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<script src="{{ asset('js/scoreboard.js') }}"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<table class="table scoreboard">
@foreach($missions as $mission)
<th class="score">
<h3>{{ $mission->id }}</h3>
<a href="{{ route('mission', $mission) }}">{{ $mission->hashtag }}</a>
<th class="score">Score</th>
@foreach($teams as $team)
<tr data-team="{{ $team->slug }}">
<div class="team">
<span class="team-icon" style="background-color: #{{ $team->color }};"></span>
<span class="team-name"><a href="{{ route('team', $team) }}">{{ $team->name }}</a></span>
<div class="players">
@foreach($team->players as $player)
<div class="profile float-left">
<a href="{{ $player->twitter }}" title="{{ $player->twitter }}"><img src="{{ $player->photo }}" style="border-color: {{ '#'.$team->color }}"></a>
@foreach($missions as $mission)
<td class="score" data-mission="{{ $mission->slug }}">
<div class="team-wrap">
<div class="team">
@if($mission->progress($team)[0] >= 1)
<span class="team-icon outlined {{ $mission->complete($team) ? '' : 'empty' }}"
style="background-color: #{{ $team->color }}; border-color: #{{ $team->color }};">
<span>{{ $mission->score($team) }}</span>
<td class="total score">
<b>{{ $team->total_score() }}</b>