micropub_optin_html_content = $params['html'] ? 1 : 0; $user->save(); $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'html' => $user->micropub_optin_html_content ))); } }); $app->get('/settings/html-content', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'html' => $user->micropub_optin_html_content ))); } }); function create_favorite(&$user, $url) { $micropub_request = array( 'like-of' => $url ); $r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $micropub_request); $tweet_id = false; // POSSE favorites to Twitter if($user->twitter_access_token && preg_match('/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com\/[^\/]+\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/', $url, $match)) { $tweet_id = $match[1]; $twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret, $user->twitter_access_token, $user->twitter_token_secret); $result = $twitter->post('favorites/create', array( 'id' => $tweet_id )); } return $r; } function create_repost(&$user, $url) { $micropub_request = array( 'repost-of' => $url ); $r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $micropub_request); $tweet_id = false; if($user->twitter_access_token && preg_match('/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com\/[^\/]+\/status(?:es)?\/(\d+)/', $url, $match)) { $tweet_id = $match[1]; $twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret, $user->twitter_access_token, $user->twitter_token_secret); $result = $twitter->post('statuses/retweet/'.$tweet_id); } return $r; } $app->post('/favorite', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $r = create_favorite($user, $params['url']); $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'location' => $r['location'], 'error' => $r['error'] ))); } }); $app->post('/repost', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $r = create_repost($user, $params['url']); $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'location' => $r['location'], 'error' => $r['error'] ))); } }); $app->get('/reply/preview', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); if(!isset($params['url']) || !$params['url']) { return ''; } $reply_url = trim($params['url']); if(preg_match('/twtr\.io\/([0-9a-z]+)/i', $reply_url, $match)) { $twtr = 'https://twitter.com/_/status/' . sxg_to_num($match[1]); $ch = curl_init($twtr); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_exec($ch); $expanded_url = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL); if($expanded_url) $reply_url = $expanded_url; } $entry = false; // Convert Tweets to h-entry if(preg_match('/twitter\.com\/(?:[^\/]+)\/statuse?s?\/(.+)/', $reply_url, $match)) { $tweet_id = $match[1]; if($user->twitter_access_token) { $twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret, $user->twitter_access_token, $user->twitter_token_secret); } else { $twitter = new TwitterOAuth(Config::$twitterClientID, Config::$twitterClientSecret); } $tweet = $twitter->get('statuses/show/'.$tweet_id); $entry = tweet_to_h_entry($tweet); } else { // Pass to X-Ray to see if it can expand the entry $ch = curl_init('https://xray.p3k.io/parse?url='.urlencode($reply_url)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); $data = @json_decode($response, true); if($data && $data['data']['type'] == 'entry') { $entry = $data['data']; // Create a nickname based on the author URL if($entry['author']['url']) { $entry['author']['nickname'] = display_url($entry['author']['url']); } } } $mentions = []; if($entry) { // Find all @-names in the post, as well as the author name $mentions[] = $entry['author']['nickname']; if(preg_match_all('/(^|(?<=[\s\/]))@([a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_\.]*)?)/i', $entry['content']['text'], $matches)) { foreach($matches[0] as $nick) { if(trim($nick,'@') != $user->twitter_username && trim($nick,'@') != display_url($user->url)) $mentions[] = trim($nick,'@'); } } } $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode([ 'canonical_reply_url' => $reply_url, 'entry' => $entry, 'mentions' => $mentions ])); } }); $app->get('/micropub/syndications', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $data = get_micropub_config($user, ['q'=>'syndicate-to']); $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'targets' => $data['targets'], 'response' => $data['response'] ))); } }); $app->post('/micropub/post', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); // Remove any blank params $params = array_filter($params, function($v){ return $v !== ''; }); $r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $params); $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'request' => htmlspecialchars($r['request']), 'response' => htmlspecialchars($r['response']), 'location' => $r['location'], 'error' => $r['error'], 'curlinfo' => $r['curlinfo'] ))); } }); $app->post('/micropub/multipart', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { // var_dump($app->request()->post()); // // Since $app->request()->post() with multipart is always // empty (bug in Slim?) We're using the raw $_POST here. // PHP empties everything in $_POST if the file upload size exceeds // that is why we have to test if the variables exist first. $file = isset($_FILES['photo']) ? $_FILES['photo'] : null; if($file) { $error = validate_photo($file); unset($_POST['null']); if(!$error) { $file_path = $file['tmp_name']; correct_photo_rotation($file_path); $r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $_POST, $file_path); } else { $r = array('error' => $error); } } else { unset($_POST['null']); $r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $_POST); } // Populate the error if there was no location header. if(empty($r['location']) && empty($r['error'])) { $r['error'] = "No 'Location' header in response."; } $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'response' => (isset($r['response']) ? htmlspecialchars($r['response']) : null), 'location' => (isset($r['location']) ? $r['location'] : null), 'error' => (isset($r['error']) ? $r['error'] : null), ))); } }); $app->post('/micropub/media', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $file = isset($_FILES['photo']) ? $_FILES['photo'] : null; $error = validate_photo($file); unset($_POST['null']); if(!$error) { $file_path = $file['tmp_name']; correct_photo_rotation($file_path); $r = micropub_media_post_for_user($user, $file_path); } else { $r = array('error' => $error); } if(empty($r['location']) && empty($r['error'])) { $r['error'] = "No 'Location' header in response."; } $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'location' => (isset($r['location']) ? $r['location'] : null), 'error' => (isset($r['error']) ? $r['error'] : null), ))); } }); $app->post('/micropub/postjson', function() use($app) { if($user=require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); $r = micropub_post_for_user($user, json_decode($params['data'], true), null, true); $app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; $app->response()->body(json_encode(array( 'location' => $r['location'], 'error' => $r['error'], 'response' => $r['response'] ))); } });