- ## Base URL
- The base URL of the static maps API is:
- ```
- https://atlas.p3k.io/map/img
- ```
- You can run your own instance of this for better performance.
- ## Parameters
- Parameters can be included in either the query string or in the POST body.
- * `zoom` - optional - Set the zoom level for the map. If not specified, a zoom level will be chosen that contains all markers on the map.
- * `maxzoom` - optional - When a zoom level is chosen automatically, this sets an upper limit on the zoom level that will be chosen. Useful if you know your basemaps don't have imagery past a certain zoom level.
- * `width` - default 300 - Width in pixels of the final image
- * `height` - default 300 - Height in pixels of the final image
- * `basemap` - default "streets" - Select the basemap
- * `streets` - Default [Esri street basemap](http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=7990d7ea55204450b8110d57e20c99ab)
- * `satellite` - Esri's [satellite basemap](http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=d802f08316e84c6592ef681c50178f17¢er=-71.055499,42.364247&level=15)
- * `hybrid` - Satellite basemap with labels
- * `topo` - Esri [topographic map](http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=a72b0766aea04b48bf7a0e8c27ccc007)
- * `gray` - Esri gray canvas with labels
- * `gray-background` - Esri [gray canvas](http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=8b3d38c0819547faa83f7b7aca80bd76) without labels
- * `oceans` - Esri [ocean basemap](http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=5ae9e138a17842688b0b79283a4353f6¢er=-122.255816,36.573652&level=8)
- * `national-geographic` - [National Geographic basemap](http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=d94dcdbe78e141c2b2d3a91d5ca8b9c9)
- * `osm` - [Open Street Map](http://www.openstreetmap.org/)
- * `stamen-toner` - [Stamen Toner](http://maps.stamen.com/toner/) black and white map with labels
- * `stamen-toner-background` - [Stamen Toner](http://maps.stamen.com/toner-background/) map without labels
- * `stamen-toner-lite` - [Stamen Toner Light](http://maps.stamen.com/toner-lite/) with labels
- * `stamen-terrain` - [Stamen Terrain](http://maps.stamen.com/terrain/) with labels
- * `stamen-terrain-background` - [Stamen Terrain](http://maps.stamen.com/terrain-background/) without labels
- * `stamen-watercolor` - [Stamen Watercolor](http://maps.stamen.com/watercolor/)
- * `tileurl` - To use other map tiles, you can provide the tile URL pattern. Make sure to include the literal strings `{x}` `{y}` `{z}` in the URL which will be replaced with the appropriate tile number when generating the map
- * `attribution` - default `none` - `none | esri | mapbox` - If you add attribution on the image in some other way, you can set this to "none", otherwise you can include the default esri or mapbox attributions
- * `latitude` - optional - Latitude to center the map at. Not needed if using the location parameter, or if specifying one or more markers.
- * `longitude` - optional - Longitude to center the map at.
- * `location` - optional - Free-form text that will be geocoded to center the map. Not needed if specifying a location with the latitude and longitude parameters, or if a marker is specified.
- * `marker[]` - Specify one or more markers to overlay on the map. Parameters are specified as: `key:value;`. See below for the full list of parameters.
- * `path[]` - Specify one or more paths to draw on the map. See below for the full list of parameters to draw a path.
- * `token` - To use external icons or tile URLs, provide an API key in the request. See below for documentation on configuring this.
- ## Markers
- * `location` - Free-form text that will be geocoded to place the pin
- * `lat` - If a `location` is not provided, you can specify the location with the `lat` and `lng` parameters.
- * `lng` - See above
- * `icon` - Icon to use for the marker. Must choose one of the icons provided in this library, or specify a full URL to a png image. If an invalid icon is specified, the marker will not be rendered.
- ### Built-In Marker Images
- * ![dot-large-blue](map-images/dot-large-blue.png) `dot-large-blue`
- * ![dot-large-gray](map-images/dot-large-gray.png) `dot-large-gray`
- * ![dot-large-green](map-images/dot-large-green.png) `dot-large-green`
- * ![dot-large-orange](map-images/dot-large-orange.png) `dot-large-orange`
- * ![dot-large-pink](map-images/dot-large-pink.png) `dot-large-pink`
- * ![dot-large-purple](map-images/dot-large-purple.png) `dot-large-purple`
- * ![dot-large-red](map-images/dot-large-red.png) `dot-large-red`
- * ![dot-large-yellow](map-images/dot-large-yellow.png) `dot-large-yellow`
- * ![dot-small-blue](map-images/dot-small-blue.png) `dot-small-blue`
- * ![dot-small-gray](map-images/dot-small-gray.png) `dot-small-gray`
- * ![dot-small-green](map-images/dot-small-green.png) `dot-small-green`
- * ![dot-small-orange](map-images/dot-small-orange.png) `dot-small-orange`
- * ![dot-small-pink](map-images/dot-small-pink.png) `dot-small-pink`
- * ![dot-small-purple](map-images/dot-small-purple.png) `dot-small-purple`
- * ![dot-small-red](map-images/dot-small-red.png) `dot-small-red`
- * ![dot-small-yellow](map-images/dot-small-yellow.png) `dot-small-yellow`
- * ![fb](map-images/fb.png) `fb`
- * ![google](map-images/google.png) `google`
- * ![large-blue-blank](map-images/large-blue-blank.png) `large-blue-blank`
- * ![large-blue-cutout](map-images/large-blue-cutout.png) `large-blue-cutout`
- * ![large-gray-blank](map-images/large-gray-blank.png) `large-gray-blank`
- * ![large-gray-cutout](map-images/large-gray-cutout.png) `large-gray-cutout`
- * ![large-gray-user](map-images/large-gray-user.png) `large-gray-user`
- * ![large-green-blank](map-images/large-green-blank.png) `large-green-blank`
- * ![large-green-cutout](map-images/large-green-cutout.png) `large-green-cutout`
- * ![large-orange-blank](map-images/large-orange-blank.png) `large-orange-blank`
- * ![large-orange-cutout](map-images/large-orange-cutout.png) `large-orange-cutout`
- * ![large-pink-blank](map-images/large-pink-blank.png) `large-pink-blank`
- * ![large-pink-cutout](map-images/large-pink-cutout.png) `large-pink-cutout`
- * ![large-purple-blank](map-images/large-purple-blank.png) `large-purple-blank`
- * ![large-purple-cutout](map-images/large-purple-cutout.png) `large-purple-cutout`
- * ![large-red-blank](map-images/large-red-blank.png) `large-red-blank`
- * ![large-red-cutout](map-images/large-red-cutout.png) `large-red-cutout`
- * ![large-yellow-blank](map-images/large-yellow-blank.png) `large-yellow-blank`
- * ![large-yellow-cutout](map-images/large-yellow-cutout.png) `large-yellow-cutout`
- * ![large-yellow-message](map-images/large-yellow-message.png) `large-yellow-message`
- * ![large-yellow-user](map-images/large-yellow-user.png) `large-yellow-user`
- * ![small-blue-blank](map-images/small-blue-blank.png) `small-blue-blank`
- * ![small-blue-cutout](map-images/small-blue-cutout.png) `small-blue-cutout`
- * ![small-gray-blank](map-images/small-gray-blank.png) `small-gray-blank`
- * ![small-gray-cutout](map-images/small-gray-cutout.png) `small-gray-cutout`
- * ![small-gray-message](map-images/small-gray-message.png) `small-gray-message`
- * ![small-gray-user](map-images/small-gray-user.png) `small-gray-user`
- * ![small-green-blank](map-images/small-green-blank.png) `small-green-blank`
- * ![small-green-cutout](map-images/small-green-cutout.png) `small-green-cutout`
- * ![small-green-user](map-images/small-green-user.png) `small-green-user`
- * ![small-orange-blank](map-images/small-orange-blank.png) `small-orange-blank`
- * ![small-orange-cutout](map-images/small-orange-cutout.png) `small-orange-cutout`
- * ![small-pink-blank](map-images/small-pink-blank.png) `small-pink-blank`
- * ![small-pink-cutout](map-images/small-pink-cutout.png) `small-pink-cutout`
- * ![small-pink-user](map-images/small-pink-user.png) `small-pink-user`
- * ![small-purple-blank](map-images/small-purple-blank.png) `small-purple-blank`
- * ![small-purple-cutout](map-images/small-purple-cutout.png) `small-purple-cutout`
- * ![small-red-blank](map-images/small-red-blank.png) `small-red-blank`
- * ![small-red-cutout](map-images/small-red-cutout.png) `small-red-cutout`
- * ![small-yellow-blank](map-images/small-yellow-blank.png) `small-yellow-blank`
- * ![small-yellow-cutout](map-images/small-yellow-cutout.png) `small-yellow-cutout`
- * ![small-yellow-user](map-images/small-yellow-user.png) `small-yellow-user`
- ## Authentication
- To be able to use externally-referenced icons or tile URLs, you will need to configure API keys and provide a token in the request. This locks down the ability to fetch external resources to only trusted users of the system.
- Create a file `data/apikeys.txt` and generate a random string with a tool of your choosing, and with one API key per line. Any value passed in the parameter `token` that matches the text in a line in this file will enable the request to use the restricted features that reference external URLs.
- ## Paths
- A path is specified as a list of longitude and latitudes, as well as optional properties to specify the weight and color of the path.
- The coordinates of the path are the first value of the property, specified as a list of coordinates similar to GeoJSON.
- ### Examples
- Simple path with default color and weight.
- ```
- path[]=[-122.651082,45.508543],[-122.653617,45.506468],[-122.654183,45.506756]
- ```
- Specifying the color and weight of the path.
- ```
- path[]=[-122.651082,45.508543],[-122.653617,45.506468],[-122.654183,45.506756];weight:6;color:0033ff
- ```
- ## Examples
- ### Simple map centered at a location
- ```
- https://atlas.p3k.io/map/img?basemap=gray&width=400&height=240&zoom=14&latitude=45.5165&longitude=-122.6764
- ```
- <img src="/map/img?basemap=gray&width=400&height=240&zoom=14&latitude=45.5165&longitude=-122.6764">
- ### Map with a marker centered at an address
- ```
- https://atlas.p3k.io/map/img?marker[]=location:920%20SW%203rd%20Ave,%20Portland,%20OR;icon:small-blue-cutout&basemap=gray&width=400&height=240&zoom=14
- ```
- <img src="/map/img?marker[]=location:920%20SW%203rd%20Ave,%20Portland,%20OR;icon:small-blue-cutout&basemap=gray&width=400&height=240&zoom=14">