input('me')); if(!$me) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Invalid URL']); } $state = \IndieAuth\Client::generateStateParameter(); if(preg_match('/https?:\/\/github\.com\/[^ \/]+/', $me)) { $authorizationURL = '' . '?client_id=' . env('GITHUB_ID') . '&state=' . $state; session([ 'auth_state' => $state, 'attempted_me' => $me, ]); } else { $authorizationEndpoint = \IndieAuth\Client::discoverAuthorizationEndpoint($me); $tokenEndpoint = \IndieAuth\Client::discoverTokenEndpoint($me); session([ 'auth_state' => $state, 'attempted_me' => $me, 'authorization_endpoint' => $authorizationEndpoint, 'token_endpoint' => $tokenEndpoint ]); // If the user specified only an authorization endpoint, use that if(!$authorizationEndpoint) { // Otherwise, fall back to $authorizationEndpoint = env('DEFAULT_AUTH_ENDPOINT'); } $authorizationURL = \IndieAuth\Client::buildAuthorizationURL($authorizationEndpoint, $me, $this->_redirectURI(), env('BASE_URL'), $state); } return redirect($authorizationURL); } public function callback(Request $request) { if(!session('auth_state') || !session('attempted_me')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Missing state information. Start over.']); } if($request->input('error')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => $request->input('error')]); } if(session('auth_state') != $request->input('state')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'State did not match. Start over.']); } $tokenEndpoint = false; if(session('token_endpoint')) { $tokenEndpoint = session('token_endpoint'); } else if(session('authorization_endpoint')) { $authorizationEndpoint = session('authorization_endpoint'); } else { $authorizationEndpoint = env('DEFAULT_AUTH_ENDPOINT'); } if($tokenEndpoint) { $token = \IndieAuth\Client::getAccessToken($tokenEndpoint, $request->input('code'), session('attempted_me'), $this->_redirectURI(), env('BASE_URL'), $request->input('state')); } else { $token = \IndieAuth\Client::verifyIndieAuthCode($authorizationEndpoint, $request->input('code'), session('attempted_me'), $this->_redirectURI(), env('BASE_URL'), $request->input('state')); } if($token && array_key_exists('me', $token)) { session()->flush(); session(['me' => $token['me']]); } return redirect('/'); } public function github(Request $request) { if(!session('auth_state') || !session('attempted_me')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Missing state information. Start over.']); } if($request->input('error')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => $request->input('error')]); } if(session('auth_state') != $request->input('state')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'State did not match. Start over.']); } if(!$request->input('code')) { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'An unknown error occurred']); } $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'http_errors' => false ]); $res = $client->post('', [ 'form_params' => [ 'client_id' => env('GITHUB_ID'), 'client_secret' => env('GITHUB_SECRET'), // 'redirect_uri' => env('BASE_URL') . 'auth/github', 'code' => $request->input('code'), 'state' => session('auth_state') ], 'headers' => [ 'Accept' => 'application/json' ] ]); if($res->getStatusCode() == 200) { $body = $res->getBody(); $data = json_decode($body); if($data) { if(property_exists($data, 'access_token')) { // Now check the username of the user that just logged in $res = $client->get('', [ 'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => 'token ' . $data->access_token ] ]); if($res->getStatusCode() == 200) { $data = json_decode($res->getBody()); if(property_exists($data, 'login')) { session()->flush(); session(['me' => '' . $data->login]); return redirect('/'); } else { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Login failed']); } } else { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Login failed']); } } else { $err = ''; if(property_exists($data, 'error_description')) { $err = ': ' . $data->error_description; } return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Login failed' . $err]); } } else { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Error parsing response body from GitHub']); } } else { return view('auth/error', ['error' => 'Could not verify login from GitHub: ' . $res->getBody()]); } } public function logout(Request $request) { session()->flush(); return redirect('/'); } }