@extends('layouts.master') @section('content') @include('partials/logged-in')

Database: {{ $database->name }}

@if ($database->created_by == session('user_id'))

Users with Access


Here you can pick a default timezone and system of measurement to display this database in.

Micropub Trip Export

@if (empty($database->micropub_token))

Authorize Compass with a Micropub endpoint and any trips that are written to this database will be sent to that endpoint as well.


You are currently posting to {{$database->micropub_endpoint}}. Any trips that are written to this database will be sent to that endpoint as well.


Web Hooks

Enter one or more URLs to ping when events occur. This will send a POST request to each URL configured when new a location is received, or a trip is started or ended.

The POST body will be JSON encoded and will contain either a top-level property location or trip. If the trip has started, then the trip object will contain a current_location property. If the trip has ended, the trip object will contain a end_location property.

Enter one or more URLs separated by whitespace.
