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  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <html lang="en" manifest="appcache.manifest">
  3. <head>
  4. <title>Quill Editor</title>
  5. <meta charset="utf-8">
  6. <link rel="pingback" href="http://webmention.io/aaronpk/xmlrpc" />
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  9. <!-- standard viewport tag to set the viewport to the device's width
  10. , Android 2.3 devices need this so 100% width works properly and
  11. doesn't allow children to blow up the viewport width-->
  12. <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1,width=device-width" />
  13. <!-- width=device-width causes the iPhone 5 to letterbox the app, so
  14. we want to exclude it for iPhone 5 to allow full screen apps -->
  15. <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1" media="(device-height: 568px)" />
  16. <link rel="stylesheet" href="/editor/medium-editor/css/medium-editor.min.css">
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  38. <div class="toolbar-left">
  39. <span class="item"><a href="/"><img src="/editor/quill-logo-36.png" width="36" height="31" class="logo"></a></span>
  40. <span class="item text"><span id="draft-status">Draft</span></span>
  41. </div>
  42. <div class="toolbar-right">
  43. <button class="btn" id="publish_btn">Publish <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></button>
  44. <button class="btn" id="new_btn">New</button>
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  50. <div class="dropdown-content action-publish">
  51. <div style="float:right"><button class="btn btn-medium" id="publish-confirm">Publish Now</button></div>
  52. <div style="clear:right;"></div>
  53. <div class="helptext" id="publish-help">
  54. <div>Clicking "Publish Now" will send a request to your Micropub endpoint.</div><br>
  55. <div>The request will include two fields, "name" and "content", where the content will be the full HTML for this post.</div>
  56. </div>
  57. <div class="helptext hidden" id="publish-in-progress">
  58. Posting... <!-- TODO replace this with a CSS animated spinner -->
  59. </div>
  60. <div class="helptext hidden" id="publish-success">
  61. <div>It worked! The post is on your site!</div><br>
  62. <div><a href="" id="publish-success-url">View your post</a></div>
  63. </div>
  64. <div class="helptext hidden" id="publish-error">
  65. <div>Something went wrong! Below is the response from your Micropub endpoint.</div><br>
  66. <pre id="publish-error-debug"></pre>
  67. </div>
  68. </div>
  69. <div class="dropdown-content action-signin hidden">
  70. <div class="helptext">You need to sign in before you can publish! Don't worry, your draft will still be here when you finish signing in.</div>
  71. <input type="url" class="form-field-small" placeholder="yourdomain.com" id="signin-domain">
  72. <button class="btn btn-small" id="signin-btn">Sign In</button>
  73. </div>
  74. </div>
  75. <div class="container">
  76. <input id="post-name" type="text" value="" placeholder="Title">
  77. <div id="content" class="editable"></div>
  78. </div>
  79. <div id="new_version_available">
  80. <div class="inner">
  81. There is a new version available! Refresh to load the new version.
  82. </div>
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  84. <script src="/editor/editor.js"></script>
  85. </body>
  86. </html>