@ -46534,7 +46534,8 @@ module.exports = {
_this . queue . push ( e ) ;
_this . queue . push ( e ) ;
// If the new tweet is one that timed out, dismiss it
// If the new tweet is one that timed out, dismiss it
if ( _this . show && _this . tweet . tweet_id == e . tweet_id ) {
if ( _this . show && _this . tweet . tweet_id == e . tweet_id ) {
_this . dismissTweet ( ) ;
_this . tweet = { } ;
_this . show = false ;
} ) . listen ( 'TweetClaimedEvent' , function ( e ) {
} ) . listen ( 'TweetClaimedEvent' , function ( e ) {
@ -46724,7 +46725,7 @@ module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c
style : ( 'background-color: #' + _vm . tweet . team_color )
style : ( 'background-color: #' + _vm . tweet . team_color )
} ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'span' , {
} ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'span' , {
staticClass : "team-name"
staticClass : "team-name"
} , [ _vm . _v ( _vm . _s ( _vm . tweet . team_name ) ) ] ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'button' , {
} , [ _vm . _v ( _vm . _s ( _vm . tweet . team_name ) ) ] ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'h2' , [ _vm . _v ( _vm . _s ( _vm . tweet . mission ) ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( ' button' , {
staticClass : "close" ,
staticClass : "close" ,
attrs : {
attrs : {
"type" : "button"
"type" : "button"
@ -46769,10 +46770,286 @@ module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c
} ) ] )
} ) ] )
} ) ) : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
} ) ) : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "multi-photo-clear"
staticClass : "multi-photo-clear"
} ) ] ) : _vm . _e ( ) ] ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
} ) ] ) : _vm . _e ( ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "tweet-reply"
} , [ _c ( 'textarea' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . replyText ) ,
expression : "replyText"
} ] ,
staticClass : "form-control" ,
staticStyle : {
"margin-bottom" : "4px"
} ,
attrs : {
"rows" : "2"
} ,
domProps : {
"value" : ( _vm . replyText )
} ,
on : {
"input" : function ( $event ) {
if ( $event . target . composing ) { return ; }
_vm . replyText = $event . target . value
} ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'button' , {
staticClass : "btn btn-primary" ,
attrs : {
"type" : "submit" ,
"disabled" : _vm . isTweetReplyDisabled
} , [ _vm . _v ( "Reply" ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "clear"
} ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "tweet-actions"
} , [ _c ( 'button' , {
staticClass : "btn btn-success" ,
attrs : {
"type" : "button" ,
"disabled" : _vm . isAcceptDisabled
} , [ _vm . _v ( "Accept" ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'button' , {
staticClass : "btn btn-danger" ,
attrs : {
"type" : "button"
} , [ _vm . _v ( "Reject" ) ] ) ] ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "col-md-4"
staticClass : "col-md-4"
} , [ _c ( 'div' , [ _vm . _v ( _vm . _s ( _vm . tweet . mission ) ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) : _vm . _e ( )
} , staticRenderFns : [ ] }
} , [ ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 1 ) ? [ _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _vm . _v ( "\n The photo must show the sign with the transit line\n " ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "form-group"
} , [ _c ( 'select' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedTransitLine ) ,
expression : "selectedTransitLine"
} ] ,
staticClass : "form-control" ,
on : {
"change" : function ( $event ) {
var $$selectedVal = Array . prototype . filter . call ( $event . target . options , function ( o ) {
return o . selected
} ) . map ( function ( o ) {
var val = "_value" in o ? o . _value : o . value ;
return val
} ) ;
_vm . selectedTransitLine = $event . target . multiple ? $$selectedVal : $$selectedVal [ 0 ]
} , [ _c ( 'option' , {
attrs : {
"value" : ""
} ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _l ( ( _vm . lines ) , function ( line ) {
return _c ( 'option' , {
domProps : {
"value" : line . id
} , [ _vm . _v ( _vm . _s ( line . name ) ) ] )
} ) ] , 2 ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "form-group"
} , [ _c ( 'input' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedNonTrimetLine ) ,
expression : "selectedNonTrimetLine"
} ] ,
staticClass : "form-control" ,
attrs : {
"type" : "text" ,
"placeholder" : "Non-Trimet Line"
} ,
domProps : {
"value" : ( _vm . selectedNonTrimetLine )
} ,
on : {
"input" : function ( $event ) {
if ( $event . target . composing ) { return ; }
_vm . selectedNonTrimetLine = $event . target . value
} ) ] ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 2 ) ? [ _vm . _m ( 0 ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "form-group"
} , [ _c ( 'select' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedTransitCenter ) ,
expression : "selectedTransitCenter"
} ] ,
staticClass : "form-control" ,
on : {
"change" : function ( $event ) {
var $$selectedVal = Array . prototype . filter . call ( $event . target . options , function ( o ) {
return o . selected
} ) . map ( function ( o ) {
var val = "_value" in o ? o . _value : o . value ;
return val
} ) ;
_vm . selectedTransitCenter = $event . target . multiple ? $$selectedVal : $$selectedVal [ 0 ]
} , [ _c ( 'option' , {
attrs : {
"value" : ""
} ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _l ( ( _vm . centers ) , function ( stop ) {
return _c ( 'option' , {
domProps : {
"value" : stop . id
} , [ _vm . _v ( _vm . _s ( stop . name ) ) ] )
} ) ] , 2 ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "form-group"
} , [ _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "checkbox"
} , [ _c ( 'label' , [ _c ( 'input' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam ) ,
expression : "selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam"
} ] ,
attrs : {
"type" : "checkbox"
} ,
domProps : {
"checked" : Array . isArray ( _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam ) ? _vm . _i ( _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam , null ) > - 1 : ( _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam )
} ,
on : {
"__c" : function ( $event ) {
var $$a = _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam ,
$$el = $event . target ,
$$c = $$el . checked ? ( true ) : ( false ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( $$a ) ) {
var $$v = null ,
$$i = _vm . _i ( $$a , $$v ) ;
if ( $$c ) {
$$i < 0 && ( _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam = $$a . concat ( $$v ) )
} else {
$$i > - 1 && ( _vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam = $$a . slice ( 0 , $$i ) . concat ( $$a . slice ( $$i + 1 ) ) )
} else {
_vm . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam = $$c
} ) , _vm . _v ( "\n Another team is in the photo\n " ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 3 ) ? [ _vm . _m ( 1 ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 4 ) ? [ _vm . _m ( 2 ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 5 ) ? [ _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _vm . _v ( "\n Accept a photo of either a team member singing, or a photo of tipping the bus driver\n " ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "form-group"
} , [ _c ( 'label' , [ _c ( 'input' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedM5Singing ) ,
expression : "selectedM5Singing"
} ] ,
attrs : {
"type" : "checkbox"
} ,
domProps : {
"checked" : Array . isArray ( _vm . selectedM5Singing ) ? _vm . _i ( _vm . selectedM5Singing , null ) > - 1 : ( _vm . selectedM5Singing )
} ,
on : {
"__c" : function ( $event ) {
var $$a = _vm . selectedM5Singing ,
$$el = $event . target ,
$$c = $$el . checked ? ( true ) : ( false ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( $$a ) ) {
var $$v = null ,
$$i = _vm . _i ( $$a , $$v ) ;
if ( $$c ) {
$$i < 0 && ( _vm . selectedM5Singing = $$a . concat ( $$v ) )
} else {
$$i > - 1 && ( _vm . selectedM5Singing = $$a . slice ( 0 , $$i ) . concat ( $$a . slice ( $$i + 1 ) ) )
} else {
_vm . selectedM5Singing = $$c
} ) , _vm . _v ( "\n Singing\n " ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'label' , [ _c ( 'input' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedM5Tipping ) ,
expression : "selectedM5Tipping"
} ] ,
attrs : {
"type" : "checkbox"
} ,
domProps : {
"checked" : Array . isArray ( _vm . selectedM5Tipping ) ? _vm . _i ( _vm . selectedM5Tipping , null ) > - 1 : ( _vm . selectedM5Tipping )
} ,
on : {
"__c" : function ( $event ) {
var $$a = _vm . selectedM5Tipping ,
$$el = $event . target ,
$$c = $$el . checked ? ( true ) : ( false ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( $$a ) ) {
var $$v = null ,
$$i = _vm . _i ( $$a , $$v ) ;
if ( $$c ) {
$$i < 0 && ( _vm . selectedM5Tipping = $$a . concat ( $$v ) )
} else {
$$i > - 1 && ( _vm . selectedM5Tipping = $$a . slice ( 0 , $$i ) . concat ( $$a . slice ( $$i + 1 ) ) )
} else {
_vm . selectedM5Tipping = $$c
} ) , _vm . _v ( "\n Tipping the driver\n " ) ] ) ] ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 6 ) ? [ _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _vm . _v ( "\n The photo must show all team members with their completed visas\n " ) ] ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . tweet . mission_id == 7 ) ? [ _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _vm . _v ( "\n Accept a photo that completes one of the below documents:\n " ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "form-group"
} , _vm . _l ( ( _vm . documents ) , function ( doc ) {
return _c ( 'div' , {
staticClass : "radio"
} , [ _c ( 'label' , [ _c ( 'input' , {
directives : [ {
name : "model" ,
rawName : "v-model" ,
value : ( _vm . selectedDocument ) ,
expression : "selectedDocument"
} ] ,
attrs : {
"type" : "radio" ,
"name" : "selectedDocument"
} ,
domProps : {
"value" : doc . id ,
"checked" : _vm . _q ( _vm . selectedDocument , doc . id )
} ,
on : {
"__c" : function ( $event ) {
_vm . selectedDocument = doc . id
} ) , _vm . _v ( "\n " + _vm . _s ( doc . description ) + "\n " ) ] ) ] )
} ) ) ] : _vm . _e ( ) ] , 2 ) ] ) ] ) ] ) : _vm . _e ( )
} , staticRenderFns : [ function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ;
return _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _c ( 'ul' , [ _c ( 'li' , [ _vm . _v ( "Photo must show the sign with the transit center" ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'li' , [ _vm . _v ( "Bonus points if another team and their pennant are visible!" ) ] ) ] ) ] )
} , function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ;
return _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _c ( 'ul' , [ _c ( 'li' , [ _vm . _v ( "Make sure this photo is on the tram or at the top tram station" ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'li' , [ _vm . _v ( "Reject if it shows the rooftop with the code!" ) ] ) ] ) ] )
} , function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ;
return _c ( 'p' , {
staticClass : "instructions"
} , [ _c ( 'ul' , [ _c ( 'li' , [ _vm . _v ( "The photo must include the radio" ) ] ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'li' , [ _vm . _v ( "Reject if it shows the decoded message" ) ] ) ] ) ] )
} ] }
module . exports . render . _withStripped = true
module . exports . render . _withStripped = true
if ( false ) {
if ( false ) {
module . hot . accept ( )
module . hot . accept ( )
@ -46785,6 +47062,119 @@ if (false) {
/* 61 */
/* 61 */
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
@ -46837,12 +47227,58 @@ if (false) {
module . exports = {
module . exports = {
props : [ 'show' , 'tweet' ] ,
props : [ 'show' , 'tweet' ] ,
data : function data ( ) {
data : function data ( ) {
return { } ;
return {
documents : [ ] ,
centers : [ ] ,
lines : [ ] ,
replyText : '' ,
selectedDocument : false ,
selectedTransitCenter : false ,
selectedTransitLine : false ,
selectedNonTrimetLine : '' ,
selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam : false ,
selectedM5Singing : false ,
selectedM5Tipping : false
} ;
} ,
} ,
computed : {
isAcceptDisabled : function isAcceptDisabled ( ) {
if ( this . show ) {
switch ( this . tweet . mission_id ) {
case 1 :
return this . selectedTransitLine == false && this . selectedNonTrimetLine == '' ;
case 2 :
return this . selectedTransitCenter == false ;
case 3 :
case 4 :
case 6 :
// Nothing to check
return false ;
case 5 :
return this . selectedM5Singing == false && this . selectedM5Tipping == false ;
case 7 :
return this . selectedDocument == false ;
default :
return true ;
} else {
return true ;
} ,
isTweetReplyDisabled : function isTweetReplyDisabled ( ) {
return this . replyText == '' ;
} ,
methods : {
methods : {
dismiss : function dismiss ( ) {
dismiss : function dismiss ( ) {
this . $emit ( 'dismiss' ) ;
this . $emit ( 'dismiss' ) ;
this . selectedDocument = false ;
this . selectedTransitCenter = false ;
this . selectedTransitLine = false ;
this . selectedNonTrimetLine = '' ;
this . selectedPhotoHasAnotherTeam = false ;
this . replyText = '' ;
} ,
} ,
watch : {
watch : {
@ -46852,11 +47288,17 @@ module.exports = {
// https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Async-Update-Queue
// https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Async-Update-Queue
Vue . nextTick ( function ( ) {
Vue . nextTick ( function ( ) {
$ ( ".multi-photo .photo" ) . featherlight ( ) ;
$ ( ".multi-photo .photo" ) . featherlight ( ) ;
} ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ,
} ,
created : function created ( ) { }
created : function created ( ) {
$ . get ( "/dashboard/dropdowns" , function ( response ) {
this . centers = response . transit_centers ;
this . lines = response . transit_lines ;
this . documents = response . documents ;
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ } ) ,