@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
< ? php
< ? php
function require_login ( & $app ) {
function require_login ( & $app , $redirect = true ) {
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
if ( array_key_exists ( 'token' , $params )) {
if ( array_key_exists ( 'token' , $params )) {
try {
try {
@ -8,16 +8,25 @@ function require_login(&$app) {
$_SESSION [ 'user_id' ] = $data -> user_id ;
$_SESSION [ 'user_id' ] = $data -> user_id ;
$_SESSION [ 'me' ] = $data -> me ;
$_SESSION [ 'me' ] = $data -> me ;
} catch ( DomainException $e ) {
} catch ( DomainException $e ) {
header ( 'X-Error: DomainException' );
$app -> redirect ( '/' , 301 );
if ( $redirect ) {
header ( 'X-Error: DomainException' );
$app -> redirect ( '/' , 301 );
} else {
return false ;
} catch ( UnexpectedValueException $e ) {
} catch ( UnexpectedValueException $e ) {
header ( 'X-Error: UnexpectedValueException' );
$app -> redirect ( '/' , 301 );
if ( $redirect ) {
header ( 'X-Error: UnexpectedValueException' );
$app -> redirect ( '/' , 301 );
} else {
return false ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( 'user_id' , $_SESSION )) {
if ( ! array_key_exists ( 'user_id' , $_SESSION )) {
$app -> redirect ( '/' );
if ( $redirect )
$app -> redirect ( '/' );
return false ;
return false ;
} else {
} else {
return ORM :: for_table ( 'users' ) -> find_one ( $_SESSION [ 'user_id' ]);
return ORM :: for_table ( 'users' ) -> find_one ( $_SESSION [ 'user_id' ]);
@ -160,6 +169,42 @@ $app->get('/add-to-home', function() use($app) {
$app -> get ( '/settings' , function () use ( $app ) {
if ( $user = require_login ( $app )) {
$html = render ( 'settings' , array ( 'title' => 'Settings' , 'include_facebook' => true ));
$app -> response () -> body ( $html );
$app -> get ( '/favorite.js' , function () use ( $app ) {
$app -> response () -> header ( " Content-type " , " text/javascript " );
if ( $user = require_login ( $app , false )) {
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
if ( array_key_exists ( 'url' , $params )) {
$micropub_request = array (
'like-of' => $params [ 'url' ]
$r = micropub_post_for_user ( $user , $micropub_request );
if ( preg_match ( '/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?facebook\.com\/(?:[^\/]+)\/posts\/(\d+)/' , $params [ 'url' ], $match )) {
$facebook_id = $match [ 1 ];
} else {
$facebook_id = false ;
$app -> response () -> body ( $app -> render ( 'liked-js.php' , array (
'url' => $params [ 'url' ],
'like_url' => $r [ 'location' ],
'error' => $r [ 'error' ],
'facebook_id' => $facebook_id
} else {
$app -> response () -> body ( 'alert("invalid token");' );
$app -> get ( '/micropub/syndications' , function () use ( $app ) {
$app -> get ( '/micropub/syndications' , function () use ( $app ) {
if ( $user = require_login ( $app )) {
if ( $user = require_login ( $app )) {
$data = get_syndication_targets ( $user );
$data = get_syndication_targets ( $user );
@ -179,31 +224,112 @@ $app->post('/micropub/post', function() use($app) {
return $v !== '' ;
return $v !== '' ;
// Now send to the micropub endpoint
$r = micropub_post ( $user -> micropub_endpoint , $params , $user -> micropub_access_token );
$request = $r [ 'request' ];
$response = $r [ 'response' ];
$r = micropub_post_for_user ( $user , $params );
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'request' => htmlspecialchars ( $r [ 'request' ]),
'response' => htmlspecialchars ( $r [ 'response' ]),
'location' => $r [ 'location' ],
'error' => $r [ 'error' ],
'curlinfo' => $r [ 'curlinfo' ]
$app -> post ( '/auth/facebook' , function () use ( $app ) {
if ( $user = require_login ( $app , false )) {
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
// User just auth'd with facebook, store the access token
$user -> facebook_access_token = $params [ 'fb_token' ];
$user -> save ();
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'result' => 'ok'
} else {
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'result' => 'error'
$app -> post ( '/auth/twitter' , function () use ( $app ) {
if ( $user = require_login ( $app , false )) {
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
// User just auth'd with facebook, store the access token
$user -> twitter_access_token = $params [ 'twitter_token' ];
$user -> twitter_token_secret = $params [ 'twitter_secret' ];
$user -> save ();
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'result' => 'ok'
} else {
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'result' => 'error'
function getTwitterLoginURL ( & $twitter ) {
$request_token = $twitter -> getRequestToken ( Config :: $base_url . 'auth/twitter/callback' );
$_SESSION [ 'twitter_auth' ] = $request_token ;
return $twitter -> getAuthorizeURL ( $request_token [ 'oauth_token' ]);
$app -> get ( '/auth/twitter' , function () use ( $app ) {
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
if ( $user = require_login ( $app , false )) {
$user -> last_micropub_response = json_encode ( $r );
$user -> last_micropub_response_date = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
// If there is an existing Twitter token, check if it is valid
// Otherwise, generate a Twitter login link
$twitter_login_url = false ;
$twitter = new \TwitterOAuth\Api ( Config :: $twitterClientID , Config :: $twitterClientSecret ,
$user -> twitter_access_token , $user -> twitter_token_secret );
// Check the response and look for a "Location" header containing the URL
if ( $response && preg_match ( '/Location: (.+)/' , $response , $match )) {
$location = $match [ 1 ];
$user -> micropub_success = 1 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'login' , $params )) {
$twitter = new \TwitterOAuth\Api ( Config :: $twitterClientID , Config :: $twitterClientSecret );
$twitter_login_url = getTwitterLoginURL ( $twitter );
} else {
} else {
$location = false ;
if ( $user -> twitter_access_token ) {
if ( $twitter -> get ( 'account/verify_credentials' )) {
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'result' => 'ok'
return ;
} else {
// If the existing twitter token is not valid, generate a login link
$twitter_login_url = getTwitterLoginURL ( $twitter );
} else {
$twitter_login_url = getTwitterLoginURL ( $twitter );
$user -> save ();
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'url' => $twitter_login_url
} else {
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
$app -> response () -> body ( json_encode ( array (
'request' => htmlspecialchars ( $request ),
'response' => htmlspecialchars ( $response ),
'location' => $location ,
'error' => $r [ 'error' ],
'curlinfo' => $r [ 'curlinfo' ]
'result' => 'error'
$app -> get ( '/auth/twitter/callback' , function () use ( $app ) {
if ( $user = require_login ( $app )) {
$params = $app -> request () -> params ();
$twitter = new \TwitterOAuth\Api ( Config :: $twitterClientID , Config :: $twitterClientSecret ,
$_SESSION [ 'twitter_auth' ][ 'oauth_token' ], $_SESSION [ 'twitter_auth' ][ 'oauth_token_secret' ]);
$credentials = $twitter -> getAccessToken ( $params [ 'oauth_verifier' ]);
$user -> twitter_access_token = $credentials [ 'oauth_token' ];
$user -> twitter_token_secret = $credentials [ 'oauth_token_secret' ];
$user -> twitter_username = $credentials [ 'screen_name' ];
$user -> save ();
$app -> redirect ( '/settings' );