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namespace p3k\geo\WebMercator;
define('TILE_SIZE', 256);
function totalPixelsForZoomLevel($zoom) {
return pow(2, $zoom) * TILE_SIZE;
function lngToX($longitude, $zoom) {
return round((($longitude + 180) / 360) * totalPixelsForZoomLevel($zoom));
function latToY($latitude, $zoom) {
return round(((atanh(sin(deg2rad(-$latitude))) / pi()) + 1) * totalPixelsForZoomLevel($zoom - 1));
function latLngToPixels($latitude, $longitude, $zoom) {
return array(
'x' => lngToX($longitude, $zoom),
'y' => latToY($latitude, $zoom)
function xToLng($x, $zoom) {
return (($x * 360) / totalPixelsForZoomLevel($zoom)) - 180;
function yToLat($y, $zoom) {
$a = pi() * (($y / totalPixelsForZoomLevel($zoom - 1)) - 1);
return -1 * (rad2deg(asin(tanh($a))));
function pixelsToLatLng($x, $y, $zoom) {
return array(
'lat' => yToLat($y, $zoom),
'lng' => xToLng($x, $zoom)
function tileToPixels($x, $y) {
return array(
'x' => $x * TILE_SIZE,
'y' => $y * TILE_SIZE
function pixelsToTile($x, $y) {
return array(
'x' => floor($x / TILE_SIZE),
'y' => floor($y / TILE_SIZE)
function positionInTile($x, $y) {
$tile = pixelsToTile($x, $y);
return array(
'x' => round(TILE_SIZE * (($x / TILE_SIZE) - $tile['x'])),
'y' => round(TILE_SIZE * (($y / TILE_SIZE) - $tile['y']))