current_observation; $weather = [ 'description' => null, 'icon' => [ 'url' => null, 'name' => null ], 'temp' => null, 'feelslike' => null, 'humidity' => null, 'wind' => null, 'pressure' => null, 'precip_today' => null, 'timezone' => [ 'offset' => null, 'name' => null, 'abbr' => null ] ]; if($current) { $loc = $current->display_location; if($loc) { $weather['location'] = [ 'city' => $loc->city, 'state' => $loc->state, 'country' => $loc->country, 'zip' => $loc->zip ]; $sunny = self::_sunny($current->display_location->latitude, $current->display_location->longitude, $current->local_tz_long); } else { $sunny = ['light'=>'day']; } $icon_name = self::_icon_name($current->icon, $sunny['light']); $weather['sun'] = $sunny; $weather['description'] = $current->weather; $weather['icon']['url'] = $current->icon_url; $weather['icon']['name'] = $icon_name; $weather['temp'] = [ 'num' => (double)$current->temp_f, 'unit' => '°F' ]; $weather['feelslike'] = [ 'num' => (double)$current->feelslike_f, 'unit' => '°F' ]; $weather['wind'] = [ 'num' => $current->wind_mph, 'unit' => 'mph' ]; $weather['pressure'] = [ 'num' => (int)$current->pressure_mb, 'unit' => 'mb' ]; $weather['precip_today'] = [ 'num' => (double)$current->precip_today_in, 'unit' => 'in' ]; $weather['humidity'] = [ 'num' => (int)str_replace('%','',$current->relative_humidity), 'unit' => '%' ]; $weather['timezone']['offset'] = $current->local_tz_offset; $weather['timezone']['name'] = $current->local_tz_long; $weather['timezone']['abbr'] = $current->local_tz_short; } #$weather['raw'] = $current; return $weather; } private static function _fetch($lat, $lng, $key) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''.$key.'/conditions/q/'.$lat.','.$lng.'.json'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $result = curl_exec($ch); if($result == FALSE) return FALSE; return json_decode($result); } // Returns "day" or "night" depending on whether the sun is up at the given location private static function _sunny($lat, $lng, $timezone) { // Get the beginning of the current day $now = new DateTime(); if(!$timezone) { $timezone = \p3k\Timezone::timezone_for_location($lat, $lng); } $tz = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $now->setTimeZone($tz); $offset = $now->format('Z')/3600; $now = $now->format('H') + ($now->format('i')/60); if($lat !== null) { $sunrise = date_sunrise($now, SUNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE, $lat, $lng, 108, $offset); $sunset = date_sunset($now, SUNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE, $lat, $lng, 108, $offset); return [ 'sunrise' => round($sunrise,2), 'sunset' => round($sunset,2), 'now' => round($now,2), 'light' => ($sunrise < $now && $now < $sunset) ? 'day' : 'night', ]; } else { return [ 'light' => 'unknown' ]; } } private static function _icon_name($icon, $sunny) { // This list is from // A mapping of wunderground to weather-icons is here $map = [ 'day' => [ 'chanceflurries' => 'snow-wind', 'chancerain' => 'day-rain', 'chancesleet' => 'sleet', 'chancesnow' => 'snow', 'chancetstorms' => 'thunderstorm', 'clear' => 'day-sunny', 'cloudy' => 'cloudy', 'flurries' => 'snow-wind', 'fog' => 'day-haze', 'hazy' => 'day-haze', 'mostlycloudy' => 'cloud', 'mostlysunny' => 'day-sunny-overcast', 'partlycloudy' => 'day-cloudy', 'partlysunny' => 'day-sunny-overcast', 'sleet' => 'sleet', 'rain' => 'rain', 'snow' => 'snow', 'sunny' => 'day-sunny', 'tstorms' => 'thunderstorm', ], 'night' => [ 'chanceflurries' => 'night-snow-wind', 'chancerain' => 'night-rain', 'chancesleet' => 'night-alt-sleet', 'chancesnow' => 'night-snow', 'chancetstorms' => 'night-thunderstorm', 'clear' => 'night-clear', 'cloudy' => 'cloudy', 'flurries' => 'night-alt-snow-wind', 'fog' => 'night-fog', 'hazy' => 'night-fog', 'mostlycloudy' => 'night-alt-cloudy', 'mostlysunny' => 'night-clear', 'partlycloudy' => 'night-alt-partly-cloudy', 'partlysunny' => 'night-alt-partly-cloudy', 'sleet' => 'night-alt-sleet', 'rain' => 'night-alt-showers', 'snow' => 'night-alt-snow', 'sunny' => 'night-clear', 'tstorms' => 'night-alt-thunderstorm', ] ]; if(array_key_exists($icon, $map[$sunny])) { return 'wi-'.$map[$sunny][$icon]; } else { return false; } } }