@ -694,6 +694,108 @@ $app->post('/repost', function() use($app) { |
} |
}); |
$app->get('/code', function() use($app) { |
if($user=require_login($app)) { |
$params = $app->request()->params(); |
$edit_data = ['content'=>'','name'=>'']; |
if(array_key_exists('edit', $params)) { |
$source = get_micropub_source($user, $params['edit'], ['content','name']); |
if(isset($source['content']) && is_array($source['content']) && isset($source['content'][0])) |
$edit_data['content'] = $source['content'][0]; |
if(isset($source['name']) && is_array($source['name']) && isset($source['name'][0])) |
$edit_data['name'] = $source['name'][0]; |
$url = $params['edit']; |
} else { |
$url = false; |
} |
$languages = [ |
'php' => ['php'], |
'ruby' => ['rb'], |
'python' => ['py'], |
'perl' => ['pl'], |
'javascript' => ['js'], |
'html' => ['html','htm'], |
'css' => ['css'], |
'bash' => ['sh'], |
'nginx' => ['conf'], |
'apache' => [], |
'text' => ['txt'], |
]; |
ksort($languages); |
$language_map = []; |
foreach($languages as $lang=>$exts) { |
foreach($exts as $ext) |
$language_map[$ext] = $lang; |
} |
render('new-code', array( |
'title' => 'New Code Snippet', |
'url' => $url, |
'edit_data' => $edit_data, |
'token' => generate_login_token(), |
'languages' => $languages, |
'language_map' => $language_map, |
'my_hostname' => parse_url($user->url, PHP_URL_HOST), |
'authorizing' => false, |
)); |
} |
}); |
$app->post('/code', function() use($app) { |
if($user=require_login($app)) { |
$params = $app->request()->params(); |
$error = false; |
if(isset($params['edit']) && $params['edit']) { |
$micropub_request = [ |
'action' => 'update', |
'url' => $params['edit'], |
'replace' => [ |
'content' => [$params['content']] |
] |
]; |
if(isset($params['name']) && $params['name']) { |
$micropub_request['replace']['name'] = [$params['name']]; |
} |
$r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $micropub_request, null, true); |
if(isset($r['location']) && $r['location']) |
$location = $r['location']; |
elseif(in_array($r['code'], [200,201,204])) |
$location = $params['edit']; |
elseif(in_array($r['code'], [401,403])) { |
$location = false; |
$error = 'Your Micropub endpoint denied the request. Check that Quill is authorized to update posts.'; |
} else { |
$location = false; |
$error = 'Your Micropub endpoint did not return a location header or a recognized response code'; |
} |
} else { |
$micropub_request = array( |
'p3k-content-type' => 'code/' . $params['language'], |
'content' => $params['content'], |
); |
if(isset($params['name']) && $params['name']) |
$micropub_request['name'] = $params['name']; |
$r = micropub_post_for_user($user, $micropub_request); |
$location = $r['location']; |
} |
$app->response()['Content-type'] = 'application/json'; |
$app->response()->body(json_encode(array( |
'location' => $location, |
'error' => $r['error'], |
'error_details' => $error, |
))); |
} |
}); |
$app->get('/reply/preview', function() use($app) { |
if($user=require_login($app)) { |
$params = $app->request()->params(); |