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593 lines
19 KiB

namespace p3k\geo\StaticMap;
use p3k\geo\WebMercator, p3k\Geocoder;
use Imagick, ImagickPixel, ImagickDraw;
function generate($params, $filename, $assetPath) {
$bounds = array(
'minLat' => 90,
'maxLat' => -90,
'minLng' => 180,
'maxLng' => -180
// If any markers are specified, choose a default lat/lng as the center of all the markers
$markers = array();
if($markersTemp=k($params,'marker')) {
$markersTemp = array($markersTemp);
// If no latitude is set, use the center of all the markers
foreach($markersTemp as $i=>$m) {
if(preg_match_all('/(?P<k>[a-z]+):(?P<v>[^;]+)/', $m, $matches)) {
$properties = array();
foreach($matches['k'] as $j=>$key) {
$properties[$key] = $matches['v'][$j];
// Skip invalid marker definitions, show error in a header
if(array_key_exists('icon', $properties) && (
(array_key_exists('lat', $properties) && array_key_exists('lng', $properties))
|| array_key_exists('location', $properties)
) {
// Geocode the provided location and return lat/lng
if(array_key_exists('location', $properties)) {
$result = Geocoder::geocode($properties['location']);
if(!$result) {
#header('X-Marker-' . ($i+1) . ': error geocoding location "' . $properties['location'] . '"');
$properties['lat'] = $result->latitude;
$properties['lng'] = $result->longitude;
if(preg_match('/https?:\/\/(.+)/', $properties['icon'], $match)) {
// Looks like an external image, attempt to download it
$ch = curl_init($properties['icon']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
$img = curl_exec($ch);
$properties['iconImg'] = @imagecreatefromstring($img);
if(!$properties['iconImg']) {
$properties['iconImg'] = false;
} else {
$properties['iconImg'] = imagecreatefrompng($assetPath . '/' . $properties['icon'] . '.png');
if($properties['iconImg']) {
$markers[] = $properties;
if($properties['lat'] < $bounds['minLat'])
$bounds['minLat'] = $properties['lat'];
if($properties['lat'] > $bounds['maxLat'])
$bounds['maxLat'] = $properties['lat'];
if($properties['lng'] < $bounds['minLng'])
$bounds['minLng'] = $properties['lng'];
if($properties['lng'] > $bounds['maxLng'])
$bounds['maxLng'] = $properties['lng'];
} else {
#header('X-Marker-' . ($i+1) . ': missing icon, or lat/lng/location parameters');
$paths = array();
if($pathsTemp=k($params,'path')) {
$pathsTemp = array($pathsTemp);
foreach($pathsTemp as $i=>$path) {
$properties = array();
if(preg_match_all('/(?P<k>[a-z]+):(?P<v>[^;]+)/', $path, $matches)) {
foreach($matches['k'] as $j=>$key) {
$properties[$key] = $matches['v'][$j];
// Set default color and weight if none specified
if(!array_key_exists('color', $properties))
$properties['color'] = '333333';
if(!array_key_exists('weight', $properties))
$properties['weight'] = 3;
// Now parse the points into an array
if(preg_match_all('/(?P<point>\[[0-9\.-]+,[0-9\.-]+\])/', $path, $matches)) {
$properties['path'] = json_decode('[' . implode(',', $matches['point']) . ']');
// Adjust the bounds to fit the path
foreach($properties['path'] as $point) {
if($point[1] < $bounds['minLat'])
$bounds['minLat'] = $point[1];
if($point[1] > $bounds['maxLat'])
$bounds['maxLat'] = $point[1];
if($point[0] < $bounds['minLng'])
$bounds['minLng'] = $point[0];
if($point[0] > $bounds['maxLng'])
$bounds['maxLng'] = $point[0];
if(array_key_exists('path', $properties))
$paths[] = $properties;
$defaultLatitude = $bounds['minLat'] + (($bounds['maxLat'] - $bounds['minLat']) / 2);
$defaultLongitude = $bounds['minLng'] + (($bounds['maxLng'] - $bounds['minLng']) / 2);
if(k($params,'latitude') !== false) {
$latitude = k($params,'latitude');
$longitude = k($params,'longitude');
} elseif(k($params,'location') !== false) {
$result = ArcGISGeocoder::geocode(k($params,'location'));
if(!$result->success) {
$latitude = $defaultLatitude;
$longitude = $defaultLongitude;
#header('X-Geocode: error');
#header('X-Geocode-Result: ' . $result->raw);
} else {
$latitude = $result->latitude;
$longitude = $result->longitude;
#header('X-Geocode: success');
#header('X-Geocode-Result: ' . $latitude . ', ' . $longitude);
} else {
$latitude = $defaultLatitude;
$longitude = $defaultLongitude;
$width = k($params, 'width', 300);
$height = k($params, 'height', 300);
// If no zoom is specified, choose a zoom level that will fit all the markers and the path
if(k($params,'zoom')) {
$zoom = k($params,'zoom');
} else {
// start at max zoom level (20)
$fitZoom = 21;
$doesNotFit = true;
while($fitZoom > 1 && $doesNotFit) {
$center = webmercator\latLngToPixels($latitude, $longitude, $fitZoom);
$leftEdge = $center['x'] - $width/2;
$topEdge = $center['y'] - $height/2;
// check if the bounding rectangle fits within width/height
$sw = webmercator\latLngToPixels($bounds['minLat'], $bounds['minLng'], $fitZoom);
$ne = webmercator\latLngToPixels($bounds['maxLat'], $bounds['maxLng'], $fitZoom);
// leave some padding around the objects
$fitHeight = abs($ne['y'] - $sw['y']) + (0.1 * $height);
$fitWidth = abs($ne['x'] - $sw['x']) + (0.1 * $width);
if($fitHeight <= $height && $fitWidth <= $width) {
$doesNotFit = false;
$zoom = $fitZoom;
if(k($params,'maxzoom') && k($params,'maxzoom') < $zoom) {
$zoom = k($params,'maxzoom');
$minZoom = 2;
if($zoom < $minZoom)
$zoom = $minZoom;
$tileServices = array(
'streets' => array(
'satellite' => array(
'hybrid' => array(
'topo' => array(
'gray' => array(
'gray-background' => array(
'oceans' => array(
'national-geographic' => array(
'osm' => array(
'stamen-toner' => array(
'stamen-toner-background' => array(
'stamen-toner-lite' => array(
'stamen-terrain' => array(
'stamen-terrain-background' => array(
'stamen-watercolor' => array(
if(k($params,'basemap') && k($tileServices, k($params,'basemap'))) {
$tileURL = $tileServices[k($params,'basemap')][0];
if(array_key_exists(1, $tileServices[k($params,'basemap')]))
$overlayURL = $tileServices[k($params,'basemap')][1];
$overlayURL = 0;
} elseif(k($params, 'basemap') == 'custom') {
$tileURL = $params['tileurl'];
$overlayURL = false;
} else {
$tileURL = $tileServices['gray'][0];
$overlayURL = false;
function urlForTile($x, $y, $z, $tileURL) {
return str_replace(array(
'{X}', '{Y}', '{Z}', '{x}', '{y}', '{z}'
), array(
$x, $y, $z, $x, $y, $z
), $tileURL);
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// Find the pixel coordinate of the center of the map
$center = webmercator\latLngToPixels($latitude, $longitude, $zoom);
$leftEdge = $center['x'] - $width/2;
$topEdge = $center['y'] - $height/2;
$tilePos = webmercator\pixelsToTile($center['x'], $center['y']);
// print_r($tilePos);
// echo '<br />';
$pos = webmercator\positionInTile($center['x'], $center['y']);
// print_r($pos);
// echo '<br />';
// For the given number of pixels, determine how many tiles are needed in each direction
$neTile = webmercator\pixelsToTile($center['x'] + $width/2, $center['y'] + $height/2);
// print_r($neTile);
// echo '<br />';
$swTile = webmercator\pixelsToTile($center['x'] - $width/2, $center['y'] - $height/2);
// print_r($swTile);
// echo '<br />';
// Now download all the tiles
$tiles = array();
$overlays = array();
$chs = array();
$mh = curl_multi_init();
$numTiles = 0;
$urls = array();
for($x = $swTile['x']; $x <= $neTile['x']; $x++) {
$x = (int)$x;
if(!array_key_exists($x, $tiles)) {
$tiles[$x] = array();
$overlays[$x] = array();
$chs[$x] = array();
$ochs[$x] = array();
for($y = $swTile['y']; $y <= $neTile['y']; $y++) {
$y = (int)$y;
$url = urlForTile($x, $y, $zoom, $tileURL);
$urls[] = $url;
$tiles[$x][$y] = false;
$chs[$x][$y] = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($chs[$x][$y], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
curl_setopt($chs[$x][$y], CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chs[$x][$y]);
if($overlayURL) {
$url = urlForTile($x, $y, $zoom, $overlayURL);
$overlays[$x][$y] = false;
$ochs[$x][$y] = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ochs[$x][$y], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
curl_setopt($ochs[$x][$y], CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE);
curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $ochs[$x][$y]);
$running = null;
// Execute the handles. Blocks until all are finished.
do {
$mrc = curl_multi_exec($mh, $running);
} while($running > 0);
// In case any of the tiles fail, they will be grey instead of throwing an error
$blank = imagecreatetruecolor(256, 256);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 224, 224, 224);
imagefill($blank, 0,0, $grey);
foreach($chs as $x=>$yTiles) {
foreach($yTiles as $y=>$ch) {
$content = curl_multi_getcontent($ch);
$tiles[$x][$y] = @imagecreatefromstring($content);
$tiles[$x][$y] = $blank;
if($overlayURL) {
foreach($ochs as $x=>$yTiles) {
foreach($yTiles as $y=>$ch) {
$content = curl_multi_getcontent($ch);
$overlays[$x][$y] = @imagecreatefromstring($content);
$overlays[$x][$y] = $blank;
// Assemble all the tiles into a new image positioned as appropriate
foreach($tiles as $x=>$yTiles) {
foreach($yTiles as $y=>$tile) {
$x = intval($x);
$y = intval($y);
$ox = (($x - $tilePos['x']) * TILE_SIZE) - $pos['x'] + ($width/2);
$oy = (($y - $tilePos['y']) * TILE_SIZE) - $pos['y'] + ($height/2);
imagecopy($im, $tile, $ox,$oy, 0,0, imagesx($tile),imagesy($tile));
if($overlayURL) {
foreach($overlays as $x=>$yTiles) {
foreach($yTiles as $y=>$tile) {
$x = intval($x);
$y = intval($y);
$ox = (($x - $tilePos['x']) * TILE_SIZE) - $pos['x'] + ($width/2);
$oy = (($y - $tilePos['y']) * TILE_SIZE) - $pos['y'] + ($height/2);
imagecopy($im, $tile, $ox,$oy, 0,0, imagesx($tile),imagesy($tile));
if(count($paths)) {
// Draw the path with ImageMagick because GD sucks as anti-aliased lines
$mg = new Imagick();
$mg->newImage($width, $height, new ImagickPixel('none'));
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$colors = array();
foreach($paths as $path) {
$draw->setStrokeColor(new ImagickPixel('#'.$path['color']));
$previous = false;
foreach($path['path'] as $point) {
if($previous) {
$from = webmercator\latLngToPixels($previous[1], $previous[0], $zoom);
$to = webmercator\latLngToPixels($point[1], $point[0], $zoom);
if(k($params, 'bezier')) {
$x_dist = abs($from['x'] - $to['x']);
$y_dist = abs($from['y'] - $to['y']);
// If the X distance is longer than Y distance, draw from left to right
if($x_dist > $y_dist) {
// Draw from left to right
if($from['x'] > $to['x']) {
$tmpFrom = $from;
$tmpTo = $to;
$from = $tmpTo;
$to = $tmpFrom;
} else {
// Draw from top to bottom
if($from['y'] > $to['y']) {
$tmpFrom = $from;
$tmpTo = $to;
$from = $tmpTo;
$to = $tmpFrom;
$angle = 1 * k($params, 'bezier');
// Midpoint between the two ends
$M = [
'x' => ($from['x'] + $to['x']) / 2,
'y' => ($from['y'] + $to['y']) / 2
// Derived from and,1%5D+%5B5,2%5D+%5B1-1%2Fsqrt(3),1%2B4%2Fsqrt(3)%5D
// See for details
$A = $from;
$B = $to;
$P = [
'x' => ($M['x']) - (($A['y']-$M['y']) * tan(deg2rad($angle))),
'y' => ($M['y']) + (($A['x']-$M['x']) * tan(deg2rad($angle)))
$P['x']-$leftEdge, $P['y']-$topEdge,
$B['x']-$leftEdge, $B['y']-$topEdge
} else {
$draw->line($from['x']-$leftEdge,$from['y']-$topEdge, $to['x']-$leftEdge,$to['y']-$topEdge);
$previous = $point;
$pathImg = imagecreatefromstring($mg);
imagecopy($im, $pathImg, 0,0, 0,0, $width,$height);
// Add markers
foreach($markers as $marker) {
// Icons that have 'dot' in the name do not have a shadow and center vertically and horizontally
$shadow = !preg_match('/dot/', $marker['icon']);
if($width < 120 || $height < 120) {
$shrinkFactor = 1.5;
} else {
$shrinkFactor = 1;
// Icons with a shadow are centered at the bottom middle pixel.
// Icons with no shadow are centered in the center pixel.
$px = webmercator\latLngToPixels($marker['lat'], $marker['lng'], $zoom);
$pos = array(
'x' => $px['x'] - $leftEdge,
'y' => $px['y'] - $topEdge
if($shrinkFactor > 1) {
$markerImg = imagecreatetruecolor(round(imagesx($marker['iconImg'])/$shrinkFactor), round(imagesy($marker['iconImg'])/$shrinkFactor));
imagealphablending($markerImg, true);
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($markerImg, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($markerImg, 0,0, $color);
imagecopyresampled($markerImg, $marker['iconImg'], 0,0, 0,0, imagesx($markerImg),imagesy($markerImg), imagesx($marker['iconImg']),imagesy($marker['iconImg']));
} else {
$markerImg = $marker['iconImg'];
if($shadow) {
$iconPos = array(
'x' => $pos['x'] - round(imagesx($markerImg)/2),
'y' => $pos['y'] - imagesy($markerImg)
} else {
$iconPos = array(
'x' => $pos['x'] - round(imagesx($markerImg)/2),
'y' => $pos['y'] - round(imagesy($markerImg)/2)
imagecopy($im, $markerImg, $iconPos['x'],$iconPos['y'], 0,0, imagesx($markerImg),imagesy($markerImg));
if(k($params,'attribution') == 'mapbox') {
$logo = imagecreatefrompng($assetPath . '/mapbox-attribution.png');
imagecopy($im, $logo, $width-imagesx($logo), $height-imagesy($logo), 0,0, imagesx($logo),imagesy($logo));
} elseif(k($params,'attribution') == 'mapbox-small') {
$logo = imagecreatefrompng($assetPath . '/mapbox-attribution.png');
$shrinkFactor = 2;
imagecopyresampled($im, $logo, $width-round(imagesx($logo)/$shrinkFactor), $height-round(imagesy($logo)/$shrinkFactor), 0,0, round(imagesx($logo)/$shrinkFactor),round(imagesy($logo)/$shrinkFactor), imagesx($logo),imagesy($logo));
} elseif(k($params,'attribution') != 'none') {
$logo = imagecreatefrompng($assetPath . '/powered-by-esri.png');
// Shrink the logo if the image is small
if($width > 120) {
if($width < 220 || k($params, 'attribution') == 'small') {
$shrinkFactor = 2;
imagecopyresampled($im, $logo, $width-round(imagesx($logo)/$shrinkFactor)-4, $height-round(imagesy($logo)/$shrinkFactor)-4, 0,0, round(imagesx($logo)/$shrinkFactor),round(imagesy($logo)/$shrinkFactor), imagesx($logo),imagesy($logo));
} else {
imagecopy($im, $logo, $width-imagesx($logo)-4, $height-imagesy($logo)-4, 0,0, imagesx($logo),imagesy($logo));
#header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . (60*60*24*30) . ', public');
#header('X-Tiles-Downloaded: ' . $numTiles);
// TODO: add caching
$fmt = k($params,'format', 'png');
switch($fmt) {
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
header('Content-type: image/jpg');
$quality = k($params, 'quality', 75);
imagejpeg($im, $filename, $quality);
case "png":
header('Content-type: image/png');
imagepng($im, $filename);
function k($a, $k, $default=false) {
if(is_array($a) && array_key_exists($k, $a) && $a[$k])
return $a[$k];
elseif(is_object($a) && property_exists($a, $k) && $a->$k)
return $a->$k;
return $default;